
In the void, Zhang Qingyuan's figure travels between the gaps in the space, and the surrounding streamers swiftly. He is already an unknown distance away from the land where he fought against Zuo Tianzun, and he is on the way back to Chuyun Country.

While walking, Zhang Qingyuan explored the gains from this accident.

What makes Zhang Qingyuan a little regretful is that the gains from beheading Zuo Tianzun are not much.

In other words, there is not much immediate income,

Because before that, he had fought against Liuyun Dao Zun of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, and was severely injured by the opponent, the various methods in the storage ring were basically exhausted.

The heavenly materials and earth treasures, high-grade spirit stones, medicine pills, etc. used to heal the wounds were all consumed in the previous healing.

What remained were some weird and strange spiritual materials, with demonic energy escaping from the inside to the outside, all kinds of **** and unknown, which were not good things at first glance.

Moreover, Zhang Qingyuan’s keen spiritual sense can also feel the lingering resentment from it.

For these things, Zhang Qingyuan expressed his gratitude to his insensitivity.

The only thing useful,

That is, the spiritual weapon-level heart-guard.

This heart-guard is a bit mysterious. After using magic power, it can give birth to a hexagonal transparent mesh lattice out of thin air, covering the monk's body in it.

These transparent lattices are actually condensed by the power of space.

Like a space barrier,


At least if he didn't use those lore methods, Zhang Qingyuan would have to spend a lot of effort to break the lattice shield.

After all, it’s a spiritual weapon,

As a treasure that can change the balance of victory and defeat in battles of the same tier, it can't be far behind.

Even Zuo Tianzun, who is half-footed into the realm of ten thousand transformations, can obviously play a lot of role. For Zuo Tianzun, who has more mana and is as vast as the sea, inspires the heart shield. The defense will only be stronger!

Unfortunately, he met Zhang Qingyuan.

Kenmaru itself is a killing weapon, coupled with a single gold attribute with more offensive power, this can be said to be a weapon that completely abandons other functions and specifically uses the killing power to the extreme!

Coupled with the fact that Zuo Tianzun's strength was severely damaged, there might be less than 20% to 30% left, so it was cut by Jian Maru in one fell swoop.

"This sword mark is troublesome..."

Holding the heart-guard in his hand, under the perfusion of mana, the transparent lattices on the heart-guard continue to escape. In the center, a sword mark is visible to the naked eye, which was originally neat and orderly. The crystal lattice was chaotic and messy around the sword mark, destroying the original flawless mirror surface.

The heart shield is broken,

The culprit was Kenmaru.

Although it can still be used due to the characteristics of the spirit weapon, it is inevitable that its power will drop drastically.

If you want to restore the power of its spirit weapon, you must find a master refiner to repair it at a certain price.

A piece of life-saving equipment,

It is still a defensive spirit weapon, and it is worth the cost no matter how much.

Thoughts flashed through my mind,

Zhang Qingyuan already has a plan.

Although this matter is important, it doesn’t have to be done right now. Compared to this, what we need to do now is to go back to Izumo country first and cultivate hard for a period of time in the secret realm left by the scattered people in Lushan. All the gains from this trip are absorption and digestion!

Zhang Qingyuan felt that the gains in his career were enough to allow him to cultivate to the late stage of the legal realm, and even the peak of the legal realm!

The wordless heavenly stele left by Xuantian Immortal Venerable, the collection of the digital cave realm monks who were killed, the golden muscles and jade bones in the Heavenly Demon City, etc.,

Also this time, he beheaded Zuo Tianzun and consumed his memory with the devil's devouring technique. From his memory, he learned that he left some places of secret storage, material storage points, and even the blood-transforming Dafa practiced by the other party. A collection of various spells and martial arts captured by beheading many enemies in a lifetime,

Although Zuo Tianzun has not gained much from the storage ring after killing Zuo Tianzun~www.readwn.com~, a giant who has entered the realm of ten thousand transformations with one and a half feet, the collection will not be lost no matter how you look at it!

Of course, all those things need to be searched by Zhang Qingyuan one by one.

Zhang Qingyuan hasn't even been able to understand these many huge gains, but he believes that these resources are enough for him to spend more than ten or two decades, and they are enough to cultivate until the late legal realm.

It doesn't make sense to use money, and it doesn't make sense to use resources for improvement.

Zhang Qingyuan has already made up his mind. He will not go out for a long time to come, concentrate on digesting the gains, and raise his cultivation until he can no longer improve.

"Speaking of which, the magical jade slip left by the water sword immortal back then, I haven't been able to cultivate yet... the next period of time, it will take a while to settle down."


There are still six hundred words here, wait ten minutes to finish writing and continue.

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