Not only him, but all the mighties who came out of the void at this moment were standing in midair with their mouths slightly opened, staring at everything in front of them in amazement.

At this time, within the gate of Qianyun Mountain, the square collapsed, some buildings collapsed, and gunpowder smoke rose up.

A look after the war.

In the center of the square, a headless corpse was inserted into the ground.

Not far ahead,

A dark and heavy spear was inserted on the ground, standing upright, and on the tip of the spear, a reveal was inserted upside down. The blood was left in the neck, and traces were drawn on the dark and heavy spear.

That head, with both eyes open, his eyes stayed at the moment before death, with incomprehensible doubts,

What happened,

Why did i die?

Through the eyes of those eyes, everyone could still see the confusion and confusion that came out from them.

"You fellow Taoists have come from afar, but what advice can you give?"

On a high platform not far away, Zhang Qingyuan was sitting on the first seat, playing with a space ring in his hand, seeming to perceive the arrival of the crowd, and then turned his head and cast his eyes in the direction of the crowd, revealing something on his face. A smile, a quiet and quiet voice, echoed in the void around, like a clear spring, reflected in everyone's ears.

At this moment, above the sky, whether it is an ancestor who used to be high in the clouds and ignored all living beings,

It is still a thought that can cause a melee among nations and manipulate the power of thousands of lives and deaths. At this moment, they are all in a dead silence.

Everyone felt the cold breath, a heart sank into the ice cave, and felt an endless chill rushing to his heart.

The battle is over!

Indeed, as Mingluo Gun said, it only takes a cup of tea to end the battle.


The head was eventually torn off, and what was hung on the spear was not the goal of their trip, but his genius who had traveled to Central Continent and gained a lot of prestige, and was able to retreat in the end!

A genius who has traveled through Central Continent and returned to the pinnacle of Yunzhou's legal realm!

At this moment, the great abilities who came from tearing the void have experienced their youth, fighting in the great world of their era, and finally surpassed the mortals, promoted Dongzhen, and surpassed all living beings!

However, in the great age of their battle, they are not the most talented and strongest person!

The evildoers of their same generation, in order to pursue a higher immortal way, eventually left Yunzhou resolutely and stepped into the land of dragons and tigers in the middle continent!

But even now, the people who were amazing and brilliant in their time have never heard from them in the end.

The land of Central Continent,

It's like the abyss of a black hole that swallows all geniuses and evildoers, the abyss of hell, as long as you step into it, it will be difficult to return with your whole body.

Whether it is a rare genius evildoer who has used the True Primal Realm to defeat the Cave Realm for thousands of years, or the moment he is born, Heaven and Earth will produce a vision of thousands of miles, and improve the realm like eating and drinking water.

Once he jumped into that big pool, no news came out again.

Now these holes are really powerful, occupying one side, each becoming a giant, the ancestor of suppressing the world,

But in the age when they were growing up, in front of those real arrogances, it was nothing at all!


But it was a group of survivors who had fear in their hearts and survived, and finally survived.

But it is because the real genius evildoer stepped into the middle continent that monopolized the land of Kyushu, and then entered the sea like a needle in the sea, and there was no news, so it became the pillar of an era, became a high above all living beings, calling the wind and calling the rain, The power that determines the fortune of thousands of people in one word!

In the past, they have not seen the existence of returning from Central Continent.

There used to be the same era as them. When the same generation was fighting for the front, the genius they could only look up to went to the Central Continent Comprehension Realm. However, three hundred years later, when someone saw him again, it was on a corner of the street.

The man broke his arm, his cultivation was lost, his eyes were dull, and he was sitting sloppy in the corner of the beggar. In front of him was a dirty broken bowl. He became one of the beggars who were muddled and lost all his supernatural talents. , There is no longer any self-confidence and pride of the past.

It is precisely because of this,

After learning that the Mingluo Spear was to retreat from the Middle Continent and returned with a cultivation base of the peak of the legal realm, UU read

Everyone looked at him with more than one high look.

It is precisely because of this,

When Mingluo spear said a cup of tea, he would tear off the head of Qingyuan, no one had any objection.

There is a kind of joy in everyone's heart,

Full of confidence in it,

This trip will surely be successful.

But when they did come, what they saw was that their hearts fell directly from heaven to the abyss of hell!

The whole figure seems to have fallen into the ice cave in the middle of the winter, and the icy cold water is poured down immediately!

"Your Excellency, I...I wait..."

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi at the head seemed to be the first to come back to his senses and hesitate to say something, but the scene before him had an unparalleled impact on his mind, even with him for thousands of years. With a well-informed character, he couldn't speak a complete sentence at this moment.

And the reaction of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was quite good. Behind it, the several great abilities that came with him, in the face of this violent impact, and the feeling of falling directly from heaven to hell, did not even fail. Come back!


There are many people in the surrounding area within the gate of Qianyun Mountain. Yue Wenhe and other disciples and monks, who had been dull-eyed because of the shocking battle with the Mingluo spear, saw this scene.

For some reason, the mighties who felt that they exuded an extremely terrifying aura, enough to easily obliterate them, looked like a group of quail trembling in the air in their eyes,

Obviously outside is a group of powerful people who look high above all beings like ants,

But right now in front of that one,

But behaved poorly, weakly, and helpless...

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