The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

Looking at the blazing golden fire, Jiang Nanhe felt a little incredible. He had experienced too many things in one day, which made him unable to relax.

But the matter was not over yet, he had to rush to the human village.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nanhe sighed, called the lamb, then turned over and sat on the lamb's back.

The lamb received Jiang Nanhe's instructions and walked leisurely, heading back to the road.

As he walked, the packages tied on both sides of his body collided slightly, and the wooden signs inside made a crisp sound.

Those little ghosts didn't move. They were very afraid of Jiang Nanhe. Even though they called Jiang Nanhe brother before, they were scared by Jiang Nanhe and huddled in the wooden signboards and didn't want to come out. It might also be because their bodies were burned by Jiang Nanhe, so they were very afraid of Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe observed the sky around him, then looked up at the general and spoke softly.

"General, have you ever seen the ghosts in this abandoned baby tower before? More than 100 ghosts came out at once, and the noise should be very loud. Why haven't I heard you talk about it before?"

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's question, the general recalled carefully, and then shook his head in confusion.

"What you said reminds me that in my past memories, not to mention this abandoned baby tower, even the cemetery of this village, or the hunters who died in vain in the mountains and forests, no ghosts were born.

In my memory, about 70 years ago, a ghost was born in the cemetery of this village by chance, but it was reincarnated soon. Since then, I have not seen a new ghost."

Speaking of this, the general paused for a moment, and it was obvious that he realized something was wrong.

"How did these ghosts suddenly appear? I remember that when the people in this village moved away last year, there was nothing unusual."

Hearing the general's somewhat puzzled voice, Jiang Nanhe frowned and realized that things were not simple.

Thinking of the previous red sun coming, the eclipse of the sun and the earthquake, a guess gradually took shape in his mind.

He waved to the general, and the general's figure floating in the air bent down. Jiang Nanhe looked at the general with a serious look, and he said his guess word by word.

"General, could it be caused by the strange phenomena in the world before? Otherwise, these ghosts could not have suddenly appeared.

Just now, I saw that there was very little ghost and yin energy on their bones, which also means that they were born not long ago.

I thought that they had been exposed to the wind and rain before, which caused the yin energy on their bodies to be not strong, but now it is obvious that I guessed wrong.

Judging from the power of the sleight of hand that these ghosts just performed, ordinary people can't easily escape from them. Obviously, there were no strange rumors in the village in the past, which means that these ghosts were born not long ago."

The more Jiang Nanhe spoke, the more serious his face became. If it was really a ghost born when the red sun fell just now, it was obvious that the world was going to be in big trouble.

However, Jiang Nanhe still didn't quite understand the meaning of the birth of these ghosts, but the mystery of the natural operation of the world was so profound that it was not something that a small child like him could comprehend, so there were many things he didn't know.

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's guess, thought for a while, and nodded, which was considered to be affirmation of Jiang Nanhe's opinion.

"You are right, Nanhe, they may be newly born, but whether they were born during the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth is not so easy to guess.

These ghosts do not have much wisdom, only some instincts, or the instinct of playing, and they can't get anything out of them.

Now we can only take one step at a time. I will be by your side for the rest of the journey and will not enter your body. This way, I can protect you in case of any accidents."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words and felt a sense of security in his heart. Whether it was because of the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth that caused the birth of these ghosts, it had little to do with Jiang Nanhe now.

He could neither send these ghosts to reincarnation nor kill them directly. As for whether he would meet similar ghosts or those evil ghosts in the future, Jiang Nanhe and the general would definitely not let them go, but these infant ghosts were indeed innocent. Jiang Nanhe thought so and sighed for his virgin heart.

Attaching these ghosts to the willow wood tablets, he also took on the responsibility of teaching and managing them. Jiang Nanhe felt that there were too many things to do at a young age and he was tired, but the general was willing to

Jiang Nanhe thought that the general must be more tired than him, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the general in his heart.

He didn't dare to think about how he would live without the general? When he thought about the various trivial matters in life, eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, sleeping, etc., which needed to be sorted out by a young child, he felt that the sky had fallen. Fortunately, there was a general now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nanhe continued to speak.

"Okay, I'll trouble you for the rest of the journey.

But general, I think our plan to go to that village to exchange resources may fail. I hope they will be more friendly and don't drive me away directly."

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's discouraged words, the general laughed a little. He raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Nanhe's head, but as soon as his hand was raised, he silently put it down under Jiang Nanhe's gaze.

"You little kid, you have learned to be polite to me. Don't talk about troubles in the future.

Also, don't be depressed or discouraged. Don't act like an adult at such a young age. The mature look will easily cause wrinkles on your face. Just think about it, wrinkles on your little face will be so scary."

Listening to the general's coaxing tone, Jiang Nanhe made a face at him.

"General, you only know how to scare children. Have you ever seen a normal child with wrinkles? Besides, I am cultivating immortality now, okay?

Living forever in the future is not a dream. Well, I don't know if I can cultivate it with my talent, but I can still prolong my life, okay?"

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's self-praise, the general patted him on the back and affirmed Jiang Nanhe's words with his actual actions.

He admired Jiang Nanhe's daring to think and do. In the past, Jiang Nanhe would do what he said and practice his words with his own actions. He admired him for this. Although this admiration was strange in a one-year-old child, the general thought it was normal.

Just like Jiang Nanhe's spirit of not being afraid of hardship when practicing martial arts, Jiang Nanhe now also conducts high-intensity training every day. If he didn't have spiritual energy to nourish his body, the general would really worry that Jiang Nanhe would have some problems with his body. Jiang Nanhe has almost lost some of the meat he raised in the winter.

The two talked about daily life, and occasionally the lambs who were rushing on the road would interject a few words, and the lambs who couldn't understand the two of them would cry. One sheep, one person, and one god chatted with each other and discussed some things, and time passed slowly.

When Jiang Nanhe heard some human voices, he suddenly realized that they were getting closer and closer to the human village without knowing it.

Jiang Nanhe looked up and saw some collapsed houses. Some people were anxiously digging through the ruins. It seemed that someone was crushed.

Ancient buildings still have their advantages. Most of them are very thin. Even if an earthquake buries people, the house structure composed of small stones, loess and wood can still give people enough time for rescue. Moreover, there is no bad weather now, nor high temperature and low temperature, so even if people are injured, they can hold out for a while under the house.

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