The baby was sleeping soundly in the cradle, looking at the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into the temple, and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

For his current body size, the animal was a little too big.

Well, he knew the animal, it was a pregnant sheep, it had a pair of small horns on its head, and the hair on its body looked very soft. He didn't know what kind of sheep it was, with horns and pregnant.

But this had little to do with a child like him, he just hoped that the uninvited guest would leave quickly.

After all, he only had that one peach here, and it was eaten by the sheep. It seemed that the end that awaited him might really be starvation.

He had originally thought that he might be able to reach his limit, break through the limitations of his body, learn to crawl directly, and finally eat the peach, but now the last bit of hope is gone.

The ewe who ate the peach did not intend to leave. I wonder if this guy has good teeth or some other reason?

It swallowed the peach directly with the core, flesh and skin, leaving nothing behind. The little tail behind it swayed a few times, showing its good mood.

It lowered its head slightly, approached the baby in the swaddle, and licked his face with its tongue.

The baby in the swaddle let it do what it wanted with a look of despair. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't.

He couldn't even speak now, and could only hum to express his dissatisfaction.

But the ewe didn't care about him. Instead, she lowered her head and held his swaddle, and brought him out from under the table.

The child in the swaddling clothes was startled, and his mind frantically recalled the records about sheep in his previous memory.

He suspected that this guy wanted to eat him. After all, according to his previous memory, some animals would replenish the salt in their bodies through blood.

Herbivores like sheep also need salt. This guy would not want to bite himself to bleed and then drink his blood.

The little guy in the swaddling clothes trembled, but he was wrong. The ewe did not mean to hurt him. She just took him out from under the altar and then put him in the corner next to the stone statue, which happened to be a windproof area.

The wind blowing outside the temple could not blow to this corner.

The baby looked at the ewe, which seemed very tall to him, in disbelief, and didn't know what this guy wanted to do.

However, when he came out from under the altar, the scene of the entire temple also appeared in the eyes of the little guy in the swaddling clothes.

His eyes on his forehead rolled around, taking in the scenery of the entire temple. He also noticed that the altar was empty. It seemed that the peach was the only thing on the altar, and he thought with some disappointment.

Now he couldn't move, and besides wanting to eat, he was most curious about what kind of temple this was?

So he looked at the statue beside him. In his eyes, the statue was very tall, but what made him feel strange was that he couldn't see the face of the statue.

The face of the statue was tightly covered by armor, and the armor on his body looked very gorgeous and majestic.

Just looking at the statue, he could sense the breathless murderous aura, which was really frightening.

Of course, all this might be his illusion now. After all, the statue was just a clay embryo, how could it have any murderous aura?

The ewe that suddenly broke into the temple didn't care what the guy in the cradle was thinking?

It picked up the heavy coat that had just fallen from the little guy in the swaddle and placed it next to the little guy who was looking at the surrounding environment.

It also lay on it, moved its body, and then unexpectedly pulled the baby under itself.

The little guy in the swaddle felt dizzy, and he was encircled in the arms of the ewe. The soft wool of the ewe did not have the sheep smell that he remembered, but instead had a special fragrance of grass and trees.

Because the ewe was pregnant, it looked very obvious that it was the place where it produced milk. The guy in the swaddle lay in the ewe's arms in a daze, and he was incredulous in his heart.

Could this ewe that suddenly broke in want to feed him?

In his memory, although there were rumors that wild animals would feed abandoned humans, but this situation happened to him, it was too fantasy.

And the strange thing is that the ewe has no sheep smell. The fragrance of the grass and trees makes him feel very soothed, and his originally anxious mood is also relieved.

The baby in the cradle swallowed his saliva and did not take the next step. Although he was very hungry, he really

He couldn't swallow it. After all, he had the memory of his previous life. If he really had to do this, he would still feel a little ashamed.

And the one who was feeding him was not a human, but a ewe, which made him even more embarrassed.

But the ewe holding him in her arms didn't think so. She only felt that the guy in the swaddle was too young and couldn't even open his mouth, which made her feel more pity.

She moved her body and hugged the guy in the swaddle tighter. She almost grew her hands and pinched the guy's mouth to let him feed.

The little guy in the swaddle endured and thought again, and finally overcame the shame and shyness in his heart, slowly opened his mouth, moved his body, and ate his first mouthful of goat milk in his life.

The goat milk with a special aroma entered his mouth, and his body seemed to come alive.

The hungry body, which was like a machine that had gone on strike, was now like being lubricated and restarted.

Even his little body, which felt a little stiff due to the cold, was now full of warmth again.

The guy who didn't know his name was sucking goat milk in the arms of a mountain ewe. This was his hope of survival.

He had already accepted his fate, but suddenly he didn't want to die.

He didn't know why the ewe came over, but since this guy was willing to help him and raise him, he always had some hope of survival.

The newly born little guy didn't eat much. He became drowsy after sucking goat milk for a while.

He had slept for a while, but he felt that he was not sleeping just now, but was frozen unconscious. Now he really wanted to sleep.

He was warm now, his stomach was bulging, and he looked full.

The little baby rolled in the swaddling clothes, making himself close to the sheep, and then fell asleep.

The eye on the forehead was closed, except for a line that proved that it was an eye, and the rest was no different from ordinary people.

The ewe, who was originally lying on the ground, slowly raised her head, glanced at the statue in the temple, blinked her eyes, called softly, and then fell asleep with the baby in her arms.

The temple became quiet, and in a place where no one could see, the sound of steel colliding sounded, which sounded like the sound of armor worn on the body when walking.

The sound became louder and louder, and gradually reached the ears of the sleeping sheep and baby.

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