Chapter 1052 Undercurrent

  At the age of twenty-five years old, he didn't even pass the threshold of feeling, then it means that the person's roots have been finalized. Unless it costs a great price, it will be a problem whether it can be promoted to the mid-lings in the future.

  This kind of mortal, but no force with a brain will accept him under the sect.

  The resources for training are enough to train more than ten or twenty.

  But I didn’t know what was going on when I was struggling to survive. I didn’t give up. If my family didn’t work, I would just switch to another family. I would kneel outside for seven days and nights every time, begging to the limit before giving up.

  A kind-hearted person does not want to go, but is also moved by the other's will and wants to help.

  It didn’t take long to discover that this person turned out to be a rare leaky body!

  The so-called leaky spirit body means that after absorbing the spiritual things, the aura in the spiritual stone will dissipate 90% of the aura, and only 10% of the aura can play a role in cultivation!


  The kind-hearted person left silently.

  No one will fill this bottomless pit with precious training resources.

  This physique is not suitable for spiritual practice at all.

  No one knew what was in his mind when he was struggling to survive. After that, he set foot on the road again, step by step, looking for a place to practice that could accept him in the vast crowd.


  On the way, he heard the rumors of Qianyun Mountain.

  After that,

Struggling to survive in the mocking gazes of everyone, he resolutely stepped into the test array of Qianyun Mountain, with a mortal body, passed the test of screening out the unknowingly number of Lingyuan Realm and True Primordial Realm, and boarded Qianyun. The mountain alarmed the one who was submerged in the mountain gate, and was taken into the gate by him!

  Finally, the one who tried to survive was passed down the secret technique of body refining, and his strength was raised to the point of hard-shaking the Ninth Level of the True Yuan in a short period of more than 20 years!

  You must know that, more than thirty years ago, Yue Wenhe had already entered the realm of true origin.

  The strength nowadays is nothing more than this level!

   "The master has not many disciples under his official income, but every one of them is a well-known rising star in the North Mountain domain cultivation world and must work harder. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be left behind."

  Yue Wenhe thought to himself, the pressure in his heart suddenly increased several times.

  A sense of heaviness came to my heart!

  Although his talents are not high, but looking at the other teachers under the teacher's income, how many talents are there?

   However, among the disciples who master received the gate wall, even Yue Lingyun of the same clan, can also make a reputation in the Northern Mountain Region cultivation world, it is for a moment of talented rookie!

  Under the master’s school, Dao Xinxing and hard work occupy a very important position!


  Yue Wenhe took a long breath, lowered the heaviness in his heart, and raised his foot into the law enforcement hall.

  The unexpected meeting made him feel a lot of pressure, but at the same time, Yue Wenhe also knew that these things could not be changed at a time, so we should pay the task first.

"Fortunately, I received the news ahead of time. I waited to prepare in advance, but it was a pity that I was a little late after all. After arriving, although the people from Zhutianfeng were beheaded, they also caused trouble to the mine. If there is less damage, I am afraid that the mining of the mine will not be delayed for some time."

  In the Law Enforcement Hall, Yue Wenhe is telling the deputy director of the Law Enforcement Hall the details of the mission of this trip.

  As the disciple who was officially admitted to the gate wall, not to mention his combat power is comparable to the nine-fold real yuan, and it is also at the top in today's mountain gate, and naturally it will not be staged by a deacon casually.

  And the deputy head of the law enforcement hall is not a stranger, but the patriarch of the Yue family, Yue Zongjing.

  Because of his ability, Zhang Qingyuan was dispatched to the law enforcement hall to take charge of the missions.

"Oh, that's no way. There have been too many things recently. Many assets under the mountain have been impacted. Someone has tried to fight the Beiyuan vein before. Fortunately, the formation of the main line is tyrannical. I will have support in time. , Didn't let those young people succeed."

  "The situation is not stable now, Wenhe, I will trouble you to go a few more times during this period."

   "But when you go out, you must pay attention to safety."

  Yue Zongjing took the trouble to teach the tunnel.

  Even though the Yue family appreciates that one is valued and his power within the mountain gate is not low, Yue Zongjing, who once served as a patriarch, also understands that strength is the confidence that can truly rely on compared to that one’s “favor”.

   Facing the most outstanding junior of the Yue family in front of him, he naturally had to say a few more words.

   "Don't worry, Uncle, I will pay attention."

  Yue Wenhe respectfully should be.

  But at the same time, there was another thing in his mind.

In the past 30 years, due to the strength of his master’s first entry into Qianyun Mountain, few people in the Northern Mountain Region dared to stroke the tiger's beard. It also disappeared quickly, and the situation soon calmed down.

  With the passage of time, the strength of Shanmen is now further strengthened, especially as their formal disciples have made great names among the new generation, and their strength has been further stabilized.

Under the background of   , why did so many changes suddenly occur during this period of time?

  The raid on the Qilian Mountain Lingshi Mine Camp has occurred in more than one case in recent years!

  Which person or force is secretly targeting that way?

  Yue Wenhe's heart is tight,

   suddenly felt,

  In the vast comprehension world beyond the Thousand Clouds Mountain, an invisible storm is brewing, making people depress!

  Yue Wenhe’s worries no one knows,

  At this time,

  Three hundred miles away from Qianyun Mountain, the top of the mountain,

  Fangfeng hunts and hunts, white flowing clouds are rushing, several figures stand on the top of the mountain, standing with their hands behind them, looking at the direction of Qianyun Mountain.

  Every figure around is surrounded by a very powerful aura, if the wolf smoke billows through the sky, the surrounding void is also trembling for it!

  Everyone here is actually a great figure standing on the top of the hole!

   "Actually, you don't have to do that so-called temptation at all. Whether or not the so-called evildoer in your mouth is injured, I have the certainty that I will win!"

  Among the crowd, the headed young man in black stood proudly, carrying a dark and heavy spear on his shoulder, and his waist was as straight as a gun.

Between    speaking, there seemed to be a sharp and boundless aura that penetrated the sky and the sky!

  The vast and majestic momentum makes the surrounding void tremble with fear!

   "I don't believe it, what so-called genius can appear in a broken place in the mountains!"

   "If there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey can be the king. This is a joke!"

  The sharp gaze of the black-clothed young man stared in the direction of Qianyun Mountain ahead, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, a spear in his hand, and his majestic self-confidence burst forth.

   "Now, you can see how Lao Tzu tears off the head of the first monk in the North Mountain Territory!"

  (End of this chapter)

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