"Is that the little devil named Zhang Yuan who made Ma Zongyuan look ashamed some time ago? Has he been promoted to Dongzhen?"

When his guardian told the experience of Lei Wanhong, the ancestor of the Lei family, who came to report,

Even with Zuo Tianzun's calm state of mind for many years, some ripples could not help but appear at this moment.

The incident more than ten years ago was not low in the entire Blood Demon Sect. After all, a monk in the realm of the cave was made ashamed by a real little ghost in the cave, and even the sect was established there. Most of the strongholds have been abandoned.

This incident undoubtedly made Ma Zongyuan lose a big face.

Perhaps due to the cruelty of the Blood Demon Sect itself, the low-level monks did not dare to point their heads.

But these two of them, who are also in the realm of the cave, don't have so many worries. The Ma Zongyuan matter has almost become a joke, circulated among the high-level cultivators among the blood demons.

Even though Zuo Tianzun has been planning things in the legendary Sky Demon City for decades, he has heard of it.

"Hmph, Ma Zongyuan's trash is just relying on opportunism to get to this level. It is really ridiculous to practice that so-called so-called so-called so-called so-called so-called wicked technique that can absorb the talents of the descendants of blood!"

Zuo Tianzun's phantom sneered, with a sneer and disdain on his face.

He knew that Ma Zongyuan was for his own opponent in the sect, You Tianzun Sikongzhen's subordinates, seeing that the opponent's subordinates were eaten up, almost reduced to a magic door to eliminate a joke, naturally it was gloat.

But when he rolled his eyes, he seemed to think of something.

"Never mind, that fellow Sikongzhen can't know people and has no eyesight, and all cats and dogs are under the sect, but after all, he is a member of the sect and should not be humiliated by others."

"Didn't you say that the little demon named Zhang Yuan was in the Murong's house in Tianxian City? When you went to Murong's house to fetch the contents from their family's hands, you took the kid's head to the deity."

"But remember to take care of your head, I want to take a look, what kind of face Si Kongzhen will look like when he sees that kid's head!"

Zuo Tianzun sneered.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was far away in Tianxian City, didn't know about his destiny, in a few words.

In fact, he didn't care about Zhang Qingyuan at all.

The reason why the great guardian was able to take his head off easily was just for the disgusting and disgusting of his own enemy Sikong Zhen You Tianzun.

Even though he had also heard that the kid was talented, but with a real cultivation base of only half a step, he successively beheaded several existences of the same level, and resisted Ma Zongyuan with several tricks to survive.

Talent and strength can be regarded as excellent.

But in the eyes of a big man like Zuo Tianzun, it's nothing more than that.

Just like an ant at the foot,

Even if Dongzhen is successfully promoted, it will only turn from an ant into a cockroach insect, and it is still an existence that can be pinched to death at will. It is not worth wasting a little thought.

If you can get sick, your opponent will slap to death. This is the only use of this ant!

His more attention is still on the legendary Sky Demon City, and something that may exist in the legend!

"Sir Tianzun can naturally squeeze that kid to death easily, but according to Lei Wanhong, that kid named Zhang Yuan is very good, even he is not an opponent, and his subordinates are worried that they may not be able to win the opponent alone."

The guardian lowered his head and whispered.

In fact, he cared much about Zhang Yuan, the ancestor of the Lei family, Lei Wanhong, who kept emphasizing how strong he was.

He was more or less just a young junior who had just entered the realm of the cave, and he didn't feel that he couldn't hold the opponent.

But if you don't cry about the difficulty, where will you be able to ask for benefits?

The crying child has milk to eat.

"Huh! Take your thoughts and do things well, naturally you won't be short of your benefits!"

Zuo Tianzun's phantom glanced at the big guardian, his eyes seemed to penetrate his body, he could see through his careful thoughts, and he said with a cold snort.

"Although that guy Lei Wanhong is in the middle stage of the cave realm, he is timid and fearful. Only this way can he live until now. The strength can be said to be weak. When he fought with that boy, most of them failed to win the opponent, and finally ran away. In order to shirk his responsibility, I can only brag about the strength of Zhang Yuan boy!"

"Who is Lei Wanhong, don't tell the deity, you don't know it!"

As Zuo Tianzun's cold snort fell,

The heaven and the earth seemed to have reacted, the void shook and swayed, and a majestic momentum swept away, and the powerful pressure swept across, pressing on the body of the guardian, making the latter sweat dripping!

"Master Tianzun forgive the sins, and the villain will go and take that kid's head and offer it to the adults!"

There was cold sweat on the forehead of the great guardian, and his voice was frightened and authentic.

The figure is going to recede,

He must go to find and kill that Zhang Yuan, and quickly bring the opponent's head over to show his loyalty, so as to dispel Zuo Tianzun's dissatisfaction.


But at this moment,

Zuo Tianzun's gaze was silent, and he stopped the figure of the great protector~www.readwn.com~Although the kid named Zhang Yuan is not worth mentioning, he is still in the realm of Dongzheng. Dadong really relies on the Murong family's formation defense, I am afraid it will take you a lot of time. "

Zuo Tianzun's phantom eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking of something.

Reach out,

A bright stream of light flew out, and the light flew down in front of the great guardian.

"This jade talisman contains the power of the deity's one blow, you can use it yourself."

"After the plan starts, you call the four guardians and the coward Lei Wanhong. The three of you work together. It is best to kill the two with the momentum of thunder and bring the things that the deity wants. But if they hide In the Murong clan’s formation, use this jade talisman to break the guardian formation."

"Remember, you must not miss the planned time!"

Zuo Tianzun's voice was cold and full of indisputable meaning.

"Yes! I respectfully obey the order of Heaven!"

It's just a kid who has just been promoted to the real world, is it possible that he can really make some waves?

"Remember, you must not miss the planned time!"

Zuo Tianzun's voice was cold and full of indisputable meaning.

"Yes! I respectfully obey the order of Heaven!"

It's just a kid who has just been promoted to the real world, is it possible that he can really make some waves? "Remember, you must not miss the planned time!"

Zuo Tianzun's voice was cold and full of indisputable meaning.

"Yes! I respectfully obey the order of Heaven!"

It's just a kid who has just been promoted to the real world, is it possible that he can really make some waves? "Remember, you must not miss the planned time!"

Zuo Tianzun's voice was cold and full of indisputable meaning.

"Yes! I respectfully obey the order of Heaven!"

It's just a kid who has just been promoted to the real world, is it possible that he can really make some waves?

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