, The fastest update of cultivation is the latest chapter from the three-year journey!

ps: The second chapter has not been updated yet. Let's post a chapter first, let's read it tomorrow.


After 30 years of retreat and polishing, Zhang Qingyuan's foundation has long been consolidated.

And after digesting the gains from years of adventures one by one, Zhang Qingyuan has already reached the ultimate state of Consummation at the level of the realm of law!

Relying on the accelerated calculation and deduction of Dayan Shu developed by the golden finger proficiency panel, he was able to practice in just 30 years, which is comparable to the polishing and improvement of other people's life!

The deduction of Taoism is nowhere to go!

Restrict him,

There is only one way to advance to the next level!

It was the lack of promotion methods that made him trapped in this realm.

Also because of this,

After learning that the battle to encircle and suppress the Blood Demon Sect had broken out, Zhang Qingyuan was willing to take the risk in order to gain promotion.

And as a result,

Did not let him down either.

Although the method of promotion to Wanhua has not yet been obtained,

But at least,

In this adventure, by watching the giants in the realm of Wanhua, observe the body of the monster in the realm of Wanhua, gradually clarify the way forward, and take a step on the road of the realm of Wanhua!

Successfully raised his own realm of strength from the realm of law to the realm of half-step versatility!

With it,

Not only is his strength greatly improved,

He has a deeper understanding of the path of the realm of Wanhua!

Especially the previous blow from the giants in the realm of transformation,

It made Zhang Qingyuan feel as though he broke through the doors and windows from a dark room and entered a new infinite and vast world outside!

"Humans follow the heavens, the heavens, and the Taos are natural...After arriving at the True Origin Realm, the cultivator can also integrate the Qi machine into the void, and Mingming will be in harmony with the Qi machine of the heaven and earth, and exert a more powerful force. Just like the momentum in practice!"

"But these, in fact, seem to be like foxes and fake tigers. They are only achieved by relying on the power of heaven and earth. Apart from being able to pretend to be forceful in front of monks who are lower than oneself, in the battle with the realm, they actually can't get much. Unless it’s the kind of high-level profound magic martial arts with extremely high levels."

"But when it comes to Wanhua, the situation is completely different."

"The realm monk can expand the realm between the heaven and the earth, and the power of the Taoism in the realm is used for their own use, reaching the immortal and godlike realm of the world, transcending the world, and being high above."

"And the realm of Wanhua is above it!"

"Mastering the world, including the world's ten thousand laws, the imperial power of the world, even a trace of aura, can be integrated into the dark and the world, leveraging all the techniques, mastering the power of the world, and exerting the peak power of the body!"

Between the sky and the earth, Zhang Qingyuan's palm prints reflected the sky and the earth, his figure suspended in the void, and a ray of light flashed in the pupils of his eyes.

This type of move,

If the lethality is not the strongest among all his own methods,

But it is definitely the pinnacle use of his cultivation power!

In half a step,

Imitating the real world of ten thousand transformations, the power of heaven and earth, and finally displayed this pinnacle blow!

Printed with one palm,

Zhang Qingyuan even sensed that his mind was sublimated at this moment!

"Unfortunately, it was only by relying on my own knowledge that I was able to display it. After all, it was just a vain..."

Sigh in my heart,

But Zhang Qingyuan did not slow down in his hands.

The vast and boundless power fell, suppressing the entire world, the law domain power blocked the heavens, and the four and a half-step all-in-one monks in the field were bombarded and killed one by one, and the space was screaming screams. Successively shattered, revealing the dark cracks of chaos and nothingness!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Five Elements Mountain suppresses the heavens,

Seeing that four people were slapped to death like cockroaches,

At this moment,

Where can they keep their hands?

During the life and death crisis,

The four did not hesitate,

He displayed his own strongest means, and took out all the means to press the bottom of the box!


The first person to resist was Sikong Zhen, the right Tianzun, and saw his power and momentum erupt like a vast ocean, and the laws of the Tao and Dao almost appeared in the void, setting off a vast tsunami in mid-air!

"Blood God pupil, open!"

You Tianzun screamed, and he saw a hideous crack suddenly cracked on his forehead, blood was flowing, and the orangutan's eyeballs were born along with it, breaking away from the eyelids, turning up and down, and the scarlet pupils seemed to be observing the world. Exudes a weird and unknown light!

At the moment when the blood **** pupil opened, You Tianzun suffered a pain that could not be described in words, his entire head seemed to burst open, and the blood eye on his forehead kept bulging, as if he was about to break free and jump out of it!

You Tianzun couldn't help but screamed, his hands were connected to the seal, and the runes of light turned into chains of order, and the **** eyes on his forehead were intertwined with seals.

Suppress the riot in it!

next moment,


The blood-colored pupils rotated, and a strange magnetic field seemed to be generated in the void, and suddenly a strange scarlet light was blasted out!

The light twists and turns,

The light made the other three half-steps in the audience feel an uncomfortable feeling!

"If you don't want to die, don't think about keeping it!"

Facing the Wuzhi Mountain that ruined the world, You Tianzun encouraged and supported the red light from the blood pupil, roared loudly, his eyes were cracking!

In fact,

No one dared to keep it!


The personal disciple of the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect, his sleeves were rolled up, and a dark blood-colored bowl rose up, emitting a terrifying scarlet light.

next moment,

Ejection rises like a cannonball!


The blood bowl expanded rapidly in mid-air, and it seemed to encompass a world of blood, traversing the front, and the runes on it lit up, reflecting the laws of the blood, giving people a feeling of invincibility!

This is a magic weapon!

Existence at the same level as the spirit weapon!

Exuding an aura that makes people feel terrified, hovering and rising, resisting the fall of the Five Fingers Mountain!

Another monk, who was covered in black robes, took out a black coffin. The lid of the coffin opened suddenly, and the coffin was completely dark. No light was visible, and there was a dense and indeterminate haunting.

That is a curse and ignorance turned into substance,

The whole world is also terrified!

In the end, the half-step Wanhua monk wearing a cloak and surrounded by starlight, at this moment, the mysterious power is running, and the stars above the sky are shining down, reflecting the sky and the earth as bright as a galaxy!

"Inverse Star Pointer!"

I pointed out ~www.readwn.com~ The starlight shattered, like a meteor piercing through the galaxy of the universe, tearing through the vast void, rolling over from the sky with the extinction power!

The four joined hands,

Almost indiscriminately,

He blasted out his strongest means at this moment without any reservation!

If the moment before,

They are also confident that relying on the strength of themselves and others, they can easily kill the inexplicable Zhang Qingyuan to reduce the profit sharing of one person.

So now,

The four half-step cultivators in the realm of Ten Thousand Transformations are as frightened as they are in their hearts!

It only takes a moment to fall from heaven to hell,

Now it’s no longer a question of dividing the spoils.

It's a question of whether you can survive from human hands!

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