The more you practice martial arts, the more you will be exhausted.

Jiang Nanhe actually cares about physical exercise, but it is too hard and tiring.

Every day he gets up before dawn to do horse stance. After an hour, his body is basically tired all over. Jiang Nanhe's calves are shaking and he can't stand up.

But the general won't let Jiang Nanhe rest. This is how martial arts training is. It must be strict.

The general prepared the things needed for the medicinal bath for Jiang Nanhe early in the morning. He boiled various herbs. In order to keep the temperature, the general even put Jiang Nanhe's bathtub on the fire.

Jiang Nanhe's bathtub was carved out of a large stone and it took a long time to heat up.

But the general was patient. He would crush the herbs he had prepared, and cut them into pieces, and then boil them and let Jiang Nanhe soak in them.

Jiang Nanhe sat in his bathtub, his legs trembling all the time. This was the seventh day of his training. He had a very painful seven days, but no matter how painful it was, he had to go on.

According to the general, he was now laying the foundation. After laying a good foundation, he could practice the internal skills that the general had practiced before.

After practicing the internal skills, he would practice the external skills, and then practice the moves, and then practice the weapons. After practicing all of these, Jiang Nanhe should be able to become a martial arts master.

Jiang Nanhe swallowed the pie drawn by the general with tears.

He had no choice but to swallow it. He knew he couldn't escape. He only hoped that he would quickly finish the learning tasks set by the general, and then achieve liberation.

Jiang Nanhe knew that suffering more now would lay a good foundation for his future, so no matter how hard or tired he was, he didn't say to give up.

The medicinal bath needs to be taken for a full half hour. During this process, the general only took out some of the firewood under Jiang Nanhe's bathtub, but did not take it all out. Jiang Nanhe's bathtub has always maintained a constant temperature.

After Jiang Nanhe finished his bath and relieved some of his fatigue, the general would carry him out and then conduct character recognition training.

Character recognition training is carried out together with breakfast. Jiang Nanhe will seize this gap while eating to learn more characters. After all, the general does not need to eat, only Jiang Nanhe and the lamb need to eat.

After eating, Jiang Nanhe has to take another medicinal bath.

This medicinal bath is different from the medicinal bath taken after morning exercises in the morning. The medicinal bath taken after morning exercises in the morning is to relieve fatigue and increase his physical strength so that he can carry out more intensive training.

The medicinal bath after breakfast is to stimulate his body, greatly increase his physical activity, and make the changes more powerful. Therefore, a lot of medicine is used in this medicinal bath, and once soaked in, Nanhe will feel more pain all over his body.

This kind of pain is simply unbearable. After all, when you take a medicinal bath, your whole body will be exposed to the medicine. The whole body, whether it is bones or muscles, will emit that kind of pain.

This kind of pain made Jiang Nanhe sweat coldly. Seeing Jiang Nanhe breathing hard and gasping in the bathtub, the general felt distressed.

In his opinion, it is really distressing for Jiang Nanhe to experience this now, but this is Jiang Nanhe's own choice, and he can't intervene.

Besides, the world is probably in chaos again now. Although he can protect Jiang Nanhe from danger, he can't protect him in all situations.

The general knew the threat of the human army to him. Although he could protect Jiang Nanhe from ordinary mountain monsters or practitioners, he could protect Jiang Nanhe.

But facing the siege of layers of troops, he couldn't do anything at all, or facing multiple enemies, he couldn't do anything. He didn't dare to stay too far away from Jiang Nanhe.

Once they are too far away from Jiang Nanhe, Jiang Nanhe himself will easily face a life-and-death crisis if he has no self-protection ability. If there are too many enemies, they will face such a dilemma. Only when Jiang Nanhe's own strength is improved can he feel at ease.

The general always remembers an old saying in his heart: it is better to pray to yourself than to pray to God and Buddha, and it is better to make your own decisions and fill yourself up. This is the best choice. No matter what kind of crisis and situation you face, only when you are strong can you be truly strong.

The general was also somewhat fortunate that Jiang Nanhe knew this truth, so no matter what he taught Jiang Nanhe or guided Jiang Nanhe to exercise, Jiang Nanhe could silently eat these, which he thought was the pain that ordinary children could not bear at all.

Jiang Nanhe lay in the bathtub, big

He gasped heavily, and his whole body was numb from the pain.

He didn't know what medicine the general gave him, but once the medicine was mixed together and absorbed by the body, his whole body began to ache.

However, the reason why Jiang Nanhe knew that the bath was so painful, but he endured it silently, was because when he absorbed the medicinal power of the bath, his whole body would be filled with an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Jiang Nanhe guessed that it might be too painful to take the bath, and when the effect of the medicine disappeared and the body returned to normal, he would find that this normal state was too comfortable, so he would have that feeling.

It is also possible that the bath was really useful. Anyway, every time the bath ended, Jiang Nanhe's physical fitness would be a little higher. He can now walk very fast, and his body has grown a little taller. He can run and jump without restrictions. He is now almost like an ordinary big child, not at all like a young child who is less than one year old.

After all, ordinary children, like him, have difficulty even walking at his age. Now he can walk and run, and his body has become somewhat tough, not as soft as ordinary babies.

Jiang Nanhe is very clear about the changes in his body. Since he started to exercise, his whole body has undergone extraordinary changes every day.

Especially these medicinal baths, the general saw that Jiang Nanhe's breathing in the bathtub was getting more and more stable, and knew that the morning training was over.

After Jiang Nanhe finished taking the medicinal bath this time, he would rest for two hours.

According to the general, this is the lunch break time. During these two hours, Jiang Nanhe does not need to do anything. He only needs to meditate quietly on the top of the mountain, carefully feeling the changes in every part of himself and the changes in the nature of the mountains.

The original words of the general are to cultivate Jiang Nanhe's temperament. Practicing martial arts is not only to strengthen the body, but also to cultivate the body and cultivate the character.

In the general's view, if you are strong, your will must also be strong. Physical strength is not strong. Only the strength of will and spirit is truly strong.

So after Jiang Nanhe finished his medicinal bath, he would meditate for two hours. Meditation is just sitting on the stone and being in a daze.

Every time Jiang Nanhe came to this point, he would close his eyes and sit on the stone. He would spend a small part of his time recalling his past memories and a small part of his time complaining in his heart.

He complained about today's experience and previous experiences, and for most of the rest of the time, he would think of nothing and just be in a daze quietly. He had gotten used to such days in the past week, and even being in a daze had a different taste to him.

During the daze, his soul seemed to be nourished. When he woke up, it was noon and the sun was shining warmly.

Jiang Nanhe stood up comfortably. I don't know why? Even though he sat on the rock for two hours, which was four hours in his previous life, he didn't feel numb at all. Instead, his body was warmed by the sun, and this warmth came from the inside out.

I don't know if it's because the sun has been shining for too long, or if there are any changes in his body, or it may be because of the herbs. Anyway, Jiang Nanhe likes this feeling very much, but the general only lets him meditate for two hours, no more.

After the meditation, it was around two or three in the afternoon. This time was set by Jiang Nanhe himself based on the time in his previous life, but he didn't tell anyone, just silently calculated the time in his mind.

At this time, the sun is hot, and the general has prepared food for Jiang Nanhe in advance.

This is Jiang Nanhe's lunch. Jiang Nanhe looked at the stew prepared by the general and his face drooped.

He didn't like to eat meat, or he didn't like to eat the meat of this dynasty. The meat was not very delicious, with a bloody and smelly smell that could not be dealt with, but he couldn't not eat meat.

The general's original words were that martial artists must eat more so that they can keep up with the nutrition. If Jiang Nanhe didn't eat, his body would not be able to bear it.

After silently swallowing the food prepared by the general, Jiang Nanhe will take a nap. Yes, this is the general's arrangement for him. He will sleep for an hour and then get up to exercise. After sleeping for an hour, the sun is not so hot and dazzling, and the weather has become much cooler. At this time, the general will teach Jiang Nanhe some martial arts moves and let Jiang Nanhe practice his skills.

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