The general said that Jiang Nanhe was very different from when he was a child. When he was a child, Jiang Nanhe was fed fat because of the general. Even though he consumed a lot of food every day, the general would ask Jiang Nanhe to eat more.

Later, when Jiang Nanhe got older, he began to rebel against the general.

Mainly because of the abundant spiritual energy in his body, Jiang Nanhe often didn't feel hungry for several days, and he felt that he didn't need to eat.

But the general was not a vegetarian. If Jiang Nanhe didn't eat for more than one day, he would whip him.

Later, when Jiang Nanhe's spiritual energy was fully abundant, the general stopped forcing Jiang Nanhe to eat three meals a day, plus desserts and snacks after meals.

So Jiang Nanhe felt that he could still maintain his figure, and it was not easy to become a thin man.

From this point, it can be seen that how much training he needs to practice martial arts every day? In order to consume the calories he eats.

Jiang Nanhe is now almost ten years old, about 1.3 meters tall, and there is not much meat on his body. He looks like a very healthy young man.

His hair is half long, and it can cover half of his back when it is completely untied.

Usually he uses a red rope to tie this hair to his head, ties a simple bun, and then fixes it with a peach branch.

It’s not that Jiang Nanhe doesn’t want to cut his hair short. When he just proposed this idea, he was caught by the general and beaten for a long time. The general was not satisfied after beating him, so he beat Jiang Nanhe again the next day.

After being beaten several times, Jiang Nanhe realized that the current dynasty is different from his. In this era, it is important to give your body and hair to your parents. Unless you encounter special circumstances, it is a big deal if you dare to cut your hair.

If this happened in an ordinary village, the whole family would be scolded by others.

After thinking it through, Jiang Nanhe got used to keeping his long hair. Jiang Nanhe has a well-proportioned figure, without a trace of extra fat on his body, but he is not very thin.

His training over the years has not been in vain. The muscle lines on his body are very smooth. As for abdominal muscles, there are definitely none, as he is only a ten-year-old child.

If he has abdominal muscles on his stomach, that would be weird. According to the general, the body that Jiang Nanhe mentioned with abdominal muscles is not healthy. At a young age, if the muscles on the body are fixed, he will not be able to practice martial arts.

So although Jiang Nanhe looks very thin, the muscle lines under his body are very smooth. Years of hard training have not made Jiang Nanhe's skin darker. Jiang Nanhe still looks like a little white face, which is what he thinks.

But in the general's opinion, Jiang Nanhe, this little guy, has a good face at a young age.

Jiang Nanhe has big eyes, and his black pupils look particularly clear and bright, as if there is spiritual energy flowing in them.

His eyes are different from others at first glance. I don’t know if he was born like this or because of the spiritual energy in his body.

The lines on his forehead have gradually become larger as he grows older.

The lines are quite obvious, but the vertical lines do not affect Jiang Nanhe’s appearance. Instead, they add some mystery to him.

Jiang Nanhe can be seen to be very good-looking at a young age. If he is older, he will definitely have a handsome face.

The general said so, but Jiang Nanhe sneered at the general’s words. He thinks that his appearance is more ordinary.

He is now a high-end technical talent. Because of the spiritual energy, he has learned all kinds of skills over the years.

If it were in his time, he would be a perfect man now, and now he can also be called a martial arts master.

What about floating on water and flying on trees? He could fly away with a light jump, and he could do all these.

He also has rich cultural connotations. He has been familiar with various ancient texts over the years and has successfully transformed into a high-end technical talent.

The general didn't quite understand the term "high-end technical talent" he mentioned, but Jiang Nanhe was happy to describe himself like this, and the general couldn't control it.

The general was cooking white porridge at this time. Over the years, Jiang Nanhe finally found the rice he had been thinking about, but it was not easy to raise it in their place, and it was even impossible to raise it.

So rice can only be planted in the general's blessed land, and the harvest is relatively small every year, but Jiang Nanhe can also eat some rice every year.

In addition to rice, they have many other crops. For example, Jiang Nanhe has achieved freedom of pasta. As long as there is an open space on the mountain, or as long as it is flat, he can grow rice.

He planted wheat.

Wheat is cold-resistant and drought-resistant, and has a good yield. It is simply a perfect food.

That's right, these wheats are prone to diseases, or in other words, most of the food is prone to diseases.

At the beginning, Jiang Nanhe and the general had no means to deal with this kind of pests and diseases, and the amount of food harvested each year was relatively small.

Until later when the general reclaimed Futian and chatted with Jiang Nanhe, Jiang Nanhe accidentally saw some stones placed under the peach forest planted in the space.

The most special plant that Jiang Nanhe and the general have should be the peach tree, not only the one they originally had, but also the one dug out from the cave where the mountain ghost lived, the peach tree wrapped around the grape rack.

The peach tree can gather peach blossom miasma, because Jiang Nanhe and his team now planted a few more peach trees, and the miasma gathered every year is also a little more. Jiang Nanhe also found a special insect there, which is the larvae of the man-eating bee that the general particularly dislikes.

The larvae are like stones. The general and Jiang Nanhe have thrown them under the peach tree for so many years and have never taken care of them. According to the general, they can survive in that form for decades. Jiang Nanhe saw them by accident this time and decided to cultivate them and let them catch insects.

At first, the general was against it. He hated the larvae of this insect. After all, they were really ugly. But if he opposed Jiang Nanhe, there would not be enough food, so he had to agree to Jiang Nanhe's cultivation.

The general and Jiang Nanhe tried some means to raise bees. To be honest, when Jiang Nanhe saw their larvae for the first time, he did not believe that they were bee larvae.

Their overall shape is similar to that of maggots, but they are transparent, so their internal organs and teeth can be seen clearly from the outside, because only the epidermis and blood are transparent, and the rest can be seen. Moreover, they are indeed not easy to be seen by people. They are very ugly.

The general retreated after taking one look, and only Jiang Nanhe gritted his teeth to feed them and raise them until they hatched.

Because Jiang Nanhe had little experience, he killed several of them at the beginning. In the end, only two larvae, one male and one female, barely survived. They gradually developed into a small group and solved the problem of pests and diseases.

The man-eating bees were raised by Jiang Nanhe. For some reason, these insects listened to Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe asked them to catch insects on their food, and they did not flinch. Each adult man-eating bee was about the size of an adult's fist, so they could catch insects of all sizes, such as the most common disease on plants called blackworms.

Blackworms are very small insects, and they often gather in a large group. They eat crops and reduce crop yields. Jiang Nanhe and his people have little food, which is also caused by these insects.

But after the man-eating bees came, they could easily swallow these insects into their stomachs, as well as larger locusts and aphids. These pests and man-eating bees can deal with them.

Although they look ugly when they grow up, with yellow and brown patterns on their bodies, only their heads are black, and their wings have red patterns. When they are put together on their backs, these red patterns will form a human face, but it must be said that these man-eating bees are really useful.

Because of their role, the general was forced to like them, and the subsequent cultivation of man-eating bees was carried out by him and Jiang Nanhe together.

Since then, Jiang Nanhe and his people have never reduced their food production. The abundant vegetables, wild vegetables in the mountains and these crops have brought Jiang Nanhe's quality of life back to what he remembered at that time.

Jiang Nanhe now rarely recalls the peaceful era in his memory, because his life now is almost the same as that time.

Although it is still not very convenient and not as good as that, at least the food and accommodation are equivalent to those there.

Moreover, Jiang Nanhe ate better here than there, after all, the general would occasionally give Jiang Nanhe extra food.

Occasionally, some carnivorous prey would pass by them and harm their food, and the general would kill them, such as some deer, some black bears, and other wild animals in the mountains. Jiang Nanhe had never eaten these things before, but now he was fed up with them.

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