"This is a trick for me."

Before the forbidden area,

Looking at the gloomy area in front of him, howling ghosts and wolves, as if shrouded in all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable earth, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart.

Behind him at this time,

The monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements and the monks of Yunzhou are still pushing forward,

Some panic faced the counterattack of the Blood Demon Sect cultivator.

In particular, many crazy cultivators saw that the general trend was going to go, and they didn't care about it and dragged the enemy to blew themselves to death.

The successive explosions are earth-shattering!

Even though they are tens of miles away, they can still clearly sense and perceive the vibrations between the day and the earth!

Under such fierceness and fear of death,

All the offensives in Yunzhou were stagnant.

Had to fight for the spirit of twelve points, facing those crazy guys who ran out from time to time.

This undoubtedly made some Yunzhou monks who had rushed into the mountain gate and prepared to fish in troubled waters miserable.

A great demon sect is also a giant that has been passed down for thousands of years. A small gap in the nails is enough to make them eat and drink.

It was with this idea, thinking that there would be a chance for the Holy Sect of the Five Elements to rush ahead, taking advantage of the muddy water to touch a big fish.

As a result, I didn't expect that these Blood Demon Sect cultivators were so crazy.

It's a lunatic,

Don't talk about fishing in troubled waters, now you are directly caught in a fight and fight, and you can't even protect yourself!

Compared to the chaos and chaos of the outside world,

Zhang Qingyuan's easy infiltration is simply not worth mentioning.

But then again,

If he had not been able to kill Zuo Tianzun at the beginning, swallowed his memory, successfully cultivated the law of blood, and imitated the aura of the blood-transforming Dafa, I am afraid that he is not much different from the outsiders.

"A forbidden area that can't even be entered in half a step, I hope I don't let me down..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed,

Step forward,

Turned into a phantom and walked into the gloomy world ahead.

Because of the chaos of the war, several guarded monks outside the forbidden area have been transferred away, so Zhang Qingyuan's infiltration was effortless.


Almost at the same time,

Looking at the melee below the mountain gate of the Blood Demon Sect, the ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect looked solemn.

"Yan He, you take people to that place, monitor and block them, and you can't let anyone in or out!"

Above the sky,

The magnificent voice spread,

Somewhere below, a middle-aged monk in mysterious clothes who was fighting the enemy heard the words and pointed out. A beam of mysterious light pierced the sky and bombarded the monk in front of him, causing a violent explosion immediately, blasting the opponent in front of him. .

Then he turned around and bowed his head respectfully, clasped his fists, bowed his head towards the ancestor on the sky:

"Yes, ancestor!"

The middle-aged man named Yan He then turned around and tapped a few people around him.

"Wu Tianyang, Yuanfeng, Shaoan...you guys, each bring some people, ready to come with me!"

In the voice,

With an unquestionable instruction.

Look at its breath,

Amazingly, he is a powerful man with half-step changes!


Several Wu Tianyang clasped their fists to take the order, greeted the followers on the side, and gathered towards the middle-aged man named Yan He.

[Old ghost Yuanzhen, you are waiting for death! 】

At this moment, suddenly, there was a majestic and boundless voice that seemed to exert infinite pressure on sentient beings, rising from the earth, overwhelming the sky, spreading throughout the world!

That magnificent voice directly overwhelmed all the sounds of the chaotic battlefield.

At the same time, it seems to have an unspeakable stalwart coercion,

Like a substantial mountain, suppressed in everyone's heart!

at the same time,

boom! ! !

The entire Blood Demon Sect's mountain gate suddenly shook at this moment, emitting a bright **** light, and every ray of light seemed to have an unpredictable charm. All the monks shrouded in light had blood in their bodies. A wave of restlessness, as if suddenly having life!

Those monks who are closer, and whose strength is below the realm of the cave, exploded with a bang at this moment, turning into a cluster of blood, rolling up into the sky, and merging into the sky as straight as the sky, covering the sky. Among the skull hills, the blood glowing on it is even brighter at this moment, not good!

"No! Go back!"

The monks in the distance yelled in horror, turning into a ray of light and rushing towards the rear, fleeing in embarrassment!

But they are fast,

That catharsis of blood is faster!

It was overwhelming, and between the breath, there was a large crowd of people. Amidst the screams, the monks turned into pus and blood, rising in the air, turning into a river of blood, rising up, and sinking in. The skeleton mountain that went straight into the sky became the source of power among them!

Even the cultivator of the cave realm, the blood is boiling at this moment, and there is a feeling that he can't control it, and it is about to spew out of control!

This terrifying feeling caused the cultivators of the cave realm who gathered here to hurriedly unleash their mana, turning them into colorful mysterious lights, shrouding themselves in them,

Even the juniors who brought him were ignored, and they fled in panic!

this moment,

The Blood Demon Sect's mountain gate shrouded the sky and the sun, and the top of the horrible Skull Mountain that was submerged into the clouds, accompanied by the majestic river of blood pouring in, the **** light was even more dazzling at this moment!

There is a breath that makes the entire space vibrate~www.readwn.com~ spreads across,

The strong pressure turned into substance, causing the surrounding earth and soil to collapse one after another at this moment!

Immediately after,

Rumble! ! !

From the pupils of the skeleton that covered the sky and the sun, a divine glow suddenly pierced through the sky and the earth, sending out bursts of chaos that the sky and the earth could not bear, releasing the strongest power towards the sky. The power of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm of the Two Five Elements Saint Sect blasted away!

Boom boom boom! !

this moment,

The blood is all over the world, invading the void of heaven and earth, the laws are infinite, and the void is shattered, revealing the aura of chaos!

It's just the escaping momentum,

It makes the whole world seem to be suppressed!

All the monks who were found by this light, whether they were in the realm of Dongzhen, or the pinnacle of the realm, or even the monks with such half-steps like Yan He, had a kind of creepy, as if death was about to come!

Just a ray of air that escaped, made everyone seem to be falling straight into an ice cave, their bodies stiff, unable to move at all!

"Hmph, old monster Blood River, you are a dying struggle!"

Above the sky,

The ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect with white beard and hair snorted coldly, and the sound resounded like thunder in the sky, shattering the sky, as if the **** murderous intent that brought the world into a killing field was dispelled!

It seems to cover the sky and the sun, like a dark cloud that has been crushed down, once it disperses, the heaviness in everyone's hearts disappears!

at the same time,

The ancestor of the Five Elements Saint with all white hair and beard took it out calmly with a palm, simple and natural, but then the palm was drawn across the void, and the sky was covered by a terrifying palm that encompassed the world of nine heavens and four extremes.

The sky is falling apart, the ghost is crying and howling!

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