The general washed Jiang Nanhe's hands after he took the glowing stones, and then put his little body on the ground.

He looked down at Jiang Nanhe and spoke earnestly.

"Don't be so curious, little guy. Don't just pick up anything you see.

What do you think you should do if you touch something bad? Always be vigilant when you go out, and don't touch anything you don't know."

Listening to the general's earnest teaching, Jiang Nanhe shook his hands and shook off the water drops on his hands.

He looked at the general embarrassedly, and then couldn't help his curiosity and asked the general what those glowing stones were.

"So, General, what are those glowing stones? They look black, just stones, but why do they glow?"

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's question, and his face behind the mask darkened. He seemed to think of some not-so-good memories, and raised his hand to pinch Jiang Nanhe's little cheek, which had grown some flesh.

"If I'm not mistaken, that thing should be the eggs of man-eating bees.

Seeing the eggs, I also know why the peach tree can gather peach blossom miasma.

Man-eating bees live in the peach blossom forest full of peach blossom miasma. This kind of bees and peach blossom forests coexist with each other.

They are ferocious and a very dangerous bee. Ordinary people will die if they are stung.

I have seen their eggs before. In normal state, they are just like the glowing stones, but when they hatch, they are ugly larvae covered with mucus, like maggots.

Only when they eat enough meat will they pupate and metamorphose into bees.

I can guarantee that after you see the larvae, you will not want to see them anymore. They are too ugly and really unsightly."

Jiang Nanhe listened to what the general said, and his curiosity was completely aroused. The more the general talked, the more curious he was about how ugly this insect could be?

"Then what should we do with these eggs, General? Should we take them back and hatch them? Or should we smash them directly?"

The general knew that the little guy's curiosity had come back after hearing Jiang Nanhe's question, but he thought it was okay to let Jiang Nanhe learn a lesson.

"If you want to take them back and hatch them, you can, but you are forbidden to put them too close to me. When they are still in the larval stage, don't let me see them. Do you understand?"

After the general finished speaking, he walked to the peach tree, held the trunk of the peach tree with both hands, and pulled out the whole peach tree with a light pull.

"This valley should be the birthplace of the mountain ghost.

The birth of this mountain spirit was originally a coincidence. There won't be too many resources in the place where it was born.

This peach tree is very special. We can take it back and raise it.

There is also a grape vine wrapped around it. You can pick some grapes when you want to eat them in the future.

As for the monkeys outside, what do you think we should do? Should we ignore them or recruit them as our subordinates?

I just checked around and found a cave behind. There are several monkeys in the cave collecting fruits.

They piled the fruits together, and it seems that they are making wine. I have heard that some wild monkeys in the mountains will collect fruits and pile them together, and ferment them into wine due to unexpected circumstances.

If you want to drink, you may leave these monkeys behind."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, subconsciously tilted his head, and then looked at the general thoughtfully.

"Oh, so these monkeys can make wine! Then keep them. By the way, I don't drink. I'm still a child."

The general coughed a few times after listening to Jiang Nanhe's tender little voice.

Well, actually he wanted to drink. How many generals who fought on the battlefield didn't drink? He hadn't smelled alcohol for hundreds of years.

Today, seeing these monkeys making fruit wine, he was really happy. He already regarded them as his own subordinates.

Besides, this place is not far from their Qinshan Mountain. It is just over two mountains. He can take care of it normally.

Listening to the cough from the general, Jiang Nanhe praised himself in his heart. He guessed the general's idea.

He said that the general must want to drink himself, and he used his own as a cover, but Jiang Nanhe felt that these monkeys' precious craft of making wine was indeed worth cultivating.

But in this case, that monkey

The mountain ghost had a pretty good life. Usually, he let these monkeys hunt for him, and these monkeys also made wine for him. Just thinking about it, he felt that these monkeys were oppressed.

Jiang Nanhe cursed the mountain ghost silently in his heart. Zhou Bapi must die a bad death! Well, it was already dead.

Jiang Nanhe shook his head and threw his thoughts away.

The mountain ghost oppressed the monkeys, just like they oppressed the monkeys, but these monkeys would have an easier life under them in the future.

Compared to their skill of making wine, Jiang Nanhe wanted to dig up the fruit trees that the monkeys around used as food on a daily basis.

The general packed up the valuable things in the mountain ghost's cave and took them away separately, and threw a flame into it after leaving.

Jiang Nanhe sat on him, and the lamb followed behind him, carrying a large package on his back, and the group walked out of the waterfall.

Outside the waterfall, the monkey group, led by the leader, knelt on the ground honestly, waiting for Jiang Nanhe and his group to return.

Jiang Nanhe saw them like this? He waved his hand and asked them to get up, then asked the monkeys to lead the way and find all the fruit trees that they used as food. Jiang Nanhe would see if there were any that could be transplanted. He would transplant some or find some seeds and branches to take back and plant.

For Jiang Nanhe's arrangement, these monkeys were very obedient or very obedient.

They didn't even let Jiang Nanhe make a move, they understood what Jiang Nanhe meant, and went to the surrounding mountains and forests to find fruit trees and fruits.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the valley that was suddenly empty around him, shrugged his shoulders, raised his hand and scratched the back of his hand, I don't know why? He felt a little itchy.

The general also noticed Jiang Nanhe's movements and reached out to rub his head.

"Did you get bit by an insect? I saw you scratching itchy all the time today, or are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Jiang Nanhe looked at the general, he didn't know what the problem was.

"I don't know, General. Since I came to this valley, I have been feeling a little itchy. It wasn't very obvious at first, so I didn't say anything. But the more I went on, the more itchy I became. Could it be that I have lice?"

Thinking of the lice on his body, Jiang Nanhe shuddered with fear. The general waved his hand, signaling Jiang Nanhe not to worry.

With him around, the ordinary bugs around didn't dare to get into Jiang Nanhe's body, but he was still a little worried, so he took Jiang Nanhe to the valley.

"Relax, ordinary bugs can't stick to you at all. Have you not taken a bath for too long? Your skin is so tender that you can get a red mark on it when you pass through the grass. I guess you haven't taken a bath for two or three days, and you feel a little uncomfortable. There is a pond here, so go and take a bath."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, and he didn't have any doubts. He did take a bath almost every day before, especially after practicing martial arts, and he had to take a medicinal bath several times a day.

You have to take a shower after the medicinal bath, otherwise the herbal smell on your body will be too strong, so Jiang Nanhe felt that it was normal for him to feel itchy after not taking a shower for a few days.

He untied the two bellybands he was wearing, and walked into the lake with the general holding his arm.

The lake water was a little cold at night, and Jiang Nanhe couldn't stand it at first, but after swimming for a while, he got used to it.

He swam slowly in this clear valley for a few times, and the itchiness on his body seemed to be much less.

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