The most painful thing in the world is when a person is hungry. There is food around him and he can see it, but he can't touch it. This is too painful for people who are hungry. The baby in the swaddling clothes is in this state now. He is very hungry. If he was an ordinary baby, he might be in a warm and comfortable room, lying in his mother's arms, drinking his mother's milk. But now his birth in this world is an accident, a monster, a freak. His family put him in this temple, and hunger has swept his whole body. Not far from him, the fallen peach looked so tempting, but he was powerless. He had difficulty even reaching out, let alone crawling out of the swaddling clothes and coming to the peach.

But even if he could take the peach and put it in his mouth, he couldn't bite it.

Babies don't have teeth. The flame of hope that had just ignited in his heart was extinguished in an instant, and the child in the swaddling clothes stopped making any sound.

Although he now only made a sound of babbling and saying some unclear words.

But the forest at night was too quiet, and the baby was also a little scared.

He didn't know why at night, his eyes looked at the darkness around him and felt that it was almost the same as during the day.

But he still felt that this environment was very scary, because he heard the howling of wolves and the calls of some other strange animals in the forest.

The baby in the swaddling clothes was silently recalling the memories of his previous life.

Many memories of his previous life were very clear. He could remember everything he had experienced since childhood, but the strange thing was that he had no impression of his name or other people's names in his mind. He could not remember anyone's name.

In addition to these, he had not forgotten all the knowledge he had learned in his previous life and everything he had experienced.

He recalled the food he had eaten in his previous life, including meals made by his family, creative snacks carefully created according to recipes, and pictures of himself going to those famous restaurants to taste delicious food.

Those delicacies seemed to have taken root in his mind. As his stomach became emptier and hungrier, the pictures of those delicacies became more and more.

He drooled silently in his cradle. He raised his chubby hand in disbelief, wiped his face randomly, and wiped the saliva.

He was too useless now. He could drool just thinking about the delicacies he had eaten before. Fortunately, no one else around knew, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

But even if other people knew, it didn't seem to matter, the baby in the swaddling clothes thought absentmindedly. Even if other people knew, it wouldn't affect him much, after all, he was dying.

Abandoned in the wilderness, with little food, and the surrounding environment was so dangerous, he was lucky to survive until tomorrow morning.

The cold wind around was not very obvious. After all, when his father in this life left, he left him the thick coat that looked like some kind of animal skin.

He didn't understand, since he had decided to put himself in this temple, why did he leave the coat?

If someone came to this temple tonight, they could guess his identity by seeing the coat, right?

The child in the swaddling clothes wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth again, and waved away the thoughts in his mind. This was not something he could control.

He was just a newborn baby. What could he do? Could his eyes still emit lasers to kill the beasts that came to eat him?

It would be nice if he really had this ability. The baby in the cradle was very sure that the reason why he had three eyes was that he did not develop fully during development, or he was stimulated by something during development and grew an extra eye.

This also happened in their world, but most of the time it was due to environmental pollution and the development of technology.

The environment in their world was already quite bad, so various reasons led to the birth of deformed children like him.

Of course, it could also be an accident. The baby in the cradle wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth again, and he found that he could not control this thing.

He didn't understand why the corners of his mouth kept drooling. Was it because he had become a baby now?

He knew that babies were always like this, but he should be able to control it.

As it turned out, he was still thinking a little

It was too easy. He had no control over his tiny body after becoming a baby.

As he recalled the delicacies he had eaten before and the peach that rolled down not far away, the fragrance of the broken skin made him subconsciously secrete some uncontrollable saliva.

The child in the swaddling felt that this was simply torture. He felt panicked when he thought of the scene where he wet his swaddling clothes because of his drooling, and then was blown by the cold wind and froze to death.

Although he knew that his end might be freezing to death, freezing to death was really not a good experience.

When he thought of the memories in his mind, because of the cold, his body was hypothermic, and finally he was naked and his body was frozen into a stiff popsicle. He felt a little tearful.

Although he didn't have much clothes on him, he felt that it was also scary for his little child to be frozen into a stiff popsicle.

I hope that the guy who finds his body in the future will not be scared. After all, he is in a temple now, and there should be people coming to worship, right?

Although he did not smell the unique incense in the temple, in his opinion, there will never be a lack of believers coming to burn incense and make offerings.

Look, that peach with a peach fragrance, it should be left by the believers, right?

I don’t know why there are peaches in this cold weather, but he can be reborn with memories. God knows what kind of environment this world is.

What if this peach variety grows in winter? Who knows? Anyway, he has no chance to know.

The baby in the cradle silently turned around and turned his body towards the direction of the statue. He didn’t want to see the peach again, so as not to drool.

He had to quietly wait for his own death, although he didn't know what it felt like. After all, in his last life, he felt pain all over his body, and then he was gone. But now he was quietly waiting for death. This experience was also the first time.

Outside the temple, the cold wind was howling, and the swirling cold wind blew the thin trees outside the temple.

The leaves on the trees had fallen long ago, leaving only thin branches swaying there, showing the season at this time.

The moon in the sky was not very bright, and time passed by bit by bit. The baby in the cradle also fell asleep while enduring hunger.

Qinshan in the dark night was a hunting ground for those medium-sized nocturnal animals.

In order to resist the cold winter, those animals would slow down their movements on a daily basis, but the necessary predation was not less.

In the dark night, an animal walked slowly towards the top of the mountain.

The animal looked quite tall, and its belly was quite big. It was a sheep, or a pregnant ewe.

As for why there are sheep on the mountain, no one knows, nor does anyone know why there is no herd, only a single sheep walking in the dark.

After all, herbivorous animals like it are too dangerous in the mountains and forests, and basically cannot live long, but this sheep is very strange.

Even if it steps on the fallen leaves, making a very obvious rustling sound, and the harsh sound of dry leaves broken by the cold wind, it still does not attract the attention of hunters.

As if something is covering the sheep, it came to the top of the mountain and came to the outside of the temple.

The sheep's body is not very tall, and the temple is a comfortable home for it.

It walked in from the door of the temple, bent down and ate the peach that fell on the ground.

The fragrance of the peach instantly filled the entire temple. The fragrance was so wonderful that it woke the baby in the cradle from his sleep. His stomach made a gurgling sound, and he looked hungry.

But compared to his stomach, the huge creature that suddenly entered the temple frightened him more.

His eyes were wide open, staring at the creature that came in. He stared at it for a long time before realizing that it was a sheep.

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