After a long time of hard work, Jiang Nanhe was busy.

Fifteen days of training and half a day of rest, this half day is a rare moment of peace for Jiang Nanhe. The high-intensity training every day makes Jiang Nanhe suffer a lot, but he has to suffer these hardships. In order to practice martial arts and learn to read, these things are necessary.

After training hard for half a month and resting for half a day, Jiang Nanhe doesn't need to do anything in this half day, but he is used to being busy, and he is not used to stopping suddenly.

He began to become idle. After all, he was too young, and there was nothing fun on Qinshan. The most important thing is that under his child's shell, he is a mature soul.

Those things that are not important for children to do are more childish in Jiang Nanhe's view. He might as well continue to practice martial arts when he has time to play.

If the general hadn't told him that he had to rest, Jiang Nanhe actually didn't want to stop. The transformation of his body made him particularly fascinated, but the general said that doing anything too much is as bad as not doing enough, so he forced Jiang Nanhe to rest.

Jiang Nanhe, who had nothing to do, wandered around the top of Qinshan Mountain for a while, but still couldn't find what he wanted to do. The general had already done all the work on the top of the mountain. What Jiang Nanhe needed to worry about every day was how to exercise, so Jiang Nanhe, who had nothing to do, returned to the room and began to meditate.

This was the only thing he could do now. The general thought that Jiang Nanhe's arrangement was fine as long as he could relax his tense mind.

Jiang Nanhe rested for half a day, and after lunch, they were about to leave Qinshan.

According to the general's plan, they would go to other mountains and rivers to find some things that Jiang Nanhe might use in the future, and explore the surrounding environment by the way.

They planned to spend two and a half days on this process. After the exploration, they would return to Qinshan. Jiang Nanhe would continue training. If there were no accidents, Jiang Nanhe would rest for half a day after fifteen days of training. After the rest, he would explore again, but in a different direction.

These were the arrangements made by the general. Jiang Nanhe felt that it was reasonable. Although this would slow down the efficiency of his training, it also gave him enough time to find herbs and other things that he could use.

To practice martial arts, various herbs must be prepared. After all, their resources in Qinshan were still somewhat scarce, and many herbs were not available.

The general had said before that further south from their location was a continuous stretch of mountains and forests. This could be said to be the southernmost part of the entire country.

There were endless mountains in the south, with rich resources. There were things that Jiang Nanhe needed. As for what kind of precious medicine it was, the general did not say. Anyway, the general said that if he went south, he would find the medicine that Jiang Nanhe needed at this stage.

The general was unwilling to explain it in detail, and Jiang Nanhe did not ask in detail. The general did not say it for his own reasons.

After a half-day break, Jiang Nanhe and his men set off. Their luggage was very simple, just a simple package. With the general, Jiang Nanhe felt that any preparation was useless, as they were not as good as the general.

Facts have proved that Jiang Nanhe's idea was right, and the general's existence changed their lives.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the lamb's back. Since the lamb became a monster, his body has grown a lot. He is now as tall as the lamb. Now Jiang Nanhe sits on the lamb, which is very easy for the lamb and not a burden.

They walked in a dense forest. The lamb's steps were not slow, and Jiang Nanhe sat on it very steadily. In the hot summer, the forest still retained some coolness. Although it was cooler than the top of the mountain, it was also a bit troublesome.

In summer, mosquitoes, rats and ants are still particularly arrogant. When Jiang Nanhe first entered the forest, mosquitoes always harassed him. He was very annoyed, but there was no solution. Even the lamb could not avoid the harassment of mosquitoes.

I don't know why the little sheep monster can't drive away mosquitoes. In the past, Jiang Nanhe heard that monsters have a special sense of oppression, and ordinary creatures should retreat.

But the little sheep was annoyed by mosquitoes, which broke Jiang Nanhe's imagination. It was the general who took action. He raised his hand and swayed a burst of golden light, so that ordinary mosquitoes, rats and ants could not have any effect on Jiang Nanhe and the little sheep.

Jiang Nanhe silently praised the general in his heart. The general's existence can be said to be very omnipotent. From the ground to the various small details in life, the general can solve them for Jiang Nanhe.

Sitting behind the little sheep, Jiang Nanhe observed the surrounding environment while talking to the general in his heart.

The general patiently answered Jiang Nanhe's questions and observed the direction. In fact, the general didn't want to take Jiang Nanhe and the others out. Jiang Nanhe was too young and too easy to get into danger. But he couldn't leave without Jiang Nanhe. He was Jiang Nanhe's patron saint and couldn't leave Jiang Nanhe too far away. Besides, the general was also worried about the previous situation. He didn't want to experience it again and be robbed by unknown monsters. The general showed up, and his golden armor was more dazzling against the mottled woods. The general lowered his head slightly and projected his vision, which was slightly blocked by the mask, onto Jiang Nanhe and the lamb. "There are some dangers in the forest ahead." At this point, the general paused and continued to speak. "There is a long worm in the grass ahead. Judging from its size, it has lived for some years. I don't plan to take action. Let the lamb go."

Jiang Nanhe felt a little nervous when he heard the general's words.

"General, is this okay? The lamb is only a few months old and has never seen any scene. What if something unexpected happens?"

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's inner thoughts and shook his head in the air. Jiang Nanhe, this little brat, was a little doting on the lamb, but did he underestimate the lamb? The lamb was a little monster in the Qi Refining Stage. In terms of physical fitness alone, the lamb was much stronger than Jiang Nanhe.

"Don't worry. No matter how bad the lamb is, it has awakened its innate magic. It is easy to face these ordinary wild animals in the mountains."

As the general spoke, he picked up Jiang Nanhe from the lamb's back. Jiang Nanhe floated in the air, looking at the lamb.

The lamb did not look back. He had received the general's order and was silently accumulating strength.

Jiang Nanhe shouted to the lamb in the air, warning the lamb to be careful.

"Little lamb, don't be careless. The big snakes in the mountains are poisonous. Don't get bit by them, and don't get entangled by them."

Jiang Nanhe was in the general's arms, nagging the lamb. Seeing this, the general raised his hand to cover Jiang Nanhe's mouth.

"When the two armies are fighting, don't speak to disturb the morale of the army."

Jiang Nanhe grabbed the general's arm and nodded helplessly.

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