, The fastest update of cultivation is the latest chapter from the three-year journey!

Zhang Qingyuan hasn't forgotten that there is still this great enemy behind him.

If it’s not for avoiding the opponent’s perception tracking,

He may not jump into the abyss of this cliff, and block the perception of the opponent's divine consciousness with the help of that majestic storm.

As for the method of gaining promotion to Wanhua, it is really happy to get the key to the next realm, but the danger behind you can't just be forgotten.

"I don't know here, is there any way to leave from other places?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked around, his spiritual consciousness spread, and he was ready to find a way to leave.

And at the same time,

His gaze was also placed on the mottled stone tablet on the side of the collapsed one with the word Patching Pavilion on it.


what is the place?

Why are those few half-stepped monks gathering here?

Especially the two of You Tianzun and Xuesha Zun,

After breaking into this forbidden land, after looting the most important things, he went straight to the cliff and abyss, floating in the secret realm amidst this fierce dark wind.

If there is no secret,

No one believes it.


The memory of the monks in the half-step ten thousand transformation realm is basically thousands of years, even if Zhang Qingyuan uses the Dayan technique to analyze it, it will take at least half a year to be able to digest it cleanly.

Otherwise, Zhang Qingyuan will directly devour the memory of the two of them, and will not be trapped in this speculation.

"I'm afraid that time is running out. Should I go in and take a look?"

Before stopping in this hall, Zhang Qingyuan was a little hesitant for a while.

The following Wanhua ancestor's battle, I don't know when it will end, maybe the Wanhua ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect has already freed his hands and started to chase him down.

Keep staying here, maybe let yourself fall into an irreversible desperate situation.

But the hall in front is too mysterious.

Attracting a full four half-step monks, and even from the behaviors of the two people, the right Tianzun and the blood evil monks, you can see that in their eyes, the secret realm in front of them seems to be better than the promotion to Wanhua. Important!

This couldn't help but prevent Zhang Qingyuan from being curious.

"Actually, when I came this time, it was natural to go inside. I'm afraid it would be worthwhile."

Just as Zhang Qingyuan thought about it,

Behind him, the void suddenly burst into waves, and a figure walked out of it, accompanied by a long voice, which sounded in his ears.

Zhang Qingyuan stood on the spot, did not make any movements, and his expression did not change much, as if he had anticipated the visitor a long time ago.

Without looking back, he said flatly:

"I thought Xiao Daoyou was going to watch the theater all the time, so I didn't plan to come out anymore."

"Haha, anyway, I can't hide from fellow daoists' perception. If you continue to hide, don't you just hide your ears and steal the bell?"

Xiao Jingyun slapped haha.

Then, looking at Zhang Qingyuan's gaze, the stunning color in his eyes was hard to conceal.

"With half a step in the body of Wanhua, mastering the true power of the realm of Wanhua with a few points of charm, and even with one's own power, it is easy to suppress the joint confrontation of four cultivators of the same rank... Powerful, even in the Central Continent cultivation world, it can be said to be rare. If you enter the Central Continent, you will surely be able to become famous in the world in a short time!"

Xiao Jingyun kept watching the previous battle.

Also because of this,

I was even more shocked.

With such a solid foundation, such a talent and strength, I'm afraid that among some big factions in Central Continent, the personal disciples are no more than the same!

And the most incredible thing is,

In this remote and barren realm of cultivation, this son can give birth to such a level of arrogance!

If this person can enter the Central Continent Cultivation Realm, it will definitely be like a dragon returning to the sea. As long as there is no accident at the time, he will probably be a famous person in the world!

"There are a few small skills, no matter what you say, Xiao Daoyou can hide from the side and not be discovered. Dealing with those few people is just a matter of grasping."

Zhang Qingyuan had a slight smile on his face, and did not take the other party's praise too much into his heart.

"You don't need to talk about gossip. I want to come to Xiao Daoyou to show up. It's not to say these things, right."

"I don't know where the "Butian Pavilion" ahead is. Why does Xiao Daoyou say that it is worthwhile to go in and explore?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the front hall with his hands and asked aloud.

"Since Daoyou Zhang is curious, why didn't he go and explore it himself?" Xiao Jingyun asked authentically.

Zhang Qingyuan smiled without saying a word.

"Oh, that's fine, in fact Xiao Mou doesn't know much."

"Butian Pavilion, it is rumored that it is related to the last immortal in this Fang Tiandi 20,000 years ago, and it is the great enemy that Jiujue Immortal Venerable once faced during the rise of Jiujue Immortal Venerable."

"No one knows what Jiujue Immortal Venerable did back then. Since the rise of Jiujue Immortal, Butian Pavilion has disappeared."

"It is rumored that the disappearance of Yuzhou and Haizhou back then has a lot to do with that battle, but not many people know the specific content."

"But if you can become a great enemy on the road to immortality, the inheritance will not be bad."

"Maybe, in this remnant site, maybe there is a secret to becoming a fairy?"

Xiao Jingyun looked at Zhang Qingyuan, with some persuasions in his words, and some vague expectations in his eyes.

Heard that,

Zhang Qingyuan nodded silently.

"Thank you Brother Xiao for your confusion!"

"But Zhang has important matters, and time is running out, so I won't stay much."

"This secret realm, I wish Brother Xiao will return with a full load later, don't spend it today!"

Zhang Qingyuan clasped his fists to thank Xiao Jingyun.

"Brother Xiao, if you have fate in the future, see you in Zhongzhou!"


Without waiting for Xiao Jingyun to say anything, Zhang Qingyuan turned around, turned into a ray of light and soared up, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

In place,

Xiao Jingyun was raising his hand to keep, but looking at the empty space in front of him, he blinked and was a little dazed. After a while, he recovered and shrugged his shoulders.

He stood with his hands in the air, floating in the air, looking at the empty space in front of him, with a slight expression of regret on his face.

"Yes, to be able to live to this point, naturally, it is not easy to be instigated to go to the mine-detecting generation."

"Unfortunately, I can only come by myself."

"But this kid helped me drive away some competitors~www.readwn.com~ is barely a good thing."

Xiao Jingyun took a deep look at the direction Zhang Qingyuan was leaving.

Did not stay much,

Turned around and entered the ruins of the Butian Pavilion.


the other side,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure galloped across the void, and soon passed through and left the secret realm world, and flew into the cliff where the darkness and wind roared.

"Coming soon!"

He raised his head and glanced at the sky above.

The eyes are full of fear.

Then he didn't dare to stay any longer,

Relying on the perception of the sixth sense, he found a direction, and the body form Escape quickly broke through the nether wind storm and disappeared into the distance.

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