The baby stretched out his chubby little hand and tugged at the small blanket and warm coat that wrapped him.

Compared with the wrinkled skin of ordinary newborn babies, the baby in the swaddle was obviously different.

His skin was white and soft, and the child looked chubby and cute.

Of course, if you ignore the strange eye on his forehead, it is so.

If you add that eye, it would be a bit scary.

His eyes were closed, and only the eye on his forehead was open, as if the sigh just now did not come from his mouth.

The child slowly wrapped himself tightly in the swaddling clothes. He knew his fate since birth.

The chubby child's tightly closed eyes trembled, and then slowly opened.

His pupils were a light yellow color, and they looked like the earth, giving people a very soothing and calm feeling, which was completely different from the black pupils in his vertical pupils.

In fact, the child had some self-awareness in his mother's belly.

In his cognition, he lived in a special country in his previous life, and that country developed a kind of existence called technology.

In that country, people used technology to go up to the sky and down to the sea to explore the mysteries of the planet, and the child was an ordinary human in that world.

He spent the first half of his life studying, and the chaotic knowledge was the bricks and stones for his life to move forward, and this knowledge led him forward.

It was just an accident that their planet encountered a major disaster, and he also died in that disaster because of saving people.

The baby can still clearly feel the pain of his whole body being shattered at the moment of his death in his previous life. The horrific scene of the landslide and the crack of the ground is deeply reflected in his mind.

Although he died for saving people, he did not enter the underworld or hell that might exist in his mind. Instead, he woke up again and appeared in the belly of his mother in this life.

In his mother's belly, he grew and developed silently. Occasionally, he recalled the memories of his previous life, but the strange thing was that he could remember many memories of his previous life, but he only forgot his name.

He had all the experiences of his previous life, but he even forgot what his name was. It seemed that the existence of his name was erased from his memory, which made him feel a little weird.

Later, when he grew bigger and bigger in his mother's belly, he threw away this weirdness.

Because he was a twin, the other brother often harassed him, which made him feel very annoyed.

Moreover, he was sleeping most of the time in his mother's belly, so he didn't have much energy to think about these weird things.

Later, when they were born full-term, the baby knew that he might not live long.

Because as soon as he was born, the eyes on his forehead opened, and he could clearly see the layout of the room.

The antique and even somewhat simple layout was very similar to the ancient appearance in his previous life.

In addition, his own strange ability to see things as soon as he was born also made him know his strangeness that was different from ordinary people.

He saw the horror in the eyes of the old man who delivered him, and his own appearance reflected in the pupils, white skin, cute and lovely face, and the strange vertical pupils on his forehead that were wide open and dark.

Since discovering his strangeness, the child knew his future fate.

No matter which dynasty, deformed children with some strange things like him are very dangerous.

In his memory, in the ancient times of their world, if a deformed baby was found, he would be beaten to death or burned to death, and the best fate was to abandon him.

Even in the era of rapid technological development in which he lived, people with some strange features would attract strange looks from others.

Although a large part of these looks were harmless, the lethality they brought was also great enough.

The child in the cradle didn't know what the situation was in ancient times, but looking at the frightened and panicked expression of the old man who delivered him, he knew that things were going in a bad direction.

The little baby hummed in the cradle, as if telling the last words of his life.

Well, actually he was complaining that he was a little hungry.

The newborn kid had never cried, and no one else thought it was strange, even his father who helped him deliver the baby.

He just glanced at him hurriedly, and then

Wrap him in a swaddling cloth and bring him all the way to the small temple on the top of the mountain.

As a baby in swaddling cloth, what can he do? He has just been born, and although there are some strange places on his body, he can't make food.

He can't crawl out to find food by himself. It's freezing outside. He doesn't dare to think that once he leaves this warm swaddling cloth and thick coat, he will be frozen into an ice stick.

But he is really hungry. The child's body has no resistance at all, and the reaction to hunger is also very obvious.

For the first time, the little guy in the swaddling cloth knows how difficult it is to become a child. He can't do anything and can only wait for death quietly. This feeling really makes him, who has the memory of his previous life, feel painful and desperate.

The cold wind is howling outside the temple, but the temple is a little warm, and the cold wind does not blow in through the open temple door.

This made the little guy in the cradle feel that he still had some luck. Maybe after a while, someone would rush to the temple to rescue him.

Or, his father in this life regretted and took him back.

What if his mother in this life woke up and found that a child was missing, would she let his father take him back?

The hungry baby was thinking about it in the cradle. When his father in this life threw him in the temple, he did not take any action.

For some reason, he could understand the meaning of his father's words, which he thought should be said by ancient people, as soon as he was born.

From their words, he understood the troubles and weirdness of himself, and he noticed the flapping and crying of the crows that followed his father when he came.

He didn't know why, but he knew that if his father and mother in this life left him, he would be in great trouble, and he might even die.

Some hungry babies moved their bodies, and their empty stomachs really made them feel uncomfortable.

He never knew that not eating for a while would be so uncomfortable, as if his whole body was clamoring for hunger.

The child in the swaddle kicked the legs of the altar in annoyance. Wang Tie put him under the altar.

The legs of the altar were only a little distance away from him, and he actually had no strength to kick.

After all, he was just born, but the table still shook for unknown reasons. Someone didn't know who put it on the table, and a huge, bright red peach rolled down from the table.

The baby looked at the red peach and swallowed subconsciously. He wanted to take the peach, but his small body couldn't even crawl, let alone move the peach over, which made the baby in the swaddle even more desperate.

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