The food was very delicious.

The variety of ingredients made Jiang Nanhe experience the delicious food he had never tasted before.

The main reason was that the general's cooking skills were getting better and better. For example, the white porridge cooked by the general now was cooked to the right temperature, with a layer of rice oil floating on it, exuding the fragrance of new rice.

Every grain of rice was cooked by the general until it was fried. When I scooped a spoonful and put it into my mouth, it was soft and sticky.

The rice harvest this year was not much, so Jiang Nanhe only ate rice once a week, which was already a high frequency. His staple food was still pasta.

Jiang Nanhe drank the porridge in small sips. The general floating opposite him couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up several venison buns with chopsticks and put them in front of Jiang Nanhe.

"Don't just drink porridge, eat some meat buns.

It has the herbs you like in it, so it doesn't have much smell."

Listening to the general's words, Jiang Nanhe reluctantly picked up a bun and put it into his mouth.

In Jiang Nanhe's opinion, the taste of venison is only average.

The bun he ate was stuffed with venison and leeks. The herbs the general mentioned were actually leeks.

Jiang Nanhe accidentally discovered some wild leeks growing before, so he dug them up and planted them in Futian. Now there is a small piece of them. He occasionally uses them to make dumplings, buns, etc.

The general also puts some when cooking meat. Jiang Nanhe said it can remove the fishy smell and mutton smell.

After eating a bun, Jiang Nanhe picked up some pickled ginger. He likes ginger very much.

I don't know if it's because his last name is Jiang. In his mind, he didn't eat ginger much in his previous life, but in this life, he thinks ginger is quite delicious. He puts some in pickled or stir-fried dishes.

Jiang Nanhe rubbed his stomach contentedly after finishing a bowl of porridge with just the pickled side dishes.

He was already very full after a bowl of porridge, and the general was speechless about his small appetite.

He put some dishes in the bowl in front of him, but Jiang Nanhe refused to eat, so the two pushed and pushed.

Finally, the lamb, which had grown a little bigger, came over, lowered its head and swallowed the food in the bowl, burped with satisfaction, and lay on the ground to sleep again.

Jiang Nanhe kicked the lamb speechlessly, but the lamb didn't feel anything.

The lamb is now almost three meters tall, and its body is really huge. The wool on its body is also very thick. Its horns have become big and thick, and the curvature is also large. It looks very difficult to mess with.

But the lamb didn't grow crooked, and it still looks silly.

Of course, this is what Jiang Nanhe saw. In the eyes of others, the lamb is still very majestic, but how do you describe his appearance? He is a bit dignified, or kind-hearted, and not as intimidating as those huge monsters.

The general could only sigh when he saw that the food he gave to Jiang Nanhe was eaten by the lamb.

The lamb has been eating more and more in recent years. Unlike Jiang Nanhe, who eats less and less, this guy has become a big eater. If he only eats grass a day, he will eat dozens of kilograms, almost hundreds of kilograms.

His weight makes Jiang Nanhe and others feel very stressed. Every winter, they have to mobilize the group of monkeys and the 108 little ghosts he raises to cut grass for him day and night.

The monkeys cut during the day, and the little ghosts cut at night. These guys cut grass day and night to barely feed the lamb.

As for why the lamb eats so much, the general and Jiang Nanhe guessed that it was purely because the lamb had more and more spiritual energy in its body, but it was not enough to replenish it by absorbing the spiritual energy in the surrounding air.

In other words, the energy obtained by the lamb from eating could not replenish the consumption of the spiritual energy in his body.

This made the general and Jiang Nanhe a little embarrassed. Later, Jiang Nanhe and the general opened a piece of land for him in the blessed field to grow the grass he liked to eat.

It was not over after planting. Jiang Nanhe had to use the spiritual energy in his body to nourish the grass, so that his spiritual energy was completely attached to the grass, and then feed it to the lamb.

Not to mention, this method is really useful. The lamb will eat a lot less when eating the grass with spiritual energy, but Jiang Nanhe will be very tired.

Because he couldn't enter the blessed field, I don't know why, the general can enter, and now the lamb can enter, even the group of monkeys raised by the general can enter, but Jiang Nanhe can't enter, or people can't enter.

The general guessed that it might be because Jiang Nanhe was not a wild animal in the mountains? According to their current experiments, there is no obstacle for plants and animals in the mountains to enter and exit the blessed field.

Only Jiang Nanhe can't get in. This is Futian.

Qinshan's Futian, maybe Jiang Nanhe is considered to live in human society, so Jiang Nanhe usually has to rely on the ritual of inviting gods to let the general attach to himself, and then let the general leave with his own aura.

Jiang Nanhe's aura must be converted, and all converted into the wood-attributed aura to nourish the grass.

Although other auras are also possible, the grass retains less aura.

Anyway, in order to feed the lamb, the general and Jiang Nanhe are really worried.

The effort spent on maintaining that small piece of green grass is enough for Jiang Nanhe and the general to raise all the crops in the whole Qinshan and Futian.

But their painstaking efforts did not disappoint the lamb. He successfully learned several new spells, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The physical fitness is getting stronger and stronger. They tried it. If Jiang Nanhe used a kitchen knife to chop the lamb without using spiritual power, the lamb would not be injured at all.

His thick wool and hard skin can block these attacks, even if Jiang Nanhe uses his internal force, the result is the same.

Jiang Nanhe's internal force is very strong. In terms of conversion, he is already a first-class master in the world, but he still can't break the lamb's defense.

And the several new spells that the lamb learned are very useful. The first spell is that the lamb's cry becomes very deterrent.

This trick has a very restraining effect on ghosts. Maybe the lamb usually yells at those ghosts too much. Those ghosts are sometimes really annoying. They will pester Jiang Nanhe to play with them, but Jiang Nanhe doesn't have time? Just throw them to the lamb. The lamb usually plays with them happily, but occasionally gets angry, so he yells more.

I don't know if it's for this reason that he learned this spell. This spell is similar to the sound wave spell emitted by the tiger, but Jiang Nanhe thinks the lamb's is stronger than the tiger's.

In addition to this spell, the lamb also learned a trick called goat kick.

I don't know where he learned it from, but it is to gather spiritual power on his hoof and kick hard. How can you describe the killing power? It is very powerful. A rock weighing hundreds of pounds can be easily broken by the lamb's kick. Let the lamb step on the ground on the top of the mountain with one hoof, and it can also make a crack.

The general and Jiang Nanhe are quite satisfied with his power, and other spells are gone.

However, the wool on the lamb has become particularly special. Since his spiritual energy has become stronger and stronger, the wool has become more and more tough. The clothes made of it are not only warm, but also have some protective ability.

Now Jiang Nanhe's quilts, mattresses, clothes from top to bottom, and even the ropes used at home are all made of lamb wool.

At first, the general's craftsmanship was not very good, but as I said, he would let Jiang Nanhe become a disciple and then learn it himself.

Moreover, the clothes on Jiang Nanhe now have patterns, and the general has also learned the techniques of highlighting and dyeing, as well as embroidery. In order for Jiang Nanhe to wear better clothes, the general has spent a lot of thought and made great sacrifices.

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