Although Lei Tianhao's remaining spoils made Zhang Qingyuan feel a little speechless, Zhang Qingyuan was not very disappointed either.

Because to sum up the gains of this trip,

Zhang Qingyuan can definitely be said to have made a lot of money!

First, it swallowed the heart of the refining heavenly demon blood pool, and was able to raise the cultivation base to the middle stage of the cave realm. At the same time, it also made the body refining holy realm of golden muscle and jade bone. Heavenly Demon Devouring God Technique, Half-Spirit Tool, Five Aggregate Prisoner's Dragon Bowl, and a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures, high-grade spirit stones, cultivation medicine and so on.

Not only has the strength increased tremendously, but the harvest is also a sudden rich!

With his current strength, Zhang Qingyuan even dared to say that the giants in the realm of Wanhua would not come out, and there is no one in this world that can threaten his life!

Even if he was in the Celestial City that day, that sealed one-stroke power to the blood demon sect’s great protector, and he used the bottom-of-the-box trick to barely resist it.

Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid!

If time can go back, and now he is once again facing the blow of the jade talisman that the big guardian provokes, he is confident that he will never suffer any more injuries!

"Sentient beings, ants, blood debts of millions, maybe I can..."

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's mind, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea.

Although he felt compassion for the millions of mortal beings who died in Tianxian City due to this big change, he is a selfish person after all. If he wants him to take revenge with these people who are not much related to him, go find that one. The strength is unknown, the giant behind the blood demon sect is desperate, this is basically not much possibility.

Whether in the past or in this life, he felt that he was just an ordinary person and could not do important things for the public.

It’s enough to be alone.

He also doesn't have the kind of mind that can help the world.

"Boss, where are we going now? Aren't we going to the secret place of inheritance of the Scarlet Flame Tianlin Snake Clan?"

The little fire on the side didn't know that within this short period of time, Zhang Qingyuan had already flashed so many power thoughts in his heart, shook his head, and asked with some doubts.

It has long wanted to ask this question. This direction has always had nothing to do with the direction in which the blood is exchanged.

Since it was promoted to the Dongzhen level, it has been able to clearly perceive the location of that bloodline calling.

But they went,

It's the other direction.

"Let's put this matter down for the time being. I'm going to find Lei Wanhong to confirm some things. That guy should know some secrets related to the Sky Demon City, and I need to know all of his calculations."

"Originally, I was a little worried about how to dig out the secrets he knew, but now that I have the Heavenly Devouring Technique, it will be much simpler next."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed and he explained in a low voice.

Lei Wanhong, let's not say that he had a feast with him, just because he learned from Lei Tianhao that he was secretly pushing those conspiracies behind his back, he couldn't let him easily continue to stir the wind and rain behind his back.

What's more, Zhang Qingyuan still has a lot of interest in his plans.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Moreover, with intelligence advantages, it is possible to better fish in troubled waters and seize the opportunity.

Now that this person has set the game,

Then you can pick the fruits easily after your own trip.

I still have to take a trip first.

While speaking, Zhang Qingyuan took a small fire, raised his foot, and stepped into the void. The space shook for a while, completely submerging his figure, and the figure disappeared.

The gloomy world,

Air currents and gusts swept between the sky and the earth,

There was no one in the place, as if nothing happened.

But at this moment, the whole world, at this moment, is completely silent, as if the whole world is dead!

As if being overwhelmed by the aftershock that had previously escaped,

Everything is shivering,

Don't dare to speak out.

Deathly silence.

Until Zhang Qingyuan and Xiao Huo left for a long time,

Somewhere in the ground below, the woods and grasses shook for a while, and the two figures crawled out of it with difficulty, almost sitting limply on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Huh, huh, huh... How can such a terrifying power appear here, we can still survive, it is God bless!"

One of the men in blue patted his chest continuously, with a look of horror on his face, his hands and feet trembling.

"Yeah, such a character, just by the momentum that burst out just now, is enough to crush the mountains and rivers, and almost scared me to death!"

"I'm afraid that big man has already sensed us, but he doesn't bother to do it on us!"

The other person's body was also limp on the ground, taking a big breath, his face showed the joy of the rest of his life, but also showed bitterness.

It's like a person walking on the road, seeing ants crawling on the side of the road, and will not deliberately step on it.

Their existence, as far as the big person passing by, is the ants climbing on the side of the road!

So they survived.

I was ignored by others, but I didn't know whether to be happy or angry.


After all, his life was recovered.

"Yeah, the momentum at that moment was radiating, and it was earth-shattering. At that moment, I felt the entire sky collapsed and almost thought I was going to die!"

The blue-clothed man laughed bitterly and looked at the pit in front of him. He was lying in the pit at the moment, his eyes were round and cracked, he had completely lost his breath, and he was a corpse of a monster that was scared to death.

An unspeakable feeling in my heart spontaneously,

Not long ago, the two of them strayed into the beast's lair and fought against the beast in front of them. The strength of the beast was very strong. The two of them could barely support it. The battle lasted for half an hour. Seeing that he is about to lose.

Also at this time,

Suddenly a terrifying aura broke out above the sky ~ ~ suppressed the entire world, a bright pan bowl phantom emitting a five-color light fell backwards, as if it contained the entire sky.

That vast and boundless aura of terror almost crushed the heaven and the earth for it, and directly crushed the two of them to the ground, and a heart seemed to be plunged into the abyss of despair and horror!

And the monster beast that almost pushed them into desperate situation in front of them was directly scared to death by that aura!

This kind of momentum,

Such strength!

"Is this the kind of power that stands high in the clouds and belongs to living myths and legends? When will I be able to stand on top of such clouds?"

The blue-clothed man raised his head and looked at the sky, looking at the cloudless sky ahead. The direction in which the horrible figure disappeared was filled with boundless sighs.

That feeling is like the feeling of an ant looking up at the sky.

he thinks,

The demeanor, which is like a fairy and a god, diverges wantonly, and makes the whole world surrender. He will remember it deeply in his mind for the rest of his life.

Become an eternal memory in his mind that will never be erased.

"Don't think too much, that level of cultivation level is not something we ordinary people can covet. Let's look at the present and live well before talking... By the way, old Xu, this monster beast Do you want my paws? If you don't, I will cut them all away!"

"Yes, of course! Hey, you fellow, save some for me!"

The blue-clothed man's vision of looking up at the sky was pulled back to reality by his friend. He saw that his friend was holding a knife on the corpse of the monster beast. Anxious expression appeared on his face. Step forward, for fear that the slowness will make myself lose.

After all, daydreaming is daydreaming, and you can't eat enough.

Real reality,

On the contrary, it should be more worthy of attention.

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