The baby was sleeping, and the sound of metal clashing seemed to ring in his ears.

This made him sleep a little uneasy, but other than that, everything else was pretty good.

He seemed to be held in a very comfortable crib, and the crib rocked, making him sleep more peacefully.

And the surroundings were also very warm, as smooth as on land, but a little bit panicky.

No, a little bit panicky, the sleeping baby noticed something strange and wanted to open his eyes, but his eyes were very heavy, very heavy.

Even the vertical pupil on his forehead could not be opened, so he could only continue to fall into a deep sleep.

But his ears were particularly sensitive. He seemed to sense that someone was talking in his ear. The words seemed to be related to him, but what was it?

The voice of the speaker was very special. The voice seemed to be isolated by something and sounded a little distorted.

But after listening carefully, you can find that the owner of the voice should be relatively young, belonging to the kind of voice of a young man.

After careful distinction, you can also find that the voice is very pleasant, but what he said made the baby in the swaddling clothes feel a little absurd.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, poor little guy, what name should I give you? Before naming you, should I think of a surname for you? What surname? Qin, Yang, or something else?"

Listening to the intermittent words coming from his ears, the baby in the swaddling clothes felt more and more strange.

So, who is talking in his ear and wants to give him a name.

Could it be the ewe that just fed him goat milk? But it's obviously not right. The voice of the person who spoke is obviously a male voice.

Although it sounds like something is blocking the sound? But it sounds like a man, and a female sheep can't become a man.

Well, the guy in the swaddling clothes already thinks it's normal that the sheep that gives him milk can speak.

It can't be the statue in the temple that is talking, right? This is more terrifying than the sheep talking, right?

But it doesn't seem to be scary. This is a temple. If the statue in the temple can talk, then maybe this guy is really a god!

After understanding this, the guy in the swaddling clothes pricked up his ears.

He listened more carefully to the intermittent words coming from his ears. He had to try to distinguish the information in it so that he could know more things.

"It's so difficult to come up with a name. Let's not think of a surname first, let's think of a name for you first.

How about Nanhe? I remember that there was a herb called Nanhe in the medicine I used to take.

Well, it's for insect repellent, right? Wouldn't this name be a bit bad?"

The voice was hesitant, but the guy in the cradle thought that this name was okay.

"What if this little guy grows up and knows the meaning of his name, will he be unhappy?

Forget it, this poor little guy, I don't know if he can grow up, let it be, let it be."

The guy in the cradle, who should be called Nanhe now, was a little speechless.

He felt that he should still be able to grow up, although he thought he would definitely die before, but now he has some confidence in whether he can grow up.

"Now that the name is chosen, do you want to think of a surname? What's your surname?

I remember that most of the people in the village at the foot of the mountain are surnamed Wang, right? This surname is not good.

If I remember correctly, the people at the foot of the mountain should be descendants of the people of the previous dynasty, right?

What was the surname of the previous dynasty? Jiang, right?

Forget it, the surname Jiang is not very good, so let's choose a homophonic character, Jiang. It just so happens that the name is made up of herbs, and the surname is also made up of herbs, which is very good."

Jiang Nanhe frowned even more when he listened to the voice coming from his ears.

These voices were intermittent, and he didn't hear them clearly, and only heard part of them.

However, Jiang Nanhe was still very satisfied with the name given to him by the guy who spoke. At least it sounded meaningful. Well, putting aside the meaning, at least it was better than the name he gave himself.

But Jiang Nanhe was even more curious, who was talking to him in the cradle?

He had some guesses in his mind, but he still felt uncomfortable if he didn't open his eyes to take a look. Why is curiosity killing the cat?

But the guy who is willing to save him and even give him a name shouldn't hurt him, right?

Even if he hurts him, he can't resist. He is just a powerless baby. How can he resist?

So now he satisfies his curiosity,

It should be possible, right?

Jiang Nanhe thought so in his heart, and then he opened his eyes with all his strength, but he found that his eyelids seemed to be particularly heavy, and he couldn't open them no matter how hard he tried.

But he couldn't open his eyes, but there was another one on his forehead. He opened the eye on his forehead with a little effort.

The black vertical pupil slowly looked around. At the moment he opened his eyes, a dazzling light shone into his eyes, making Jiang Nanhe feel a little uncomfortable.

But that was also a matter of a moment. What made him feel weird was that the environment around him had unknowingly turned into daytime, or dusk.

This made him feel a little incredible. He clearly remembered that it was still night when he went to bed, and he remembered that he slept in the temple. How could he wake up and become a wilderness?

It's not a wilderness. He is now under a peach tree. The peach tree is lush and leafy, but there are few fruits, and he is now in someone's arms.

He slowly looked towards the guy holding him, and then he and the other person looked at each other.

The guy holding him was wearing a bright silver armor, and the patterns on the armor were particularly exquisite and complicated.

But Jiang Nanhe did not see his face clearly, because his head was covered by a helmet, and only a pair of eyes were exposed.

The eyes exposed in the helmet were particularly sharp. Jiang Nanhe looked at the eyes with his pupils vertically, and he could feel the strong murderous aura contained in them.

Holding Jiang Nanhe, the guy in armor looked at Jiang Nanhe's open eyes and exclaimed softly.

"Hey, you little guy, you can actually open your eyes and get rid of the suppression of my power. It's really. Not bad."

Listening to what the man in front of him said, Jiang Nanhe understood the identity of this person in his heart. It seems that he is the owner of the temple he is in.

I just don't know what the title of this god is? But this should be a mountain god, and his personality seems to be good.

The armor he wore was very exquisite, and he looked quite powerful. He was also kindhearted and willing to help him.

Seeing the peach tree that the armored god leaned on, Jiang Nanhe also understood what happened to the peach that came out of the table before.

Before, he was picked up by the sheep, and when he saw that the altar was empty, he was still wondering why there were peaches there, but now he understood.

The peaches should have been placed there by the armored god in front of him, but unfortunately, he couldn't eat peaches.

So, the sheep was probably found by the god for him, right?

Thinking about it this way, the god was really kindhearted, but the sudden change in the environment still made him a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps sensing his inner tension, the tall god who held him in his arms shook his body and then explained.

"Don't be afraid, little guy. This is my divine domain, or rather, this is the blessed land of this mountain. Do you know what a blessed land is?"

After the armored god finished speaking, he was also a little dazed, and then he laughed out loud.

"I have been lonely for a long time. I actually said this to a newborn baby. I am getting more and more confused as I get older."

After the armored god finished speaking, he shook Jiang Nanhe in the swaddling clothes.

A soft light came, and Jiang Nanhe, who had his eyes open, felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and he became more and more sleepy. The little person wrapped in the swaddling clothes yawned and fell asleep again.

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