Time flies, and we should cherish it.

Time flies, and we should cherish it.

Time passed by little by little, and eight years passed unknowingly. The four seasons passed by in a flash, like a white horse passing by. Time passed quickly, as if yesterday was a cold winter with layers of snow, and today is a hot summer with scorching sun.

Even Jiang Nanhe, who lived in the mountains, could not see the changes of time clearly, but he could feel the traces of time passing by little by little.

The days in the mountains were dull, and as the days passed, his figure grew taller.

The changes of the lamb were obvious. He was getting bigger and stronger, and the spiritual energy in his body was becoming more and more abundant.

Compared to the tall size of the lamb, Jiang Nanhe has not grown too tall.

He is already nine years old this year, and he will be ten after this winter.

He is about to be ten years old, but his height is only about 1.3 meters, which makes Jiang Nanhe very confused and shocked. He attributed it to the fact that the general liked to touch his head every day.

The general, who was holding a wooden spoon and boiling hot porridge in a copper pot, looked helplessly at Jiang Nanhe who was standing by the pillar in the middle of the house and muttering to himself while measuring his height.

Jiang Nanhe, this little guy, didn't know why he was so resentful about his height. He thought that his height of ten years old was already quite good.

Originally a small meat ball, now he has grown into a young boy, and the general also feels that time has passed very quickly.

When the general thought of the hard days when he first raised Jiang Nanhe, he felt it was incredible. The current life is simply a world of difference from that.

Eight years have changed a lot of things.

For example, Jiang Nanhe and his men made Qinshan very neat. Not only did they reclaim the flat areas and plant many crops, but Jiang Nanhe also began to systematically learn medical skills.

Although he is not a doctor yet, he can only be regarded as an apprentice. Jiang Nanhe also learned this medical skill by himself, and he exchanged medical books with some villagers over the years.

Over the years, Jiang Nanhe occasionally went to other villages and county towns to stroll around and buy some things. Originally, he could take the lamb with him, but later he stopped taking him.

The lamb's size is getting bigger and bigger, and in the eyes of others, it is almost like a monster.

Over the years, I don't know what happened. In the villages and towns, Jiang Nanhe heard a lot of disturbances caused by monsters entering the city.

The impact of these things is also very bad, and he heard that many ghosts were born, and there are more and more stories and rumors about ghosts harming people.

This made Jiang Nanhe speechless. Fortunately, he could not go to the town or village several times a year, so he generally didn't care much.

He has no shortage of food. He can produce the salt and sugar that the human body needs.

Jiang Nanhe is also lucky.

He heard from the villagers that there is a salt mine not far away. He also remembered that there is also a salt mine where the tiger he killed with the general lived. So he went there to dig underground. It turned out that he was still lucky.

The place where the tiger lived was indeed a small salt mine. There were still a lot of salt crystals underneath, enough for Jiang Nanhe to eat.

This saved him a lot of expenses. As for sugar, Jiang Nanhe would use the beets to make sugar. He planted the beets in the general's blessed land, as well as some other crops.

Now Jiang Nanhe harvests a lot of crops every year. In addition to selecting the best part as seeds, Jiang Nanhe will use the rest to make wine.

After years of experiments, he successfully brewed it, and he used the distillation technology in his mind to distill them again to make a clearer wine.

This wine won the general's praise and became his favorite. In order to make more wine, Jiang Nanhe also passed this technology to the monkeys in the back mountain.

The monkeys also had some talent in winemaking. Jiang Nanhe taught them once and demonstrated it to them several times, and they learned it.

And they did it better than Jiang Nanhe. Because Jiang Nanhe had high requirements for hygiene, they would clean themselves with warm water before doing various processes.

The monkeys are now managed by the general. There are many jars of wine produced every year. In order to store the wine, Jiang Nanhe and the general discussed and built a porcelain kiln.

As for how to build it, it was very simple. Jiang Nanhe took the general to the place where porcelain was fired for a walk, and the general went in to see the structure of the entire kiln.

As for the skill of firing porcelain, it was acquired under Jiang Nanhe's money offensive.

Jiang Nanhe paid some silver to become a disciple, and others naturally could not teach him everything, but the general could learn their original skills from them, and add the content they explained, and then teach Jiang Nanhe completely.

So Jiang Nanhe paid them a lot of silver to become a disciple, and regarded it as compensation.

Those people were also very happy for Jiang Nanhe to learn, after all, they were not competitive, and Jiang Nanhe himself did not do this business, so he only paid them to explain a few times and learn by hand. They did not need to teach the most in-depth things, but they did not know that the general had already learned it.

Building a kiln on the mountain can not only burn some porcelain, but also burn some charcoal in winter.

With charcoal, Jiang Nanhe completely got rid of the cold.

According to his memory, he asked the general to build a copper stove with an extra-long chimney, which was filled with charcoal and was very warm.

He also invented a copper hot pot. In winter, sitting on the bed and eating hot pot, life is so beautiful.

But what makes people tired is that the ghosts that Jiang Nanhe had conquered before would compete with him for food.

Maybe it is because of Jiang Nanhe's special physique. Once the ingredients he has touched are cooked, these ghosts can absorb the essence of them, that is, the incense to fill their stomachs.

Every time he eats, Jiang Nanhe has to eat last. He has to feed the general and the ghosts.

But generally they eat once a month. The ghosts are still very sensible. If these ghosts were not very useful in summer, Jiang Nanhe would have given up their food long ago.

In the hot summer, Jiang Nanhe relies on these ghosts as mobile air conditioners for himself.

Their own ghost energy is very cold. Not only can they be used as air conditioners, but they can also make cold drinks for Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe's operation not only made the general speechless, but also the ghosts. After all, if they wanted to freeze the water with their own ghost energy, it would take a long time, but they were too many ghosts, so they could only make ice honestly under Jiang Nanhe's coercion.

The ice they made could not be used directly because it had some ghost energy, but who was Jiang Nanhe? In the general's original words, he could do anything for some novel food.

So he studied to use his own spiritual power to drive away the ghost energy in the ice. Although it wasted a lot of spiritual energy, there was a lamb, and the lamb could also discharge electricity.

Every time the ice was made, he only needed to pull a wire from the lamb's horn and apply electricity to the ice, and the ghost energy would disappear.

Since Jiang Nanhe discovered the use of these ghosts, he has never stopped having cold drinks in the summer.

The general was helpless with Jiang Nanhe. This guy was already a cultivator, and logically should be immune to cold and heat, but this guy just hated winter and also hated when the weather was too hot. Whenever this happened, he would lie paralyzed at home and didn't want to move anywhere. Becoming a cultivator didn't help him get rid of this habit.

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