at the same time,

Inside Tianxian City.

In a lakeside garden, Zhang Qingyuan frowned when he appeared in the shade of the willows on the lake shore.

"The pinnacle of the cave realm, or the realm of ten thousand transformations?"

Just looking at the memory in the mind of a little True Primal Realm, that person was able to sense from the memory, as if he had come alive from the memory, descended in the air, and followed the Qi machine!

What a terrible method this is!

If it weren’t for Zhang Qingyuan’s reaction at that moment, he would instantly smash the tall and thin monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks into fly ash, completely crush the air machine, and at the same time attack the sky with the majestic consciousness of the three flowers on top, and the air machine Disturb, say you can't really be followed by the other party looking for it!

But even so, Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to be careless!

After completely blocking the trail of the enemy,

Zhang Qing's vitality machine converged, the whole figure directly escaped into the void, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and left the restaurant, and the invisible true essence and spiritual consciousness swept through, completely wiped out the Qi machine behind him!

Destroy all deeds!

After doing so many things, Zhang Qingyuan's heart barely settled down.

But even so,

He also dare not say that there will be no accidents!

Because that kind of horrible aura that made the whole world scared for it, it was already above all the cultivators of the True Realm that Zhang Qingyuan had seen!

It was only after the battle with Lu Tianxu that year,

At that time, the Wanhua giant shot with a glimpse, and the aura that leaked out had such a terrifying power and momentum!

This is simply unimaginable!

"Is that one of the giants in the Blood Demon Sect... With such strength, I am not yet an opponent!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, revealing an unknown light.

Just because of the confrontation between Qi and Qi, Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt that both his understanding of Dao Fa and the strength of his mana were inferior to that Qi Qi!

Perhaps the only thing that may have an advantage is the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, condensed into the top three flowers, which can faintly improve.

Because it is the power of the top three flowers,

Let Zhang Qingyuan be able to pinch the source of that Qi machine, so that the other party can no longer pursue it!


What can be done is nothing more,

The existence of that Qi machine is undoubtedly superior to one's own power!

"I feel a conspiracy enveloping the entire Tianxian City, the kind of premonition that something big is about to happen, like a haze over my spiritual consciousness!"

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were extremely deep.

"Perhaps after finishing the business, I should leave Tianxian City immediately?"

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel hesitating in his heart.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally shook his head, and he had made a decision in his heart.

"No matter, if you want revenge, you can do it any time...Rather than confronting an opponent who has no chance of winning now, it is better to go back and practice in retreat. He even brought his sect to death with him!"

In Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, there was a gloomy light.

The gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years, and everything is safe.

As long as life is still alive,

Then there will naturally be opportunities for revenge in the future.

For many years, he has never challenged an opponent whose strength is unknown, relying on luck for his life.

The blood demon sect giant’s aura is too strong,

I am not an opponent,

Then temporarily retreat, that is, there is no need to die.

"The so-called fairy information, I have already obtained, and because of accidents and Murong ancestors who have been immersed in the middle of the cave for many years, I have obtained a lot of gains."

"The harvest in this industry is pretty good."

"But...The Ten Thousand Years Fund Cuizhumu has not been released yet, and the real spoils of those two holes have not yet been realized. There are about ten days left for the exchange meeting..."

Thinking of this layer, Zhang Qingyuan's face showed the color of struggle.

But soon,

He decided that he would continue to stay here for more than ten days, and wait until the exchange meeting is over.

After all speaking,

He did not expose himself during this trip,

Although vaguely aware that the Blood Demon Sect might be planning some conspiracy secretly, for him, he himself is in the dark, and the Blood Demon Sect is in the light instead.

As long as he hides himself well, even if the blood demon sect's conspiracy breaks out in advance, it will be difficult for him to be affected!

I have a plan in my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan did not stay any longer, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


time flies,

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the exchange meeting between the real layers of the cave that the ancestor Murong said was also followed. At this time, the Tianxian City was still business as usual, making Zhang Qingyuan almost think that the blood demon sect. The monk has gone away.

However, he did not plan to spend too much time on the Blood Demon Sect.

Behind the opponent is covered by a powerful giant,

For the time being, I can't afford to provoke it, so I will hide for a while, and wait until the magical power is completed in the future.

Through the invitation post given by the ancestor Murong,

Zhang Qingyuan successfully entered the circle of the exchange meeting.

There are several cultivators in the cave either the super elders of certain sects, or the casual cultivators who are fortunately promoted. Because of the relationship prepared for this exchange meeting in advance, everyone is carrying There are a lot of genius treasures, and at the worst, there are enough high-grade spirit stones.

This exchange meeting was finally a complete success,

Although everyone was a little surprised as to why the old guy from Murong's family didn't come, it was a young man who came, but all the old fried dough sticks were present, and there was no irony or irony. They were all curious and got close together.

Reached this state,

Faced with the existence of the same level, unless there is a last resort, or there is some unending contradiction, almost no one will be so stupid to get himself a strong enemy for no reason.

What's more, it is always good to have a friend of the same rank.

Especially this fellow Daoist of the same rank, who was recommended by Old Monster Murong, is worthy of trust between each other.

This exchange meeting was a bit beyond Zhang Qingyuan's expectations. It lasted for seven days.

Mainly in addition to transactions,

In the exchange meeting, there was still exchanges between the cultivators of their own Taoism. After all, at their level, there is no way forward to a certain extent, and the rest of the road needs self-exploration.

For self-exploration, working behind closed doors is not a good thing.

Sometimes other people's ideas on the road will have a certain effect on you similar to how other mountain stones can attack jade.

Although in such exchange meetings, not many people will pour out all of their things, basically holding them, at most they will only exchange some insights that they feel are not very important.

But even so, due to the large number of people, it is naturally full of various ideas.

And the interweaving of these many ideas and concepts,

It also made Zhang Qingyuan a lot of money.

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