The general held Jiang Nanhe in the air, and his ears moved. Hearing the tiger roar, his mouth opened slightly, and then he turned his head stiffly to look at the general.

"Aba, Aba, Aba, Aba."

Listening to the voice of Jiang Nanhe, the general automatically translated it. The overall meaning was, the precious medicine you are talking about, or the medicine you are talking about, could it be a tiger?

Faced with Jiang Nanhe's vague words, the general nodded and raised his hand to rub his head.

"Your next training will require a strong medicine because you lack a lot of medicinal materials, and I think this tiger is very suitable."

Jiang Nanhe knew that sometimes tigers are called tigers or golden cats. He listened to the general's words and nodded solemnly.

The tiger's roar just now startled the lamb. From this point, it can be seen that the tiger should have become a monster.

A powerful tiger should not be so easy to deal with, but the general is extraordinary. Jiang Nanhe is not sure whether the general can defeat the tiger?

Perhaps seeing Jiang Nanhe's solemn expression, the general raised his hand and pinched Jiang Nanhe's belly.

"You little kid, just sit on the lamb and watch me kill the tiger. If you don't feel safe, don't move.

It happened quickly. Unfortunately, the eye on your head closed. If it hadn't closed, you should have been able to see the large rolling black clouds in front of you.

The black clouds were the resentment of the creatures killed by the tiger, not only humans, but also other monsters.

The tiger should be a man-eating tiger. It's not so easy to get along with, so even if it's killed, there's no psychological burden."

The general said it easily. To him, people are people and monsters are monsters.

Monsters that eat people will never stay. In his era, population was a scarce resource.

Even those slave owners would protect their slaves very well, not to mention those in power.

They regarded the population in their own territory as their precious resources. The more people there are, the more they can develop.

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, and his originally tense face relaxed a little.

But is it so easy to kill a powerful tiger? After the lamb became a monster, he understood the magic of thunder and lightning. Will the tiger also have related magic?

Jiang Nanhe thought silently, but the lamb and the general were not in a hurry.

When the lamb heard the roar at first, he was a little scared, but he looked at the general and his mood calmed down strangely.

He shook his body and looked at the source of the breath that was particularly threatening to him with some expectation.

That thing was getting closer and closer to them, and I didn’t know what it looked like.

But even if it was very threatening to me, it was not a problem at all with the general in the air.

The lamb thought confidently that the general did have such capital.

The lamb stood in the bushes without any intention of moving.

This guy was fearless, with the general standing behind him, and the whole sheep-like godly momentum.

Jiang Nanhe called him a few times in the air, but his little throat sound was small, and the lambs were not heard. Besides, he was not neatly pronounced. At the bend. His little arms were slightly strong. When he saw the lambs ignored himself, he fist was hard and wanted to beat the lamb. Eye halo. When his armor rubbed against each other, it made a very pleasant sound. The sound was like the collision of steel and the crisp sound of weapons clashing. If you listen carefully, you can hear the breathtaking sound of fighting between two armies.

Jiang Nanhe turned his head slightly and looked at the long sword in the general's other hand.

The sword looked very long to Jiang Nanhe, and it looked very much like the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade in his memory.

But unlike the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade, the blade was much longer, and the handle was glowing with a faint mysterious light, as if it was made of black iron.

The white tiger on the blade was vivid, with a particularly fierce look in its eyes.

Every time the long sword was swung, the white tiger would change its movements.

When it was swung quickly, it was like the white tiger jumped out of the sword and fought towards the enemy, which made the people who watched it panic and frightened them.

Jiang Nanhe had no doubt that the general had only waved the big sword in the past, and he could scare some timid people into losing their ability to fight.

The sword in the general's hand, coupled with his armor, was too dazzling and too shining.

Jiang Nanhe's eyes showed obsession. He also liked armor. The armor on the general was undoubtedly very exquisite and very lovable. Moreover, he was also curious about the face under the general's mask.

But it was a pity that they had been together for such a long time, but they had never seen the general's true face.

The general always showed himself in armor. Even when Jiang Nanhe offered food, the general would use incense to condense illusory food to eat, but he only activated some mechanisms of the mask and only revealed his mouth.

This made Jiang Nanhe even more curious about his face behind the mask. He didn't know why this guy never let him see it. Thinking of this, Jiang Nanhe still felt a little resentful.

Jiang Nanhe was attracted by the long sword summoned by the general. This long sword was the weapon used by the general before he became a god. After his death, this weapon was buried in his own tomb with him.

If you enter his tomb now, you should be able to find the original body of this sword.

The reason why he can summon this sword is that when he was canonized as the emperor of the world, that is, the king when he was alive, the statue held this sword.

Apart from this, the general has nothing. Only this armor and this sword accompany him in his statue, and the same is true in the tomb.

If the general has to say the regret in his heart, it is that he can't summon his favorite BMWs.

If he can summon them, he will be very satisfied.

But now is not the time to think about these things. The general raised his hand, holding the big knife in one hand, and gently slashed in a certain direction of the void, and a black light wave was directly cut by him.

The harsh, ferocious tiger roar sounded throughout the forest again, and the sound was like waves, layer after layer.

The sound turned into a black light circle, blowing the entire forest and the not-so-large grassland in front of it in circles, moving randomly.

This should be the spell of the tiger that transformed into a monster, right? The general thought absent-mindedly.

This spell is average in power to him, and there is no harm. The only special thing is that it should be able to affect those souls with weak willpower or weak strength.

It is said that the man-eating mountain tiger can turn the soul of the human it swallows into its own minions. This is also the origin of the idiom "to be a tiger's minions", so a tiger has a spell to attack the soul, and the general is not surprised at all.

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