Somewhere on the top of the mountain, the wind is hunting,

A figure stands on the top of the mountain, standing with its hands behind it. The aura under her body seems to merge with the whole world, blending into the void of heaven and earth. If you don’t look carefully at the beginning, you will ignore his figure if you don’t pay attention. Staring carefully, as time passed, the whole figure seemed to be everywhere in this world, full of every corner of the sky and the void!

The mountain breeze blows from the whole body, setting off a touch of clothing, hunting and flying,

Lei Wanhong's gloomy eyes swept across the sky and the earth, his gloomy face moved slightly, and his flickering eyes occasionally showed a hint of worry.

At this moment, there was a trace of anxiety in his heart for some reason, and he always felt as if he had missed something...

Why is there no news from Tian Hao's child? Couldn't it be an accident?

this moment,

Lei Wanhong frowned.

It is indeed a dangerous move to let Lei Tianhao, a newcomer into the hole, monitor the little devil named Zhang Yuan.

Even as an opponent, Lei Wanhong had to admit that the weird little devil named Zhang Yuan was terrifying in strength, and was a powerful character that was enough to be included in the Yunzhou Wind and Cloud Ranking, and that it was enough to stir a place!

Such a person, even if he takes the shot himself, may not be foolproof.


He still needs to sit down on everything now, temporarily unable to separate himself, and the matter can only be left to Lei Tianhao.

"Damn it! From which corner did that kid get out, bad old man!"

Lei Wanhong clenched his fists for a while, his expression ugly.

If the inexplicable kid didn't come out, then according to the original plan, it should have been perfect, but now, with the emergence of Zhang Qingyuan, this guy who accidentally stepped in makes Lei Wanhong really angry. .

"No matter, if Tianhao's child really fails, the big deal is to spend a little more effort."

A look of sorrow flashed across Lei Wanhong's gloomy face.

"Huh! Let the little devil stay away for a while, and when the plan is successful, don't thwart the little devil, it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart!"

The unexpected variables undoubtedly made Lei Wanhong full of resentment towards Zhang Qingyuan.

At this moment, in his heart, there are already several poisonous tricks flashing past, and each of them is consciously capable of making the other party into a state of immortality!

As for whether there will be accidents,

Lei Wanhong didn't have the slightest doubt about this.

This trip has been heavy calculations, and it is already a ten-year success, and once the opportunity there is, how many people can compete with him in the entire Yunzhou? !

At this moment, in Lei Wanhong's mind, there was already a scene in which he retaliated against the inexplicable little devil after he had achieved his great power!

Just as many thoughts flashed in Lei Wanhong's mind, his complexion changed one after another,


The body condensed, as if sensing something, and quickly looked towards the void somewhere, the sharp gaze seemed to penetrate the space, seeing the source of the fluctuation, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared, and he stretched out his hand.

call out!

A golden light escaped from the void, and was grabbed by Lei Wanhong's hand in the palm of his hand.

This is a top-notch messenger!

Lei Wanhong did not delay for long, closed his eyes, and the invisible and intangible spiritual sense penetrated into it, looking at the news attached to the talisman.

After a while,

Lei Wanhong opened his eyes again, and a gleam of light flashed through the dark pupils. The gloomy expression on his face quickly melted like ice and snow, and the smile rising from the corner of his mouth gradually turned into a frantic laugh!

"Hahaha! It's done!"

Lei Wanhong's original gloomy face turned into a wild laugh at this moment, and the laughter was like substance, and waves were set off one after another in the surrounding space!

This place is so remote, and Lei Wanhong was standing on the top of the mountain with his hands standing on the top of the mountain, and the terrifying aura of Ruoyouruuo spreading out between the heavens and the earth made some monks who pass by by chance scared back. Otherwise, it is impossible to say now. It will attract many surprised eyes.

It is naturally a happy event that Lei Wanhong, a cultivator of the True Realm Realm, laughed so wildly.

It's a success!

Now that all the layouts have been completed, then Lei Wanhong will become the winner among all the participants in this trip!

At this moment, Lei Wanhong, who was laughing wildly, showed a trace of greed in his eyes.

That's the wordless sky monument among the rumors,

In the long time in this world, I reached the end of the path of practice, and soared to the leftovers of one of the thirteen immortals in the legend of another world!

If he can get the wordless heavenly stele and understand the mystery in it, then he will be able to ascend to the sky in one step!

What Blood Demon Sect Zuo Tianzun, what Five Elements Sect's Liuyun Dao Zun, if you can understand the mystery of the road to immortality, let alone the entire northern mountain region, even if you look at the entire northern eight regions of Yunzhou, and even the entire Yunzhou~www.readwn .com~Who else can be above him? !

Thinking of this level, Lei Wanhong's eyes were full of excitement, and his laughter was even more frantic!

"If there is something so happy, can you share it with me?"

Just when Lei Wanhong laughed wildly,

Suddenly, a long and long voice came from my ear, surging in the void like a clear spring.

"Haha, of course... um, who?!!!"

Lei Wanhong, who was originally laughing with joy, suddenly reacted, and his body burst out with a bright thunder light. Lei Mang jumped to tear the vacuum. The whole figure turned into electric light and quickly retreated. At the same time, both fingers pointed like a sword, fingertips. A bright and dazzling thunder light burst out, and a lightning flashing blade that was hundreds of feet long, cutting the space in half, suddenly swept away in the direction of the sound source behind him!

The extremely violent thunder and lightning, with the energy that destroys the earth, is bound between the light blades of the palm of the foot.

This is undoubtedly shrinking its energy to the extreme,

It also raised the destructive power of it to the extreme!

The sudden eruption, even a monk in the middle of the law realm of the same level, may not be able to take it intact!


Facing the horrible thunder light blade that shattered the space with hundreds of feet of vertical and horizontal voids, the person who came just stretched out two fingers, and the color of glazed glaze like golden jade appeared between the fingers, lightly clamped,


The clear sound of golden and jade mingling pierced through the heavens and the earth, making a crisp sound oscillating,

After that, it flashed quickly like lightning, and the power that escaped alone was enough to destroy the hundreds of feet of thunder blades in the mountains and rivers, and stopped at this moment!

It's like the space has frozen, and time freezes.

The escaping thunder light blade that made people fearful and fluctuating, was caught by **** at this moment, and couldn't make any progress!


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