The gloomy world,

A pair of sharp eyes filled the sky, as the essence of blood, a pair of sharp eyes penetrated the sky, chasing a certain trace of aura, crossing a space distance of tens of hundreds of miles in a flash, and saw that incomparably huge Tianxian City!

Seeing it, I must pursue that trace of energy and enter the Tianxian City!

But at that moment,

A certain invisible power oscillated between Xu Tian, ​​and that qi machine was quickly crushed into powder by that power!


In the outskirts of a few miles outside Tianxian City,

The sky that was originally azure blue without a trace of cloud, suddenly dimmed.

It seemed that the sky was suddenly obscured by some kind of power, and then it seemed to respond to the angry will of the gaze of the owner, venting the huge power of anger. The entire sky seemed to collapse at this moment, giving people a tremor of boundless fear. Feel!

"Huh! It's not slow!"

In the **** gloomy world, that powerful figure snorted coldly, and the surrounding void shook the waves of space visible to the naked eye, sweeping away the boundless aura.

Horrible breath,

It seems that the surrounding space has produced a kind of tremor of fear!

Lost that breath of energy, the scarlet figure was a little angry,


There was a bad feeling in his heart.

The original plan seemed to be shrouded in a haze!

This feeling is absolutely uncomfortable!

The stalwart figure squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes flashed, and suddenly a vast and boundless divine mind rose up, rushing to the sky like a vast sea.

Passing directly through this blood-colored space, crossing an unknown distance like a substance, connected to several inductions in the dark.

That is the hiding place of the blood demon cultivator!

It is also where the following people's activities are located!

During this time,

Their movements are too slow!


At this moment,

More than a hundred miles away from the west of Tianxian City, there was a huge underground space with a depth of several feet.

A huge altar with a height of ninety-nine feet is standing quietly in the void at this moment, almost filling the vision of the entire underground space!

Around the altar,

Groups of torches burning with blood-colored flames stood in each of the four directions, illuminating the entire underground space with scarlet shining!

Under the scarlet light,

The densely dense surroundings of the altar can clearly be seen shining on the terrifying lines that look terrifying!

In a trance,

It seems that there are flesh and blood bones squirming and intertwining, making the entire altar look like a meat mountain!

Every brick and stone that made up the altar looked like a tragic corpse, suppressed here, stacked into building materials, and the soul issued a strong resentment cursing the living!

"Finally it's almost done!"

At this moment, the Blood Demon Sect's Great Guardian was standing on the altar, staring at the altar in front, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Great guardian,

High-level blood demon sect,

The existence of the cave realm, the powerful demon of the outside world.

But in order to complete this thing, even he had to stay here for more than 20 years!

And in order to hide his deeds, he had to venture to join forces with Tianxian Future, Lei Jia Dongzhen, and severely inflicted Dongzhen, another top family member of the Murong family in Tianxian City!


Now the plan is almost complete!

Look along his line of sight,

At this moment, the top of the altar, in front of him, is a hollow underneath. Following the hollow, one can see the center of the hollow altar!

In the hollow space, a crystal emitting a dazzling red ominous light was quietly suspended in the center of the altar. The scarlet power of the Zhou dynasty's walls was like a tiny thread, beating continuously, passing through the space, densely crossing the void like a spider silk web and pouring into the crystal.

With the infusion of these trickles, the power aura of that crystal beating is getting stronger and stronger!

At the same time, if someone can perceive through this spar, then they will find that there is a resonance connection in the three directions of the south, north and east of Tianxian City!

That's where the altar is in other areas!

Together with this altar, the four directions of the entire Tianxian City, southeast, northwest, are completely occupied!

And down these four altars,

You will be able to see the depths of the earth, a series of runes intertwined, aroused a huge power of the earth veins, intertwined into a net, and trapped the entire earth below the Tianxian City!

This is a huge high-level formation!

Even in the entire Tianxian City, tens of millions of people were already covered by this huge formation without even noticing it!

This is also a huge project completed by a lot of manpower and material resources in the Gorefiend!

"Heavenly Immortal City, Heavenly Demon City...I don't know if the legendary city is real, if it's not true, then it will be troublesome, alas, Lord Zuo Tianzun..."

The guardian sighed.

But when I think of that horrible figure, even if it is also the existence of Dongzhen, it is also a cruel and terrifying demon in the outside world.

However, in the face of that person, even if he touched his head, which put great pressure on the right way, he couldn't help but shudder slightly.

"It's fine, just complete the task, those things have nothing to do with me."

The guardian shook his head slightly,

Although the legendary Sky Demon City is very attractive, there is the existence of Zuo Tianzun. It is estimated that they can only drink soup in the end. With this time to explore, it is better to rob the resources accumulated by other monks to come quickly~www. at this moment,


A huge and incomparable divine consciousness descended from the void of a different degree, penetrated the earth of space, and collapsed like a bright sun! Um.

The entire sky seemed to be responding, the surging coercion filled the sky, and the light dimmed at that moment!

The guardian's expression was shocked,

Hastily shut down his waist respectfully.

"Welcome Tianzun!"

A **** phantom appeared in the gloomy void ahead.

Surrounding the phantom, there are mysterious auras lingering around, and the power that drifts and disperses makes the space distorted, and the entire phantom looks like a black hole!


"No need to talk nonsense, Sun Tianen, I ask you how much time you have to start?"

The blood-colored phantom waved his hand, and his voice was indifferent and authentic.


The sound actually seemed to emit a crisp echo like a spatial clash, like a scream produced by a golden jade clash.

"Tian Tianzun, there are about three months left."

The great guardian bowed his head respectfully and authentically,

Don't dare to be disrespectful at all.

"It's too slow, I want you to speed it up!"

"Anyway, the plan is about to be completed, and there is no need to talk about hidden deeds at that time. This will increase the speed in a short time and don't worry about other things!"

The **** phantom voice was silent and authentic.

Word by word,

All are full of unquestionable majesty.

"Follow the order of the heavenly honor!"

The guardian replied respectfully,

After giving the order to speed up, the Scarlet Void was about to leave. At this time, the great guardian suddenly remembered an unexpected event that might have affected the plan this time, and hurried forward to report:

"Lord Tianzun, wait a moment. Not long ago, Lei Wanhong came to report that a strange young powerhouse appeared in Tianxian City..."

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