when! when! when!

On this day,

In the early morning, the morning sun rises from the sky over the mountains and rivers, and the light shines on the whole world.

One after another, the melodious and loud bells spread out dozens of miles away!

The huge central square at the outer gate of Yunshuizong,

People from all walks of life came in turbulently, or gathered in the huge square, or stood on the edge of the square, looking for a suitable position, or standing on the tree, occupying a beautiful viewing position.

Among these people,

There are the heads of the small sects under the Yunshui Sect, the patriarchs of the big family powers, the solitary cultivators, the gang monks, the masters of the chamber of commerce, the city lord of the city... and so on.


More are the outer disciples wearing Yunshuizong costumes!

The flow of people is like weaving, so that the entire square is filled with a black sea of ​​people.

"Patriarch Zhou, fortunate to be able to meet, how can I be free today?"

"Hehe, Yunshuizong is the master of this Northern Mountain Spirit Vessel within a radius of thousands of miles. The outer door is a big thing like this. How can you not come, bring a few guys over and let them see it, so as not to be arrogant all day long. Sit on the well and watch the sky."

"Patriarch Zhou is joking, your Zhou family Lin is famous far and wide. In Tiannan area, who doesn’t know the name of Xiao Zhoutong, if your family Lin enters the outer gate, the quota of an inner disciple in this big competition will also be guaranteed. thing."

"Haha, thank you!"

Under Yunshuizong's command, the various family forces are intertwined with each other. Although the usual friendships are not so deep, they are at least basically acquainted, talking and laughing with each other.

Even when talking about rising, some monks left their contact information, and when they were free, they agreed to go to a certain place for an adventure.

The huge square was designed to accommodate one hundred thousand external disciples.

But at this time,

Because of the grand event at the outer gate of the Yunshui Sect, more than a hundred thousand people gathered here?

In the center of the square,

There are a total of twenty newly established huge circular arenas. The entire arena is made up of cyanine stones that are as hard as fine iron. It appears to have been cut from the mountain by the great supernatural powers in one piece.

at the same time,

On the edge of the ring, there are a series of simple and mysterious array patterns inscribed.

That is a defensive formation to prevent the fighting on the ring from impacting the surrounding spectators.

As time goes by,

The disciples from the outer gates and other courtyards arrived one by one, and the disciples from the outer gates and courtyards neatly formed a square array, from the first to the hundredth, arranged in the entire square.

Only 30 disciples from each other courtyard participated in the battle.

The hundreds of individual disciples from the entire Yunshui Sect add up, and the number of participants is more than 3,000. These outer disciples themselves are the 30 strongest people selected in each other courtyard before the Outer Sect Competition!

Therefore, the participating monks are all elites among the hundreds of individual courtyards of the Yunshui Sect!

Of course,

This is not the level of all the elite disciples of the entire Yunshui Sect's 100,000 outer disciples.

Due to system reasons, if the disciples of another courtyard cannot be promoted to the outer sect within ten years or three times, they will be graduated from the other sect. A fixed number of tasks issued.

Because the number of internal disciples is limited.

Every year this screening mechanism makes a large part of the disciples be graduated and leave other colleges after ten years.

Unless you are promoted to the True Origin Realm, you will never have any chance to enter the inner gate and go further in the sect.

But these Yunshui Sect disciples who were graduated from the other courtyard of the sect still belong to the category of the outer disciples of the Yunshui Sect, just like the disciples of the other sect.

Of course, this outer disciple is just a name. Compared with the outer disciples in other courtyards, they are the outer cannon fodder who have been screened out.

Among the 100,000 disciples of the Outer Sect of Yunshui Sect,

There are only between 10,000 and 20,000 disciples in the other courtyard.

And those outside disciples who failed to get promoted in previous years and were graduated accumulate one term at a time, and the number is roughly maintained at around 80,000.

These monks,

Although they have become the first-class cannon fodder monks abandoned by the Yunshui Sect, their practice time is much longer than that of disciples from other courtyards, so among some top foreign disciples, they may not be as good as disciples from other courtyards. The top part is just because of their potential, unless they have a chance to enter the True Element Realm, otherwise they will not be able to enter the inner door in this life.

Said to be the outer gate of the Yunshui Sect.

In fact, it is more accurate to say it is the Outer Gate of the Yunshui Sect!

But these,

Not in the scope of Zhang Qingyuan's concern.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan was in the seventeenth square, and he was inconspicuous among the disciples of more than 3,000 people in the other courtyard.

Simply close your eyes and rest your mind, and get ready for the upcoming battle.

Not long after,

A clear voice came from the sky,

Not big,

But it clearly entered the ears of everyone in the tens of thousands on the square.

"Haha, you have been waiting for a long time."

I saw several rays of light falling from the sky, falling around the high platform in the square,

Among this group of people,

Some people are carrying long swords, their faces are engulfed, and they can't see their faces clearly. Someone is like a little giant carrying the sky, and the bulging muscles swell like fierce monsters. Some people have a cold complexion, full of holy and inviolable temperament...

One by one, they entered the stadium ~www.readwn.com~ and settled on their seats on the high platform.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't like gossip, so he didn't know who those above were, what status those monks were, let alone their cultivation level.

But seeing Liu Zhangyuan standing respectfully and saluting, you don't need to guess that more than 90% of them are truly powerful above the True Primordial Realm!

at this time,

The middle-aged monk headed by a blue robes, a face with Chinese characters and a face full of righteousness stepped forward and walked to the front of the high platform.

The gaze is condescending, sweeping across the square,

Full of a kind of unquestionable domineering majesty.

"I don't like those long and nasty talks, so let's get straight to the subject."

"This competition is the same as before. The competition is divided into 20 groups, and the rules of random drawing are adopted. The winner will go up and the loser will go down. The top ten in each arena will enter the final ranking!"

"The Outer Sect of Yunshui Sect, start now!"

The vigorous words sounded all around, and the voice fell.

The sound of the huge square rushed into the sky.

"War! War! War!"

The middle-aged man in Qingpao nodded in satisfaction, and he returned to the first seat with a flash of figure.

Next to the high platform,

The deacons of the outer door still began to draw lots.

"Song Quanyou, No. 1 in the first group!"

"Miao Yonglin, No. 2 in the first group!"

"Zeng Qian, No. 3 in the first group..."

Twenty groups were numbered at the same time, and each ring group was only about one hundred and fifty people. So after spending about half an hour, the disciples from other courtyards who participated in the Outer Gate Competition have all been numbered. .

Preparation work is completed,

This is the beginning of the draw battle!

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