After Jiang Nanhe finished his rest, his afternoon training was actually based on the content of a martial arts secret book provided by the general. This martial arts secret book is called "Bayun Gong", which includes internal martial arts skills and external martial arts moves. It is a very complete martial arts secret book. According to the general, this is the secret book he found that is more suitable for Jiang Nanhe. The general himself practiced other ones, but those were not suitable for Jiang Nanhe. Only this set of skills in his hand was more suitable. "Bayun Gong" contains internal martial arts skills, which describes the operation of internal martial arts skills. In addition, "Bayun Gong" also includes a set of palm techniques, a set of footwork, and a set of sword techniques. The palm technique is called Eight Cloud Palm, and there are 12 sets of changes in the moves. In other words, if you practice it to perfection, you can quickly swing 12 palms and directly destroy the enemy's internal organs.

The 12 palms that are swung quickly, mixed with the unique internal strength of "Eight Clouds", each palm has great lethality, and the Eight Cloud Palm has elegant movements and agile techniques. The difficulty of practicing is not too great. If you practice it to perfection, you can break a stone with one palm.

The steps of "Eight Clouds" are called Wind and Clouds. The name of this step is very strange. It is said that the person who created this step got inspiration from the phenomenon of wind blowing away the clouds in the sky and created this step.

After the whole step is practiced, the body shape will become particularly elegant. According to the original words of the general, if you practice it to perfection, you can walk on the snow without leaving any traces, walk easily on the treetops, or briefly float on the water.

Just like the name of the whole footwork, this set of skills is unrestricted, just like the wind, but it has its own set of operating rules, just like the wind blows away the clouds, and the scattered clouds gather together again, splitting and combining, combining and splitting, there is always a set of self-operating rules.

As for the swordsmanship, it is more ordinary. The Eight Cloud Sword has a total of eight moves, with average power, but there are many changes. When dealing with some enemies, the quick change of moves can make the enemy unable to distinguish the direction of your attack.

For this set of martial arts secrets, Jiang Nanhe is more concerned about the footwork of the wind and clouds.

He doesn't like swordsmanship or palm techniques. Besides, the names of palm techniques and sword techniques sound good, but according to the general's evaluation, they are just average. However, Jiang Nanhe has no choice. This average martial arts secret can cost him his life if he practices it.

For example, the Eight Cloud Palm, if he wants to practice it completely, he must first polish his palms, and the strength of his hands cannot be small.

After the lunch break, Jiang Nanhe started to practice. The general would use stones to grind bracelets and anklets and wear them on Jiang Nanhe's wrists and ankles.

The weight was not heavy, but it made Jiang Nanhe's movements much more difficult. The stone-carved rings rubbed against Jiang Nanhe's skin. Jiang Nanhe was doing the movements required by the martial arts secrets while shaking his hands and feet and moving back and forth.

Just a few hours of training in the afternoon, Jiang Nanhe's arms and ankles were already bruised, and even a lot of skin was worn out.

Jiang Nanhe felt the pain on his wrists and ankles, and his body couldn't help trembling. He was too young and not used to the pain in his body.

Now he is not like before, or when he was older in his previous life, even if his body was in pain, he would endure it without saying it, but now he is young and his body is too sensitive. The pain caused by the wounds on his body is difficult for him to bear.

At night, Jiang Nanhe also had a medicinal bath. This medicinal bath was to repair his injuries so that he could train normally tomorrow. Jiang Nanhe lay in the bathtub, and the wounds on his body felt painful like being stung by a bee.

This feeling was hard to bear. Jiang Nanhe silently clenched the stone ring on his wrist tightly.

Today was the second day for Jiang Nanhe to practice palm and footwork. According to the general's request, from today onwards, Jiang Nanhe could not take off the stone rings on his wrists and ankles. He had to exercise his strength from an early age.

At first, Jiang Nanhe was still worried whether such training would affect his physical development. After all, in his previous life, he had heard that exercising at a young age would affect his growth.

But the general's words rejected his idea. The general's original words were that every time he took a medicinal bath, he prevented exercise from affecting his physical development.

These medicinal baths were experimented by countless people in the general's dynasty. They were the crystallization of civilization with a complete set of rules. Jiang Nanhe could rest assured

, even if they don't have all the herbs now and can only use the simplified version.

According to the general's original words, Jiang Nanhe is now using a simplified version of the medicinal bath, but his training is also simplified. He actually rests a lot every day. The general said that he didn't have much time to recover his body when he was a child.

He would train himself to exhaustion, and then be thrown into the medicine barrel by the master who taught him martial arts to absorb the complete medicinal bath. After absorbing it, his body will become lively and then continue to train.

Jiang Nanhe's heart trembled when he heard it. He didn't dare to imagine how hard it would be. He trained himself to be unrecognizable with this simplified version of training. If the general trained himself according to the complete version of the training method, he didn't dare to imagine whether he would resist or stop practicing directly?

The general obviously knew Jiang Nanhe's thoughts clearly. He also had the experience of not wanting to practice when he was a child, but he was beaten out by his family. If he said he didn't want to practice, his family would really beat him to death. After all, it was his responsibility.

But now, Jiang Nanhe is different. Jiang Nanhe is the child he raised. Naturally, he cannot require Jiang Nanhe to follow the standards of his training at that time, so he will give Jiang Nanhe rest and meditation, and comprehend all things in the world, etc., which are relaxing mental and psychological training.

Jiang Nanhe is sincerely grateful for his arrangements and deployments. The general is a very good teacher, except that he is a little strict occasionally.

But everything the general taught Jiang Nanhe was extremely detailed. These are the paths the general has walked himself, with a lot of experience and self-insights.

Under his guidance, Jiang Nanhe only felt that his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes every day.

In addition to Jiang Nanhe himself, the lamb was also the same.

The general's original words were that the lamb became a monster and also had to exercise.

It's just that the lamb's training direction is different from Jiang Nanhe's. The lamb's training is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and his own body, which is much simpler than Jiang Nanhe's.

Now the lamb spends three hours a day meditating to absorb the scattered spiritual energy between heaven and earth, but the lamb doesn't seem to understand this very well. He often stays for only half an hour and then goes out for a walk.

The general didn't ask too much of the lamb. After all, animals have high IQs and can understand what he means. It's good enough to meditate quietly. Therefore, the lamb's total meditation time does not exceed half an hour in three hours a day.

The rest of the time is to exercise the lamb's physique. Like Jiang Nanhe, the lamb also did weight training at the beginning.

But it is obvious that the lamb's training intensity is much higher than Jiang Nanhe.

The general used the big rocks in the mountains to carve the lamb's training props. When the lamb was training his physical strength, the general would wrap the rock-carved chains around the lamb and ask the lamb to pull the boulder over and over again on the mountain.

The stone was high, heavy and hard. It was very difficult and hard for the lamb to walk every time, but he didn't say anything about giving up.

After he completed the general's training goal, there was also a medicinal bath waiting for him.

Frequent medicinal baths made Jiang Nanhe and his team have less herbs. In order to ensure that they always have medicine, the general decided that they had to go out to find a batch of herbs every 15 days of training.

Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang agreed with the general's proposal. The process of finding medicine was not only the general's training to teach them how to survive in the wild, but also to let them relax for a while.

Xiaoyang and Jiang Nanhe could feel the obvious changes in their bodies after the medicinal bath every day, so they became more and more convinced of the general's words and listened to him more and more.

Every day, the general took Jiang Nanhe's homemade brush and began to write the training plan for one person and one sheep. He had to arrange it for them so that they could grow up safely and steadily.

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