Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 146: The Vibrating Realm of Comprehension

Not long ago, the ancestors of the two great caves of the Lei Family in Tianxian City died one after another, and the Liefeng Daoist of the Five Elements Saint Sect died. In the eyes of the vast number of monks, these gods were first-class immortal gods who stood high in the sky and watched the changing world. The death of the character had already caused an extremely violent shock in the hearts of the monks,

Especially when the four Meishan brothers, who escaped by chance, came out alive and talked to outsiders that the Lei family ancestor was easily crushed and killed by a young Dongzhen monk with great style.

Someone summed up the relevant information, and was shocked to find that the Daoist Gale who killed the Five Elements Saint Sect, and the two ancestors of the realm of the Lei family were all the same person!

A very unfamiliar young man who looks extremely young on his face, no more than two or three hundred years old, and from nowhere!

Countless people have speculated about the identity of the young man who appeared inexplicably, why he appeared here, and what level of his strength has reached?

These issues have undoubtedly caused huge controversy in the vast cultivation world.

Many people are blushing for this,

Some people say that the young man is a Tianjiao from a certain holy land sect in Central Continent. He has cultivated various powerful methods, so he has the power to crush the ancestors of the Lei Family and the Daoists of Gale Wind.

Only those young geniuses who came from the sacred sect of the Middle Continent possess such strength!

It is also said that if it is the top sacred land sect Tianjiao, some news will be spread. Such a genius also represents a facade of the sacred land sect. The accompanying person must have great ability to protect in secret and enter the cloud. After Zhou, I will more or less come to visit the Holy Sect of the Five Elements.

But judging from the death of Liefeng Taoist and the reaction of the Five Elements Saint Sect, it is obvious that the other party has nothing to do with the Five Elements Saint Sect.

It is precisely because of this that many people speculate that the mysterious young man is mostly an evil spirit cultivated by some hidden old monster, and it may even be a casual cultivation practiced from the grass roots with luck against the sky.

This is the first time to walk in the realm of comprehension, so there is no name in the realm of comprehension.

Regarding the speculation of Zhang Qingyuan's identity, the monks in the Yunzhou cultivation world have been talking about it, but it is clear that no one can give a convincing guess, and no one knows the exact answer.

But almost everyone believes that that person will probably not continue to hide for long. In the near future, he will definitely reappear and disturb the situation.

At that time, the identity of the other party will gradually be exposed.

And at the same time,

Because of the mysterious origin of Zhang Qingyuan's identity, when he himself didn't know it, he also had an additional code name called Slaughter Demon Head.

Killing righteous immortals is the devil, and the record of killing more than three people is enough to be called the devil.

There is no doubt that Zhang Qingyuan was directly included in the ranks of the demon cultivators because of the deaths of the Liefeng Daoist and the two ancestors of the Lei Family.

Among them, how much effort the Holy Five Elements Sect has contributed, I am afraid that only the family of the Five Elements Sect knows.

Just as the name of the Slaughter Immortal Demon is constantly spreading, the vast number of monks are talking about Zhang Qingyuan's deeds of shaking the realm of comprehension during this series of time.

The news of the death of Zuo Tianzun, the demon of the Blood Demon Sect spread, directly like a meteorite hitting the already windy sea, setting off an even greater wave in the realm of cultivation!

To know,

Zuo Tianzun is not a small person, let alone the kind of high-level high-level thugs, high-level cannon fodder who may be abandoned at any time.

As a half-foot stepped into the realm of ten thousand transformations, it is expected to be promoted to the realm of ten thousand transformations, and become another troll existence of the demon sect. Even if Zuo Tianzun’s position within the demon sect is not the kind of true standing at the peak, it determines the blood The figures of the destiny of the Demon Sect are also among the top giants!

If it is below the benchmark, it is basically the same level as the deputy head of the Five Elements Saint Sect!

Such a demon-powered person, and even a troll who left an unknown amount of blood debt in the realm of cultivation, died in a remote and extremely mountainous area in the Southern Mountain Region, without even knowing who the killer was.

It is conceivable that this incident has brought shocks to the monks!

Within this period of time, the death of Zuo Tianzun of the Blood Demon Sect quickly replaced almost all topics, and even overshadowed Zhang Qingyuan’s deeds of "Devil Killing the Immortals", and became a hot topic after dinner. Negotiation information.

Liefeng Taoist, although the two ancestors of the Lei family are immortal gods standing on the top of the cultivation world,

However, Zuo Tianzun, the demon of the party, is even more superior to these immortal figures. He is a troll of myths and legends that have lived in the world for thousands of years!

The fall of such a troll has caused the cultivator's heart in the realm of comprehension to shake, and at this moment a greater stormy sea has been set off!

The shock that was originally only caused in the eight realms of cultivation in the northern part of Yunzhou has directly affected the entire territory of Yunzhou at this moment!

There are many speculations about Zuo Tianzun’s death,

Including the identity of the person who shot, etc., there are many speculations.

But all of this will most likely become an unsolved case.

The Five Elements Sacred Sect has a Dongzhen-level big person who has specially arrived, and led the capable elite disciples to investigate around. It seems that something has been investigated, and the surrounding area of ​​the battlefield is blocked, so that the news is also blocked and not spread.

This has caused even more discussions from the outside world and aroused heated discussions.

Times are about to change!

Many people were shocked, they all became the Red Sect during this series of turbulent events, smelling the smell of the pre-turbulent times!

For Zhang Qingyuan, as the culprit, the harassment in the realm of comprehension did not care much.

over the years,

He has already developed a calm mentality of being calm about the outside world.

Other people's rumors, whether it's bragging or belittling, will not have half the benefits for oneself, nor will it have half the disadvantages.

Fame these,

As early as when I just crossed over decades ago, there may be a little bit of excitement, a little bit of excitement, the excitement of becoming the center of everyone’s But with decades of experience, so much has been experienced. , Zhang Qingyuan had already looked indifferent to this.

Perhaps after hearing the nickname of the Demon Slaughter, his face would be a little weird. Apart from the fact that the passers-by in the cultivation world of this session can't name it, they don't have too much care and attention.

Compared with the illusory things such as fame and reputation from the outside world, his own strength is actually improved.

Also because of this,

On the way back, when Zhang Qingyuan sneaked into some towns, he also inquired about others talking about his situation, but he didn't care much. After that, he concentrated on his way back and prepared to practice well in the secret world of the cave left by the scattered people in Lushan. Time, digest the results of this trip.


When Zhang Qingyuan hurried back to the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range and returned to his first lair in this outer continent, Zhang Qingyuan was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Then my heart became angry, and anger surged to my chest!

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