The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Under the straw shed built by Jiang Nanhe and the lamb, the ugly infant spirits saw Jiang Nanhe's steps and were a little excited.

They wanted to surround Jiang Nanhe, but some of them made a crackling sound when they touched the sunlight.

They cried out in pain and retracted their hands, their eyes full of grievances. Seeing their movements, Jiang Nanhe's young steps became firm.

The lamb looked at Jiang Nanhe in confusion, then glanced at the general floating in the air, came back to his senses, and immediately came to Jiang Nanhe's side.

He didn't know what Jiang Nanhe was going to do, but Jiang Nanhe's best choice was to turn around and leave.

Next, whether Jiang Nanhe wasted his energy to purify these infant spirits or other things, in fact, it was a burden for Jiang Nanhe.

Even the general felt so. Although the general felt pity for these children who were abandoned as soon as they were born, in his heart, Jiang Nanhe was still the most important.

So he picked up Jiang Nanhe and wanted to turn around and leave, but Jiang Nanhe patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, General, I have some ideas in my mind.

These children were born without relatives and experienced many hardships in the world.

Even after dying unjustly, they have no chance to reincarnate. Although I don't have the ability to send them to reincarnation, I can also subdue them into containers and use incense to purify their ghost spirit.

In the future, I will often teach them some worldly principles to see if I can cleanse the yin energy on them and give them some possibility of reincarnation."

Jiang Nanhe said this, holding his general floating in the air, listening to what Jiang Nanhe said, the eyes behind the mask shrank slightly.

In the eyes of the general, Jiang Nanhe seemed to have suddenly become taller, and even his body was emitting holy light.

Well, all this was actually the general's illusion. If possible, the general also wanted to save these children.

But he felt that it was already difficult to raise Jiang Nanhe.

So those ghosts that might cause trouble to Jiang Nanhe, in the general's opinion, it is best not to get involved, although he also feels uncomfortable in his heart.

But what Jiang Nanhe said now, taking some responsibilities on his own initiative, is undoubtedly full of shining points in the eyes of the general, and even the general's view of Jiang Nanhe is different.

He raised Jiang Nanhe high with some relief, then moved closer to his mask and rubbed Jiang Nanhe with the mask on his face.

Jiang Nanhe was full of question marks because of the general's behavior, but he patted the general's head. He wanted to do this a long time ago, but the general never let him do it. Now the general gave him a chance.

In Jiang Nanhe's memory, there are also some stories about ghosts, so he knows something about ghosts.

When he was connected with the general and obtained the spell of "inviting gods", there were also some inheritance contents related to ghosts, but they were all relatively shallow.

However, by combining these things, Jiang Nanhe sorted out his own set of theories. He didn't know whether it was useful or not, but he felt that he could try it.

For example, now, Jiang Nanhe patted the general's armor and asked him to help him cut down a willow or mulberry tree.

The general put Jiang Nanhe on the back of the lamb and immediately went around to look for the tree that Jiang Nanhe needed. After searching around, he found a willow tree. With a flash of knife, the willow tree was cut down by the general.

According to Jiang Nanhe's instructions, he chopped the willow tree into several rectangular wooden boards and inserted some willow branches around.

These branches may grow new willow trees in the future. Jiang Nanhe has always adhered to the concept of sustainable development.

This is how it was when transplanting fruit trees in the past. If you can find seeds, you can find seeds. If you can't find seeds, you can find branches. If you can't find branches, you can move the tree away, but you will throw some fruits and branches back to the original place.

Holding the trimmed willow board, the general walked to Jiang Nanhe. Jiang Nanhe looked around and felt that none of them worked.

He looked around and took out the section of the board containing the heart of the willow tree. He asked the general to cut the heart separately, and then asked the general to make the heart into relatively long boards.

Jiang Nanhe took another look at the number of ghosts in the abandoned baby tower and found that there were as many as 108 ghosts. Although he was prepared in his heart, Jiang Nanhe was still shocked by so many.

He sighed silently in his heart, and asked the general to carve the appearance of 108 ghosts on the heart of the willow tree. The general carved very quickly. When the general finished, Jiang Nanhe searched in the pile of luggage and found a bunch of incense sticks.

He lit the incense and inserted it in front of the abandoned baby tower. The ghosts were stunned.

Watching Jiang Nanhe's actions ignorantly.

The incense began to burn, and white smoke gradually emerged. Jiang Nanhe looked at the smoke, recalled some gestures in the invitation, and then he made a gesture.

Keeping the gesture, Jiang Nanhe flicked his finger at the white smoke in front of him, and the smoke followed Jiang Nanhe's guidance and rushed towards the ghosts.

The ghosts looked at the smoke floating towards them, and they were not afraid. The smoke washed their bodies and dissipated the yin energy on them.

They also had a rare feeling of fullness. Some ghosts tilted their heads and felt surprised at the changes in their bodies, but some of the bigger ones were a little happy.

Looking at their performance, Jiang Nanhe narrowed his eyes, and the incense in front of him burned faster. There were more and more white smoke, gradually covering their figures, and the smoke floated up and down, like a white fire.

These scents gradually blended into their bodies. The lamb and the general watched quietly. The lamb didn't know what Jiang Nanhe was going to do, but the general guessed something.

He watched Jiang Nanhe's movements, his eyes behind the mask full of pride.

Although Jiang Nanhe's body was small, he was now a little adult in the general's eyes.

He had his own opinions and ideas, and everything he did was worthy of praise in the general's eyes. In the general's cognition, he was already a true gentleman.

In the general's dynasty, being praised as a gentleman was the highest praise, and now he praised Jiang Nanhe in the same way.

The ghosts gradually relaxed their expressions in the mist of the incense burning by Jiang Nanhe, and the black air on their bodies gradually disappeared.

They left the bones and entered the willow wooden plaque carved by the general under Jiang Nanhe's instructions.

Jiang Nanhe pinched the seal with one hand and pinched his waist with the other hand.

He urged the ghosts to enter the wooden sign quickly and not to waste his time. Seeing his fierce performance, some ghosts looked at him aggrievedly.

Noticing their sight, Jiang Nanhe glared and urged them with his eyes.

These ghosts did not know the dangers of the world, and they were disorganized and undisciplined. Since Jiang Nanhe had assumed part of their karma and was willing to take them in, he would naturally teach them well.

Therefore, he felt that it was not wrong to treat them seriously.

Under Jiang Nanhe's command, soon, all the ghosts in the abandoned baby tower entered the wooden sign. Looking at the willow wooden sign emitting a faint spiritual light, Jiang Nanhe nodded with satisfaction.

As long as these ghosts do not make trouble, they are all good ghosts. When he does good things in the future, he can take them with him. Isn't it said that doing more good things will make it easier to reincarnate? Maybe they can also reincarnate if they do enough good things.

When the general saw Jiang Nanhe finish his good deed, he came to him, squatted down, and rubbed Jiang Nanhe's head.

He liked to rub Jiang Nanhe's head, but Jiang Nanhe hated this behavior, always thinking that he would not grow taller.

But now, Jiang Nanhe did not stop the general's actions. The general rubbed it a few times, and at Jiang Nanhe's urging, he pressed the willow wood he had cut before on the corpses of those ghosts, and then lit a fire. The golden flames rose, burning the abandoned baby tower and the bones below.

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