The general didn't care much about the woolen cloth, so Jiang Nanhe naturally wouldn't pay much attention to it. He quickly put the matter behind him and began to think about where to plant the crops he changed this time. At this point, the general had his own opinions to express. After all, he planted most of the crops in Qinshan. He felt that he had surpassed Jiang Nanhe in practical operations. Jiang Nanhe only had theory but no practice, and his opinions could not be adopted. Jiang Nanhe was not convinced! So he argued with the general all the way. They were a little noisy along the way, and even the wooden signs in the luggage behind the lamb began to collide, making crisp sounds, as if responding to Jiang Nanhe and his friends. With the sound of luggage colliding, Jiang Nanhe and his companions returned to Qinshan. The earthquake also had an impact on Qinshan.

However, the general's divine dog incarnation was here, so it would not have much impact.

As Jiang Nanhe entered the path of cultivation, the connection between the general and the divine dog incarnation became stronger and stronger. He gradually adapted to multitasking, so it was no problem for the divine dog incarnation to stay in Qinshan and protect the safety of Qinshan.

The earthquake also shook the things in Jiang Nanhe's small house, and the roof collapsed a little, but other problems were not big.

It just so happened that the general also thought that this house was too small. After all, it was uncomfortable for the lamb to go in and out, so he planned to build a bigger one.

As for the general's temple, there was no problem at all. The general's temple was built with some stones. It was very solid and reliable. Not even a brick or tile fell from it. Although the temple was small, it was solid, which was incomparable to Jiang Nanhe's house.

There was nothing wrong with the rabbit nest and chicken coop next to Jiang Nanhe's house. Although they collapsed, the rabbits and chickens inside dared not run away because there were coyotes around them staring at them.

Faced with a pile of messes on Qinshan Mountain, Jiang Nanhe and the general were busy and exhausted, and the cloth they exchanged was also experiencing its own unique experience.

After exchanging the cloth, the village chief of Zhangjia Village took it to the county town at full speed.

His son worked as a constable in the government office in the county town. Although he was called a constable, he was actually similar to the contract worker in Jiang Nanhe's memory. He was not formal and did not receive official salary from the court. He was just a staff member recruited by the government office because of lack of manpower.

He was called a constable to the outside world, but in fact he did not even have silver money every month.

As for the lack of silver money, why did the son of the village chief of Zhangjia Village still stay here? It was because there were other incomes.

The village chief of Zhangjia Village brought the cloth here to get a formal position for his son. He thought the cloth was very special and precious.

So he rushed to deliver it to his son. His son was very surprised after seeing it and thought it was really a good piece of cloth.

But the village chief's son was not in a hurry to offer it. After all, the county had also experienced an earthquake and it was a busy time.

If he ran out to offer something now, it would not only be useless, but he might also get himself into trouble.

After all, some of the constables in the yamen died because of the earthquake. If he rushed to rush up now, he would easily become a target for others.

As it turned out, the village chief's son guessed correctly.

The whole county was in chaos at the beginning, and there were even robberies. What was outrageous was that there were even arsonists. The chaos was fast and ended quickly.

After the chaos, it was time to settle accounts. The village chief's son and the village chief of Zhangjia Village were both very careful, so there was no big problem.

After the county government settled accounts with some people, the county began to gradually restore a stable order.

The establishment of order often also means a lack of manpower. The village chief of Zhangjia Village suggested that his son go and make connections as soon as possible, but his son still refused.

A few months later, the village chief's son presented this gift to the county magistrate's mother on her birthday.

The effect was the same as he expected. This piece of cloth directly attracted the attention of the official. He praised it highly. Although he did not show it on the spot, the son of the village chief of Zhangjia Village felt that things were stable.

Sure enough, a few months later, he directly served as a small official in the government, and directly completed the class leap.

As for the constables and ordinary people who gave gifts at the beginning, they were still fighting each other to the death.

This is quite normal. After all, there is a shortage of manpower and it is very important to add people. You want to come, I want to come, and everyone wants to come, so conflicts arise.

At that time, if we directly

If he offered it, he would probably get into trouble and arouse the jealousy of others. But now it was different. The order in the county was stable, and he had an official position. Even if others were dissatisfied, the fire would not burn him. The son of the village chief of Zhangjia Village was very rational.

This piece of cloth came from the hands of the village chief's son to the hands of the official in their county. The cloth was very good, and you could feel it as soon as you touched it.

Under the sun, it even emits a faint soft light. Its current owner also likes it very much, but it is too rare.

Later, he asked the village chief's son about the source of the cloth, but got an unknown news. However, treasures are hard to find, and the county master knew this, so he didn't force it.

So, after thinking about it, he decided to embroider the map of the entire county on it, including the more important areas in the county, such as mines, and other large and small markets. He planned to make a map with this cloth.

Of course, a map cannot be made by a county official alone. It must have the approval of officials from other towns and counties. So this piece of cloth circulated in towns and cities, and those officials praised it highly. Then a map was born.

Inside the white cloth, the map was embroidered with precious silk threads of various colors. From a distance, the map was vivid and real. From this point, we can see that the embroiderer's skills are superb. Of course, this also shows that this piece of cloth is special.

The officials of several counties joined forces and summoned the embroiderers to embroider this map, which is naturally very useful.

The new king of their country has just been in office for three years, and the management of their border areas is very lax.

But here, because they border other countries with mountains, the environment is very bad. If the country does not care, the population around them is estimated to decline sharply every year, and they may not be able to survive.

Without people, there would be no officials, so they embroidered this map, hoping that the court would understand their intention to surrender and send some people or transfer some people.

According to the results of the discussion among several officials, the surrounding areas can obviously accommodate more villagers.

Although their environment is a bit harsh, the population can indeed accommodate a lot, and their food production can keep up.

But unfortunately, their calculations were wrong. The king of their current country was unstable and was killed by the rebels in the sixth year of the Xia Dynasty. The map they embroidered took five years, that is, the seventh year of the Xia Dynasty, to be sent up. When the king died, it had not yet reached the capital of their country.

But the map was still sent up. The new king was the illegitimate son of the previous king. He saw the map, but didn't care too much.

Until one day, an old Taoist priest came into the palace and accidentally saw the map in the treasure house. He was surprised to find that the map was woven with special hair from living monsters and a special technique. If some refining methods were added, the map could also be used as a simple magic weapon.

So the old Taoist asked for the map and added some of his own tricks to it.

But unfortunately the cloth was too fragile, or maybe the old Taoist's skills were not up to par, the cloth could not withstand the burning of the flames and turned into ashes.

The old Taoist felt a little pity, so he rushed to the area on the map according to his memory.

He thought that maybe he could find a material similar to the cloth there, and he needed the special magic weapon forged with this special material, so he had to travel far away.

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