"Huangshan Breitling Tea has a clear spirit and a slight increase in spiritual consciousness."

Liu Zhangyuan explained a little bit,

He also poured himself a cup of Lingcha, and tasted it carefully.

"When you come back this time, you are in a good mood, so the purpose of this trip should be successful."

"Yes, it is fortunate not to be insulted!"

Zhang Qingyuan handed over,

Afterwards, the artistic conception of water in the body was released without any reservation, the mysterious and mysterious aura merged with the surroundings, and the surrounding air instantly seemed to be trapped in the water current, with the waves rippling slightly, making the sound of splashing water!


Within Zhang Qingyuan's radius of several meters, everything seemed to be transformed into a watershed field.

Liu Zhangyuan's hand gently swaying the teacup suddenly stagnated.

His eyes condensed, and he looked at Zhang Qingyuan.

Somewhat incredible:

"This is... not just sword intent, but also in the artistic conception of water?"

"A lot of cultivation in the school, luckily got something!"

Liu Zhangyuan's hand holding the tea cup shook slightly. Fortunately, the range was not large, and nothing showed on his indifferent face, except that the original clear and delicious spiritual tea suddenly didn't fragrant anymore.

Some are dull.

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan's gaze was a bit complicated.

"Your gain has nothing to do with me...this time, did any accident happen?"

Artistic conception and sword intent, although it is a word difference,

But how big the difference is actually.

Sword intent is limited to one way of swordsmanship,

However, comprehension of the artistic conception can be used in almost all the matching magic and martial arts, while enhancing its power, it integrates and improves the speed of practice!

Is this kid really a talented person?

I haven't found it before!

When practising new martial arts and martial arts, he still remembered that this kid had ordinary talents. He was not the kind of talent who could understand at a glance and was refined after training. How could he have this in comprehension of artistic conception? Big advantage?

The first is the interrelation between the world and the earth, and the second is the comprehension of the sword intent of water, and at the same time the comprehension of the artistic conception of water in one fell swoop!


Liu Zhangyuan was puzzled.

While Liu Zhangyuan was thinking about it, Zhang Qingyuan shared his experience of going to Jiang's house one by one.

From the halfway encounter with the scarred man, he met Jiang Yuan later, and asked him to help introduce the Jiang family elder, and the Jiang family elder Yufu returned, let him help participate in the ring, and finally the key game was defeated and won. Not only allowed myself to watch Jianyi Posts, but also presented myself with a quasi-high-level defensive weapon.

Speaking of Zhang Qingyuan, he prepared to return the jade symbol to Liu Zhangyuan on the way.

In this regard,

Liu Zhangyuan just glanced lightly.

"That old fellow, it's really a good calculation...heh, but this time I am afraid that I lost my wife and broke down. You can keep this thing. The thing I gave out has not been recovered. This Not only is it a token, it also seals a blow of about 30% of the strength of this seat, and it's okay to deal with the monks of the first and second layers of true essence."

He waved his hand and asked Zhang Qingyuan to take the jade back.

Helpless, Zhang Qingyuan could only take the jade back and continue to talk.

After watching Jianyi Post, I left Luoshui County and found someone following, hiding in ambush and beheading the two, then led the last Nine-fold Lingyuan monk to the edge of the waterfall, and finally fell into the waterfall to see the majesty of the world, recalling The poems of the predecessors, through the ancient and modern, merged with their own sword intent, and have since swung that sword.

The artistic conception is thus thoroughly connected!

Among them, apart from Li Bai's prevarication of poems from predecessors in miscellaneous books that he had read before, there were basically no reservations.

Liu Zhangyuan on the side remained silent.

Suddenly asked:

"Qingyuan, do you often like to read miscellaneous books?"

"Yes, head courtyard."

Nodded, Zhang Qingyuan has nothing to deny. Sometimes when he is tired of practicing, he likes to read miscellaneous travel notes about the world.

"That's it, no wonder no wonder!"

Liu Zhangyuan suddenly realized the truth.

"Reading can understand the mind and nature, and reading can lead to reason. With practice, you can read more books, and your comprehension can be improved. In addition, your soul should be a little deeper than ordinary people. Having such "luck" is also in reason. !"


It can improve your comprehension.

However, this comprehension is not innate, so when you first practice martial arts and martial arts, you will not improve your practice much at the beginning.

Only by practicing to the highest and deep levels, the effect of this kind of comprehension will be revealed.

But if you want to improve your comprehension, you have to read a lot of books to be able to understand the truth from the books.

It stands to reason that at Zhang Qingyuan's age, even if he likes to read, he can't accumulate much.

Somewhat strange.

However, this may be because Zhang Qingyuan was lucky, just read some articles about the charm of water, and had some insights, coupled with some opportunities, because of this, luckily to interact with the world, the cultivation of water artistic conception by leaps and bounds.

Hearing Liu Zhangyuan's explanation, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly flashed a flash of light in his mind.

Shocked all over,

Suddenly stayed there!

"That's it! Then everything makes sense!"

In the past six months, Zhang Qingyuan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he often has frequent epiphanies again and again, which makes him feel a little strange, and there is something to guess whether he is the proud child of heaven who has been buried.

but now,

With Liu Zhangyuan's explanation, Zhang Qingyuan finally realized something.

If reading can increase your comprehension and your own soul is stronger than ordinary people, then everything has an explanation!

Before crossing, Zhang Qingyuan was also a bookworm.

From fantasy to fairy tale, from the city to the second dimension, from history to science fiction...more than a billion words have been read during the book fans for more than ten years?

There is no shortage of random fabrications,

But there are also more outstanding works that have constructed a complete world system and explained the three thousand avenues on the road of spiritual practice!

There are even some god-man authors who have a thorough understanding of ancient and modern philosophies, throughout the history of the development of scientific and technological civilization, and use story writing as a carrier to show another possibility of heaven and earth before people's eyes.

, What uses grass and trees as a sword, what one sword breaks ten thousand laws, what Yin-Yang Dao, and the Dao of Time and Space...All these Dao laws explain that the materialistic world in the previous life can only be regarded as the imagination of human beings.

But when Zhang Qingyuan traveled to this world of cultivating immortals, all the things he had read before became the most precious resources in Zhang Qingyuan's mind!

This world of cultivating immortals, but there really is a world of spiritual practice!

Those dreams that were used as spiritual food in the past are not necessarily the fantasies of mortals in this world!

Maybe come into this world,

Zhang Qingyuan’s biggest golden finger is not the data panel in his mind~www.readwn.com~ is not the soul that is deeper than ordinary people after crossing.

It's the thousands of fantasy fairy tales who stayed up all night to read through! ! !

In this master monk's retreat for more than ten or twenty years, the things he comprehend are regarded as treasures and are not secreted, communicating and spreading the imprisoned world of comprehension.

Who has the knowledge and understanding of Sanqian Dadao that can be compared to Zhang Qingyuan?

These things were worthless when he was weak.

But when his cultivation improves and touches the power of a high and deep level, then the fantasy fairy system that he had seen in his mind back then will give him an incomparably huge reference effect!

Just like the artistic conception of water that Zhang Qingyuan has now comprehended!

Only at the high level of Lingyuan, the accumulation of knowledge in the past has only begun to show up bit by bit!

For Zhang Qingyuan's sluggishness, Liu Zhangyuan didn't care much.

Then, taking this opportunity, Liu Zhangyuan once again pointed out some problems in Zhang Qingyuan's path of cultivation, so that he had a deeper understanding of his own practice, and his proficiency in some magic arts and martial arts was also improved.

However, it is a pity that Liu Zhangyuan did not mention the path after martial arts consummation.

I don't know if Liu Zhangyuan didn't know this, or what other reasons.

Finally, Liu Zhangyuan encouraged Zhang Qingyuan with a few words, so that he could prepare for the outer competition, and then let Zhang Qingyuan leave.

Zhang Qingyuan returned to the house,

While sorting out his own system and not caring about directly using spirit stones for practice, he tried to integrate the artistic conception of water into the Jiulian Bone Forging Fist.

The strength is steadily increasing bit by bit.

Three days later,

The outer gate of the Yunshui Sect begins.



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