The monkeys were so busy that they were almost dead.

Jiang Nanhe and his companions followed the monkeys silently and headed towards the mountain ghost's lair.

As they walked, Jiang Nanhe glanced at the surroundings with his eyes. Was he looking for an ambush or a trick?

But it was obvious that Jiang Nanhe had thought too much. They arrived safely at a mountain valley.

The valley was exceptionally clear and bright. A small waterfall fell from the mountain and hit the valley. In addition to splashing some water, the water surface of the valley was exceptionally calm, like a mirror in the water.

The moon at night was reflected in the valley, emitting a faint and cold moonlight.

In this valley, in addition to the monkey group that appeared in front of Jiang Nanhe and his team before, there are also some older monkeys and some unweaned cubs.

Since Jiang Nanhe entered this valley, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This place is indeed a beautiful place with clear water and mountains. He can feel the fresh air as soon as he comes in.

The general walked around the valley and then nodded to Jiang Nanhe. There is indeed some spiritual energy gathering in this valley.

The spiritual energy entered this valley from all directions. After gathering for a period of time, it dispersed again, but was blocked by the mountain walls of the valley.

Slowly, these spiritual energies gathered more and more, but this more is only a little more than other places.

But even this little bit is not bad.

The general looked around and didn't find a decent peach tree or grape vine.

This shouldn't be the case. After all, among the fruits offered by the monkey before, there were some grapes and peaches rich in spiritual energy.

Jiang Nanhe was a little strange. Since he entered this valley, he always felt a little itchy.

He wanted to take a shower. He didn't know whether it was because he hadn't taken a shower for several days or something else, but he felt a strange itch on his body.

However, Jiang Nanhe didn't say anything. This itch was still within the range of tolerance, and it was not painful.

The monkey that was a little bigger than the other monkeys should be considered the king of this group of monkeys. It knelt on the ground in the direction of Jiang Nanhe and the general, and then raised one of its arms and pointed to the direction of the waterfall in this valley.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the waterfall and finally showed an expression of sudden enlightenment. It turned out that this waterfall was just like the waterfall in Huaguo Mountain he knew. There was another world behind it.

The general obviously realized the problem. He flashed and appeared behind the waterfall. Jiang Nanhe stared at the calm waterfall curiously, wondering what it looked like inside.

Soon, the general emerged from the waterfall. He nodded to Jiang Nanhe, indicating that there was no ambush or deception inside, and it was very safe.

Seeing the general's actions, Jiang Nanhe nodded in understanding. He raised his hand and gently patted the lamb he was sitting on. The lamb immediately stood up. He jumped and passed through the waterfall and came to the cave behind the waterfall.

The cave behind the waterfall was not big, but it was very clean and tidy. Jiang Nanhe looked at the moonlight above his head and was a little surprised that the waterfall was connected to it. The moon could shine through the cave and shine a little light.

The general raised his hand, and golden flames emanated, lighting up the surroundings, and the surroundings were completely revealed.

Under the light from the cave entrance in the moonlight, there was a very soft land, on which grew a small peach tree, with a grape vine wrapped around it.

There were no fruits on it, only a few pink peach blossoms on the peach tree, which was very unreasonable, after all, the monkey offered peaches, but this peach tree was in the flowering stage.

There was a bunch of green grapes under the vine. Jiang Nanhe came to the plant and poked it with his hand, but before he did anything, the pink peach blossoms on the peach tree turned into a pink mist, slowly spreading around the trunk.

Jiang Nanhe realized that something was wrong and retreated. The general took a step forward and grabbed the pink mist in his hand. Jiang Nanhe almost inhaled the mist into his body.

The general looked at the pink mist floating back and forth in his hand, and then looked at the peach blossoms on the peach tree. He stretched out his hand and shook it, and the pink peach blossoms on the peach tree, which were not many in bloom, fell one after another.

They floated down with the general's strength, collided with each other, and turned into a layer of pink mist.

He pondered over it in his mind and came up with the name of the mist.

"The peach blossoms hanging on this peach tree are actually peach blossom miasma, but the situation is not right?"

There was some doubt in the general's voice. Jiang Nanhe was curious about what the general was talking about.

"General, what is peach blossom miasma? The pink mist just now almost floated into my body. It shouldn't have any effect, right?"

Hearing Jiang Nanhe's doubtful voice, the general shook his head slowly.

"Peach blossom miasma is mostly found in places with dense peach forests in the mountains. Every time the peach blossoms fall, the petals pile up, and as they rot, a pink gas will be produced.

This gas gathers more and more, firmly covering the entire peach forest, which not only protects the peach forest, but also makes the animals that fly into the peach forest dizzy and die under the peach tree, as nutrients for the peach tree."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, and a picture came to his mind. The flowers of the lush peach tree were blooming brilliantly, but there were bones beside the roots. The general continued to tell the information he knew.

"As more and more lives died, the peach trees became more and more luxuriant, and the power of the peach blossom miasma became stronger.

When I was alive, I once led troops to attack some mountain villages in the Shiwan Mountains. One village was built in a place where peach blossom miasma was rampant.

At that time, I lost some soldiers and horses before I attacked it, so I know some of the conditions of the peach blossom miasma.

The more peach trees there are in the peach blossom forest, the stronger the miasma. This small tree gathers a little miasma, which is really not to be feared, but the magical thing is that this tree can actually gather miasma."

There was some surprise in the general's words. In his opinion, the spiritual energy of this tree was neither strong nor special, but it could gather peach blossom miasma and let it turn into peach blossoms and gather on its branches. It can be seen that it is also somewhat special.

Seeing the general studying the peach tree, Jiang Nanhe wandered around in the cave. This cave was much cleaner than the cave of the mountain ghost, but Jiang Nanhe also saw some human and animal bones in it.

He frowned and poked the bones with a small wooden stick. The lamb protected him behind him. Apart from these bones, the whole cave was quite clean.

The place where the mountain ghost slept was also a stone platform, covered with a layer of skin of an unknown beast. Jiang Nanhe went to take a look and found that it was monkey skin.

It seems that the mountain ghost is quite cruel. Not only does he eat human flesh, he also eats monkeys similar to him. No wonder those monkeys are so afraid of him.

In this cave, in addition to the stone platform where the mountain ghost slept, Jiang Nanhe also found several special stones next to the stone platform.

He held up the stones that were not glaring in the cave and came to the general.

He excitedly stretched out his palm to the general and asked the general the identity of the stone? The general took a look, then his expression behind the mask changed, and he quickly knocked the stone out of Jiang Nanhe's hand.

He picked up Jiang Nanhe, held him in his arms, and came to the waterfall, letting the water flow on Jiang Nanhe's hands. He rubbed Jiang Nanhe's little hands vigorously for a few times. Judging from his movements, he should be particularly disgusted with the thing Jiang Nanhe just took.

Jiang Nanhe glanced at the general in confusion. Did he just take something unlucky or disgusting?

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