ps: It's still a chapter that repeats the full attendance, Karvin, there has been a lot of things recently, there is no way I can't finish it.

It’s the end of the month, and soon there will be an application for leave, and I’m crying.


"It looks like it has escaped."

Among the crowd, Zhang Qingyuan, who had already completed a makeover, felt the disappearance of a certain great spirit machine that swept across the sky, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At that moment, it was almost discovered.

But the adventure is worth it!

The entire mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect occupies an extremely large area.

With the front line of the mountain gate paved, it would be tens of miles long, and hundreds of thousands of monks besieged and attacked one after another. In fact, it scattered like a handful of sesame seeds on the ground.

There are new cultivators from Yunzhou coming to this battlefield of flesh and blood all the time,

Or hide your figure, stand aside and spy, waiting for the opportunity,

Or with a look of blood, rushing up to fight the cultivators of the Blood Demon Sect,

Or maybe it was bad luck and bumped into the monk of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements and was forced to participate in the battle whether he wanted it or not.

There are people dying and falling all the time,

There are also new powers added at every moment.

In this context,

Zhang Qingyuan's hiding is inconspicuous.

This is undoubtedly the best cover!


Just when Zhang Qingyuan put his heart on the two vast sun-like qi above the sky, he did not dare to look directly for fear of attracting attention, so he could only secretly sense the two movements by sensing the side of the surrounding qi, he incarnate His figure has already merged into the fierce battlefield following the flow of people.

With the collapsing formation everywhere, among the ruins of the ruins, a cultivator of the Blood Demon Sect stared directly at Zhang Qingyuan with anger.

He was covered in blood and looked like a madman!

The blood awns of Suzhangchang tear through the space, like a volcanic eruption, and the power is vented in an instant!


Zhang Qingyuan was a little speechless when he was approached as an opponent.

However, the cultivators who were close to the front line of the fight, preparing to fish in troubled waters, had encountered the siege of the enemy cultivators as much as possible, which was not surprising.


Zhang Qingyuan clenched his fists, condensing the power that even the space seemed to be distorted, and smashed out with a punch, two powerful rays of light collided, producing a crisp sound of gold and jade, and the blood ray shattered like porcelain. go!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward, turned into a phantom, and killed the enemy in front of him!

Zhang Qingyuan's aura now displayed is for the peak of the True Element Realm, and at the same time he suppressed his combat power at this realm. He fought back and forth with the cultivator on the opposite side, so fierce!

This scene is just an inconspicuous corner of this **** battlefield.

Many people pay attention to fish in troubled waters, take a careful detour, hide their figure, and go to pick up the corpses of the monks who have died here.

But many more people have not succeeded in picking up the leak, or just after picking up a storage ring left over from the battlefield, they encountered crazy blood demon cultivators rushing towards their faces, and had to be caught in the battle!

Evasion, stealth, assault...Various methods, along with the steadily advancing of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, erupted in this vast area of ​​war.

"Quickly! If Zuo Tianzun's memory is correct, that position should be the last stage of the protection of the big formation!"

Zhang Qingyuan was in the middle of the battle, with a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes, his attention scanned around, looking for the best route so that he could break into it at the fastest speed after the big formation was broken.

I didn't dare to scan with God's consciousness, because I was afraid of being discovered by the two stalwart air machines on the sky that filled the sky and the earth.

Therefore, it can only be viewed with the most primitive line of sight.

The reason why he changed his face is to roughly estimate that the Bleeding Demon Sect's mountain gate will be broken, and he will be able to fish in troubled waters to the greatest extent, sneak into the forbidden area, and seize what he needs.


Zhang Qingyuan meditated inwardly, and various thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

Just in this way,

He didn’t pay too much attention to the opponent in front of him.

And the other party,

It was his careless attitude that was almost blown away!

"Damn it! I look down on people like this!"

He was furious, his anger reached the extreme.

In the fight between life and death, what do you think of him? !

At this moment,

The blood demon cultivator saw a figure flying over the broken wall to the right of Zhang Qingyuan, his original angry eyes brightened, and he hurriedly called out the same door.

"Senior brother, please stay, and please help the younger brother!"

"This person is arrogant and daring to be distracted during the battle between life and death. If the younger brother drags this person with all his strength, and then the younger brother will attack and kill him in secret, he will definitely be able to kill him!"

The fluctuations of the divine consciousness flashed between the void, and through the unique sound transmission secret technique of the blood demon sect, it entered the ears of the blood demon cultivator who passed by half a step not far away.

The cultivator of the Blood Demon Sect looked over at that half-step hole,

When I saw Zhang Qingyuan's body that, despite the extreme concealment, still showed a trace of perfection, the body with the natural charm of the body was undoubtedly a good material for refining blood puppets, and it was bright.

"Well, you will make the noise a bit louder and attract his attention!"

The sound of the blood demon cultivator's spiritual thoughts in the half-step cave realm was transmitted to the blood demon cultivator who was fighting with Zhang Qingyuan.

Let the latter be overjoyed!

"Very good! I don't know whether to live or die. When the plan is successful, I will definitely want you to be cramped and peeled, and to pull out the spirit of the day and night to sacrifice.

The blood demon cultivator who fought with Zhang Qingyuan showed a hideous color on his face.


At this moment, his whole body strength burst out, without the slightest reservation, the **** vigor that set off was swept in all directions like a tsunami!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sky full of **** glow, pinching the dragon mark with both hands, and blasting a dragon fist that was as strong as that of fierceness, the horrible blood gathered, and finally turned into a blood-colored magic dragon dozens of feet long!

With a **** glow like a volcanic eruption,

With the power that Ling Xukong was also shaking for, he swept away in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan!


At this moment, the sun shines on his face,

Very hideous!

Terrible momentum,

It made the surrounding monks cast their gazes over.


Such a powerful momentum is enough to shake the half-step Dongzhen, but for the real Dongzhen realm cultivator, it is still far behind, but it has indeed succeeded in attracting Zhang Qingyuan's attention.

In his perception,

Void behind him,

A figure concealed the void, the emptiness was faint, and the force constricted and attacked and killed Zhang Qingyuan behind!

Its ability to gather breath is so strong that even the monks in the early stages of the legal realm could not perceive it for a while.

So that person was also confident about this blow,


His existence, in Zhang Qingyuan’s perception,

It's like a fly under a magnifying glass, it's so delicate!

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was thinking about how to deal with it so as not to show his feet, it was also at this moment,

Boom! ! !

A vigilant sound of the moving ground,

The whole world shook,

All people’s attention is drawn to the past,


The sect of the Blood Demon Sect,

Completely collapsed at this moment!

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