The journey was long and winding.

Jiang Nanhe and his companions walked southward for a whole half day.

With the lamb's current strength, it should be easy to walk dozens of kilometers in half a day.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the lamb and felt that he had walked very far, but he had no idea how far he had walked.

They passed through a forest and climbed several high mountains? They crossed a swamp covered with fog and then came to an area with dense weeds and few trees.

The general floated beside Jiang Nanhe and looked around. He was looking for something and seemed to be confirming something.

Jiang Nanhe was still a little confused about the general's goal. The general only said that he was looking for precious medicine, but he also said that the snake's gallbladder was also a precious medicine.

Judging from this, the precious medicine the general mentioned should be from certain areas of certain animals.

What animal is it exactly? Jiang Nanhe couldn't guess. But along the way, the lamb and the general also took action and hunted some things, and those things all went into Jiang Nanhe's mouth without any surprise.

For example, the general asked the lamb to find a few big snakes. After the lamb roasted the big snakes with lightning, he dug out the snake gallbladders and gave them to Jiang Nanhe to take.

Jiang Nanhe swallowed a few snake gallbladders, making his face almost the same as the snake gallbladders, green.

Jiang Nanhe smiled bitterly in his heart, but didn't say anything to refute. He honestly swallowed those snake gallbladders that he thought were unpalatable and smelly.

In addition to the snake gallbladders, the general also asked Jiang Nanhe to swallow the heart of a stag and some blood.

This time, Jiang Nanhe rarely refused the general's request. He really couldn't accept swallowing blood and heart raw.

This time, the general didn't even use the lamb's lightning to cook the deer. He just killed the deer directly, collected its blood and heart, and fed it to Jiang Nanhe's mouth.

Jiang Nanhe really couldn't resist the general's kindness! He looked at the heart in the general's hand that was still a little hot, and couldn't help shivering all over.

He had heard that some big monsters would rely on cannibalism to improve their cultivation speed.

So, is it similar to the monster's cultivation and self-improvement by swallowing the hearts of these animals raw?

Jiang Nanhe thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. Seeing Jiang Nanhe's face full of resistance, the general frowned.

These things are what Jiang Nanhe must eat. The mountains are bitter and cold, and there is a lack of various things, such as salt that creatures must eat.

Jiang Nanhe has not eaten much salt since he was born. Now his daily food is either boiled wild vegetables or boiled meat.

Although the meat contained some trace elements that Jiang Nanhe needed, it was not enough for the general.

Without salt, it would be difficult for Jiang Nanhe to grow up. All kinds of creatures cannot grow without salt, so the general hunted the stag.

In his memory, the blood of the stag tasted the best and was the richest in something that Jiang Nanhe needed.

This blood could bring strength and vitality to Jiang Nanhe, and the same was true for the heart.

But Jiang Nanhe's face full of resistance made him hesitate.

He didn't want to force Jiang Nanhe to eat these things he didn't like, but Jiang Nanhe's body also needed them, which made him a little difficult.

The general floated in the air and thought about it, and the flame in his hand sprayed out, directly burning the heart of the stag.

Sitting on the lamb, Jiang Nanhe, who was depressed and heading towards an unknown direction, looked at the heart of the stag that had been burned by his flames and handed over by the general, and looked at the general tangled.

Obviously, the general must let Jiang Nanhe swallow the heart.

Jiang Nanhe has been training intensively these days, and sweats a lot every day, which accelerates the loss of energy in his body. Without salt supplementation, it is easy to have problems.

Jiang Nanhe also has this knowledge, so he struggled for a while, and still took the heart from the general's hand and ate a few bites, but only ate these few bites, and he couldn't eat more.

Xiaoyang looked at Jiang Nanhe eating something that made him feel unpleasant with an uncomfortable expression, and sympathized with him in his heart.

He was chewing some bitter herbs in his mouth. Jiang Nanhe and his friends also found many herbs that were not available around Qinshan along the way.

It was all up to Xiaoyang and the general to identify them. Jiang Nanhe packed everything that Xiaoyang thought was special and asked them to take it away. Xiaoyang carried a large package on his back, which was filled with the herbs they found.

The general was slightly inferior to Xiaoyang in this regard.

His knowledge of herbs was only vaguely based on the ancient images and introductions in his memory.

Now that time has passed, and I don’t know how many years have passed, I don’t know if the herbs in his memory are still there.

However, he also relied on his memory to find some similar herbs, which should be useful.

The general only let Jiang Nanhe take a few bites of the stag’s heart, and didn’t let him eat the rest.

However, he didn’t throw these things away, but packed them up. The general also had a big package in his hand, which contained some things they collected along the way, as well as the prey and the materials on the prey.

Like the heart in his hand just now, if Jiang Nanhe didn’t eat it, he could take it back and put it on his altar for him to offer.

In his memory, he had eaten the heart of a stag before, but it was a long time ago, and he was a little curious about the taste.

The general followed Jiang Nanhe silently, and seemed to be getting closer and closer to his goal.

The lamb was walking with difficulty in the grass that was at least half a person's height. Jiang Nanhe sat on his back and tried to identify the direction.

However, after walking for a while, Jiang Nanhe's exposed skin was scratched by the grass leaves, or there were red marks or some small wounds. The surrounding environment was really not suitable for them to walk.

Seeing this, the general reached out and took Jiang Nanhe into his arms, freed one hand to support Jiang Nanhe's body, and then floated in the air. There was still a lot of strength left in his body, which could completely help Jiang Nanhe to hurry on.

The lamb was walking with difficulty in the grass. His nose moved, sniffing the various grasses and other smells in the air.

He was trying to identify the direction, and suddenly the lamb's body stiffened. He smelled a breath in the air that made him feel terrified. This breath was very strong, stronger than what he had now.

He didn't know who the owner of this information was? But he knew that the owner of this breath was full of threats to him.

The lamb cried a few times in the bushes anxiously. The lamb's cry sounded weak and powerless, which was in line with its racial characteristics.

Jiang Nanhe looked down at the lamb. Before he could speak, a terrifying sound wave suddenly came from the air.

"Ah~ Roar~"

The sound wave passed through the layers of grass and hit Jiang Nanhe and the lamb. Jiang Nanhe's body shook. He seemed to recognize who the owner of the voice was? Good man, the precious medicine the general was talking about, could it be a tiger?

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