Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 227: Cheng Zu was born, chaos is approaching (6,600 characters)

That figure stood above the sky, and the terrifying magneto-magnet aurora reflected from the whole body constantly collided with the space, producing ionizing sparks!

Layers of space are reflected, producing a blazing light, which is a splendid phenomenon caused by the continuous collision of one's own Qi machine and the void!

Makes that majestic figure is looming!

The breath of horror oscillated with it,

The sky seemed to sink at this moment, being suppressed by a terrifying aura.

This is undoubtedly another Taoist deity in the realm of Wanhua!

Countless eyes gathered on him.

"That's... Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun!"

The cultivator of the Hollow Realm Realm of the Five Elements Saint Sect below recognized the incoming person, his complexion changed slightly, and he whispered in a low voice.

Yuan Track Zun,

Born in Yunzhou Cultivation Realm, practicing the Tao of Magnetism, one-handed Magnetism Divine Light was incomparably powerful before Dongzheng, and it was undefeated for an era. It defeated so many Tianjiao along the way, until it was promoted to Wanhua. After the circumstance, it is rumored that he entered Beihai for submerged repair, but he did not know when to leave.

Looking at the Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun of the Five Elements Town Tianbei bound by the polar beam in his hand,

Quite a few cultivators of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements panted under the fierce oppression between the heaven and the earth, and their hearts fell completely to the bottom, only feeling cold in their hands and feet.

Come home at this time,

And as soon as he shot it, he took away the Five Elements Town Sky Tablet from the palm of his hand, saving the Yin and Yang Shuangzun from that blow.

No matter how you look at it, the visitors are not good!

"Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun, it turned out to be you!"

In the square, the palm seat Yang Tianlan struggled to stand up, holding back the pain of being torn apart from the divine consciousness, his face was pale, and he looked at the Yuanzi Dao Zun on the top, his eyes full of anger.

"That piece of Magneto Sacred Pole Formation Breaking Talisman was made by your Excellency! And the Zongmen Great Array will not collapse without incident, unless there is a force such as Magneto Divine Light that can block the aura of the formation!"

"My Five Elements Saint Sect has no grievances and no grudges against you, why is this?!"

The Magneto Divine Light cultivated by Yuanci Dao Zun already possesses the power to obliterate the power of attacking the divine soul and block the movement of spiritual energy!

The ability to refine the elemental magnetic sacred pole breaking formation talisman, looking at the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, itself is one of the few!

And if someone secretly displays power after casting the array breaking talisman, which affects the operation of the guardian formation, then the guardian formation is lagging and malfunctioning, then there is an answer!

Should have thought of it long ago!

Even the scattered half collapsed and blasted, relying on the sect guardian formation arranged with the help of the earth veins and the heavens, it can also automatically recover in a short time!

Now that the battle continues until now, there is no more news from the formation mage who sent to urgently repair and restart the big formation, this must be a problem!

Only the Dao Venerable of the Wanhua realm can secretly play a black hand in front of them unknowingly.


If there is no problem with the guardian formation,

Not to mention the yin and yang double respect,

Even if there are two more Wanhua Taoist priests, what can they do? !

"It looks like you don't have any other means..."

Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun weighs the Five Elements Town Tianbei in his hand,

Speak indifferently.

Facing Yang Tianlan's question, Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even have the thought of responding.

I saw it took one step forward,

The whole body is shining with the primordial magnetic aurora, and the power of Tao Yun dissipates, like a **** descending.

As if he shrank into an inch, he breathed hundreds of feet in the air, and a few flashes, he went up to the floating island above the Five Elements Mountain Range.

Under the aura of horror escape, the space seemed to set off a lot of tides.

Wherever you have passed along the way,

The cultivators of the Five Elements Saint Sect on the ground below involuntarily gave way to the road, even if they were on the ground, they couldn't make any obstacles to the Metamagnetic Dao Sovereign in mid-air.

Under countless gazes, Yuanzi Dao Zun flew by, stepping in the direction of the Mountain Gate of the Holy Land of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

"A holy land sect, under the protection of Wanhua Dao Venerable, it is nothing more than that. After all, strength is everything... I hope the collection inside is rich enough, and it's worth waiting for me to leave. Take this trip!"


The yin and yang dual energies blended, and the injuries in the body were quickly restored. The figure crossed the void, and ripples appeared, and they followed closely.

Condescendingly looking at the many monks of the Five Elements Sacred Sect who looked up at them in the Five Elements Mountain Range below, he said in a sigh.

Now the Huzong formation has been broken, and the foreign enemy has broken through the gate, no one has stopped it.

In this way, the potential retreat Wanhua giants that were afraid of in the original plan are gone.

Originally, I was worried that the Five Elements Saint Sect might have one or two people in long-term retreat as the foundation besides the three Wanhua Dao Venerables who went out and fell.

But now it seems that I think too much.

The so-called Ten Thousand Years Holy Land is not an unattainable existence!

Without Wanhua's power,

The guardian formation was secretly destroyed by Wanhua's great power, and the half-step Wanhua top-level monks were all swept away. The remaining methods to deal with Wanhua Dao Zun were also taken away under a near sneak attack.

The current Five Elements Saint Sect, who else can stop them?

The face of Hei Tianzun showed a pleasant color, and the two of them blended together, walking on the void in the leisurely courtyard, crossing the five-element holy sect's mountain gate palace below, as if touring their own back garden.

"Hateful, thief, die!"

There are cultivators in the Saint Clan Realm of the Five Elements can't bear to sit and watch the outsiders step on the sect under their feet, rushing up, and decisively impacting, even if they pay the price of their lives, they must be pulled down.

However, in this regard, the yin and yang dual-respect qi machine is just a swing.

A ray of yin and yang swept across,

Flashing freely between the gaps in the space,

Dao Fa was instantly cut off,

The cultivator of the law realm who rushed up to the death with a powerful air machine was immediately cut off, and then was shocked by the terrifying air machine, and instantly exploded into blood in the sky, and the blood spilled into the sky!

Many monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements not only weren't frightened by the tragic sight of being blown up, but aroused anger, one after another attacked.

However, in front of the power of the Wanhua realm level,

Not long ago, nine and a half steps of the powerful ancestors of the Wanhua realm joined forces, and they were all easily swept and shattered. What is the use of an attack by a few cultivators of the True Essence realm of the legal realm?

The two airs of yin and yang rotate, and the qi machine merges, forming a yin and yang grinding disc with a radius of hundreds of meters in the void!

At the moment when all the attacks touched the Yin-Yang wheel, they were like the porcelain in the millstone, shattered one after another, shattered into dust, and could not even block half a breath!

Even in front of the power of Wanhua level,

Was instantly backlashed by the Qi machine,

After spitting out big mouthfuls of blood, they flew upside down, and some unlucky ones were directly shaken to death by backlash!

"The resistance of the ants!"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Magnetic Dao Zun sneered, his body burst out with a light blue light, and the terrifying pressure instantly swept through. Those monks who originally wanted to burst forward were directly as if a mountain was pressed on their shoulders, and the whole person was crushed. Kneeling on the ground, underground stone bricks collapsed, skin exploded, bones cracked, blood infested!

At a breath, all beings surrendered.

Even the monks in the legal realm can't produce any resistance at all.

The realm of Wanhua is strong,


After cleaning up the trash fish obstructing the road,

After a few moments, the Yuanci Dao Zun and the Yin and Yang Shuang Zun had crossed the space of ten thousand meters and arrived in front of the suspended five-element holy mountain.

Suspended mountains towering into the clouds,

Floating above the clouds,

On top is a gloomy sky,

The air is full of spiritual energy, and the entire floating mountain emits a kind of Qi machine that contains the essence of Taoism, which penetrates the sky and the earth. The physical machine that can be seen by the naked eye is like a giant column of wolf smoke. Machine loop!

"The Five Elements Birth Vessels that gather thousands of miles around provide a place. It seems that this place should be a retreat for the Five Elements Sect's cultivators of the Wanhua realm."

"The things that fellow Daoists need should be in it, but let's just say that if fellow Daoists find what they need, the rest will belong to the two brothers and me!"

The three stopped in front of this floating mountain,

Looking at the floating mountains ahead, the bizarre overlapping voices of the Yin and Yang twins sounded, and the Yin and Yang Qi machine merged and only opened the distance slightly, obviously a little wary.

"Don't worry, practice resources are of little use to me. As long as I find that thing, I won't take any money for the rest of the seat!"

Yuanzi Daozun's complexion was plain, without the slightest expression, it seemed that he really didn't care about the collection of a sacred place that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

It's just that no one knows what his true thoughts are.

"That's the best! Next, let's open this protective circle together!"

"It's easy to say."

The three began to unleash the boundless torrent of Tao Yun, and the boundless power gathered, and finally turned into a powerful blow that shook the world, and blasted the light curtain of the formation that shrouded the floating island with a terrifying sound like the destruction of the world!

As the core of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, in order to avoid the sect monks from inadvertently, a layer of formation is set up around this suspended mountain. This formation even has the power of isolating the world.

At the same time, the formation method also isolates the space, isolating the floating island like another piece of sky above the sky.

The space created in this way belongs to the category of secret realm, and for the great power of the Wanhua realm, a quiet space outside the independent world and isolated from the earth from the outside is undoubtedly the best place for retreat and practice.

With Wanhua Dao Zun sitting in town, it is also the safest resource storage place in the sect!

It can be said,

The greatest heritage of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements is on the floating mountain in front of you!

The earth-shattering explosion exploded, and the vacuum was shattered one after another. Under the primal magnetic divine light of the elemental magnetic Dao Zun and the yin and yang two-qi qi machine of the yin and yang doubles, the formation light curtain was soon broken!

Looking at a passage that was blasted out in front,

The trio of Yuanci Dao Zun also showed joy on their faces.

A collection of sacred sects that have been passed down for thousands of years is right in front of you!

Especially for the Yin and Yang Shuangzun, it undoubtedly has a greater significance!

Although their strength when they are combined is comparable to the Wanhua realm level, but when they are separated, the real strength is not enough for ordinary half-step Wanhua!

If they get the harvest of this sacred land sect, under the accumulation of all kinds of cherished pill resources, it is very likely that they will be able to break through the realm of ten thousand transformation!

Once it breaks through Wanhua,

The power generated by the fusion of the yin and yang of the two of them will be even stronger!

The fusion of yin and yang at the two major levels of Wanhua, Joshi is afraid that it will not sweep the realm of Wanhua invincible!

At that time,

Whether it is sweeping the Yunzhou cultivation world, or fighting back to Guzhou, in order to repay the revenge expelled from the hometown in the past, it is just a matter of waiting!


Hei Tianzun suddenly remembered Zhang Qingyuan, who had slaughtered the Five Elements Saint Sect's Wanhua Realm Dao Venerable with one enemy and three, and created an excellent opportunity for them.

If they are promoted to the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm, if they want to level the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, it is estimated that that person will be their biggest opponent!

But he was not afraid at all,

When the two of their brothers are in the half-step Wanhua, the yin and yang can have a level comparable to the Wanhua realm. Once both of them are promoted to the Wanhua realm, the kid will not be able to get out of their palms no matter how great they are. Heart!

Seeing that the kid killed the Wanhua monk of the Five Elements Sect and gave them a great opportunity to break through the Five Elements Sect, when they encountered it, the knowledge handed over all the secrets from him and made a dog under their feet. You can spare his life!

Hei Tianzun's face showed a hint of coldness.

Yang Tianzun still smiled.

The two emotions are connected, and their hearts are also connected. Hei Tianzun's thoughts also flashed through Yang Tianzun's mind. Yang Tianzun's face is kind and has no objections.


The figure of Yin and Yang Shuangzun jumped to the sky, and was about to fly by and enter the floating island.

The Yuancian Daozun not far away also took a step, ready to leave.


At this moment,


A clear voice of heaven suddenly oscillated from the sky above the floating island, and the essence of Tao Yun ripples, spreading in all directions, spreading the entire world!

The movements of the three members of Yuanci Dao Zun instantly solidified at this moment.


Accompanied by the clear sound,

An aura that shook the heavens and the earth seemed to be awakened from a deep sleep by the ancient gods, opened their eyes, and the unprecedented vast divine might swept through the nine heavens and ten earth!

Under that terrifying air,

The whole world is trembling at this moment!

The boundless divine might suffocated both Yuanci Dao Zun and Yin Yang Shuang Zun!


That incomparable coercion shook the sky and the earth, and at the same time, a great fear arose in the hearts of the three Yuanzhu Dao Zun!

It is like the fear of encountering natural enemies!

A heart seems to have fallen into the abyss of hell!


It's too late to think about who this aura in the Five Elements Saint Sect is, and what kind of realm it is to have such a terrifying aura, let alone what kind of collection secrets there are on that floating island.

At this moment, in the minds of the three members of Yuanci Dao Zun, only the thought of "escape!" was left in their minds!

The three of them instantly turned into a escape light and fled towards the outside world!

The speed is so fast that if the teleportation disappears,

Before all the cultivators of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements could react, they appeared ten thousand meters away and were about to disappear into the sky!

[Where did the little mouse come here presumptuously, come over to the old man! 】

The thunderous roar shook the heavens and the earth. With the momentum that made the sky tremble, all the monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements felt unprecedented horror at this moment!

The sky is getting dark!

The light seems to be extremely suppressed,

Unparalleled depression swept away, everyone felt a panic with cold hands and feet!


The sky cracked, and a tens of thousands of meters of terrifying mana was protruded from it. Dao law forces collided, causing the entire sky to be shattered, and the air of chaos and emptiness was lingering!

That big hand covers the sky and the sun, and it has the boundless power that encompasses the sky!

The trio of Yuanzi Dao Zun and Yin Yang Shuang Zun who were fleeing, only felt that boundless fear was rushing to their hearts, and the surrounding space seemed to be sealed by an irresistible force!

They are frozen in it, unable to move!

Under the endless fear, the three of them were grabbed by the vast palms, without any resistance, were captured and brought into the chaos and nothingness!

Rumble! ! !

Until the large space on the floating island healed, and the big hand that covered the sky shrank back, the spiritual energy storm that was set off by that palm still penetrated the sky of thousands of miles and impacted every corner of the sky.

The monk of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements who watched all this up close on the ground below was even more imprinted deep in his mind by the terrifying hand that covered the sky with the Dao Fa.

I am afraid I will never forget it in this life!


at the same time,

Tens of thousands of miles away, on the top of a mountain stood two figures dressed as Taoists, one large and one small.

The big one is a sad old man who is nearly sixty or seventy years old,

He was wearing a tattered robe that seemed to be taken out of the garbage and cleaned and then patched up, like a poor ascetic old Taoist.

The little one is an 18-year-old little Taoist boy.

His face was ruddy, his face was white and tender, and he was wearing a small Taoist robe with a wooden sword on his back, like a child who came out of a rich family.

A big and a small figure, without any breath, just like two ordinary people.

Probably the monks in the realm of Dongzhen law would not feel anything wrong in front of them.

Two figures stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the direction of the Five Elements Saint Sect Mountain Gate.

"Sure enough, that old monster is not dead yet! That's right, who can open up a shortcut from the Five Elements Avenue, how can a handful of people with talents in Yunzhou for thousands of years be so easily obliterated by the years!"

Perceiving the sky that pierced through the sky and the aura that shook the sky was rising, the old Dao sighed in a real way.

The originally sad face,

At this moment, I became even more worried.

"Master, what do you mean is that the owner of this aura was born five thousand years ago after the great changes in the Five Elements Sect. He created a shortcut to practice the Five Elements Avenue and saved the Five Elements Sect between life and death. The ancestor of Zhongxing of the Five Elements Sect?"

"But according to the age of that person's birth, isn't it nearly six thousand years since now? How could it be possible that he has not yet been sitting for such a long time, is it possible that he has already crossed that level?"

Xiaodaotong's voice was immature, and his face was a little puzzled.

According to my master's previous explanation, after breaking through the legal realm, his life span started at 800.

But with the improvement of cultivation level and attention to self-cultivation, refining some vigorous spirit pills to prolong lifespan, basically reaching more than a thousand years.

Break through the realm of Wanhua, life will be greatly improved again, and you will enjoy three thousand years of age.

Among these three thousand years old, it is also possible to obtain more lifespan through the improvement of cultivation base, various life-prolonging pills, and the secret method of life-prolonging.

But these means to extend life are also limited!

It can be extended for no more than a thousand years at most.

If that aura is really the ancestor of Zhongxing who turned the tide in the Five Elements Saint Sect, then it means that the other party has lived for six thousand years!

at this point,

Can't help but make people feel puzzled and shocked!

"He should be right!"

"After all, he was a ruthless person who was able to clear the way back then. The talent can be said to be the best in thousands of years!

"What's more, at that time, a cultivator with a golden glaze body appeared in Yunzhou, which was rare in thousands of years. According to ancient records, the life of the cultivator was strong, especially after reaching the level of the golden glaze body, his life was long. Monk of Transcendent Transformation Realm..."

The old way whispered and authentic, as if thinking of something, there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in the language.

"Back then, the Five Elements Sect was attacked by the powerhouses of the Blood Demon Sect and took away the treasure of the Sect. The loss was heavy. At that time, I was seeking the golden body of the colored glaze in hardships. There was also the shadow of the Yunzhou Sect in the interior hiding behind the scenes. The status of the sacred place is crumbling."

"The turning point happened not long after that, when the five major sects of the Blood Demon Sect were besieged with one heart and one heart, both sides suffered losses, and the whereabouts of the one heart were unknown, and the five major ones of the blood demon sect died and suffered three injuries.

"That period of history seems to be a bit tricky, now it seems that if the Five Elements Sect secretly promoted the conflict between Ku Yixin and the Blood Demon Sect, and in the end, the oriole would obtain the greatest fruit of victory afterwards, which would not only severely damage the blood. The Demon Sect, it is not surprising that the pain that has the ability to threaten their status in the Holy Land falls into their hands, and the winner takes all!"

"And with that person's talent, it would not be surprising if he obtained the secret of life extension for three thousand years from Ku Yixin!"

Xiao Dao Tong blinked his shiny eyes.

Adult world,

so complicated!

The old man didn't look at him, and looked up at the sky.

"The troubled times are about to begin!"

"Since that one has been born, most of the remaining two sects, three factions and four parties in the Yunzhou cultivation world will not be indifferent."

"What's more, the strength of the Five Elements Saint Sect has been greatly damaged. The Five Great Wanhua has directly fallen to three statues, and the other two are still in the land of the Central Continent... Although the Five Elements Saint Sect is the only holy land in Yunzhou, the Second Sect is also from extraordinary origins. Among them, Wunian Temple is even more related to the Buddhism of Central Continent, and the magical roads outside the territory are eyeing...the storm is coming!"

The old Taoist stands with his hands in his hands, his deep gaze looks at the sky,

this moment,

The sight seemed to be thousands of miles away, and saw the heavy clouds in the sky surging violently, and the black storm covering the sky and the sun was about to sweep across the entire Yunzhou land!

Among the pupils,

There is shock, longing,

There is another sigh.

"Nowadays, the land of Jiuzhou is full of hustle and bustle, and it seems that there are signs of opening the road to immortality."

"Gu Zhou has a sword to go out of heaven, sweep the younger generation, promote Wanhua with invincibility, and stir up the ever-changing heavenly sword king Jiufeng. Yuanzhou has a big day to cherish, and it is suspected that it is born and sacred, and the light of talent overwhelms everything. Tianjiao Xie Ziteng...One continent, one genius rose one after another, and the light gradually overshadowed the older generation. Even the major sacred land in Central Continent also reported that the saint son and saint in the door were about to walk the world. ...."

"In the rumor, every time the road to the immortals opens, it is an era when Tianjiao frequently occurs and stars are shining!"

"Now that Zhang Qingyuan was born, his law and body are both cultivated, and his combat power has overwhelmed an era. I am afraid that the luck of Yunzhou today is not due to this person!"

"But Master, didn't you say that I am the protagonist of Yunzhou's era? That Zhang Qingyuan occupies the world, so what should I do?"

Dao Tong suddenly interrupted,


Recalling the similar words that my master had said before and I would become the protagonist of this era, I looked at the old way with suspicion.

"Haha, you guys can rest assured."

An unsmiling look appeared on the veteran face.

"Although that Zhang Qingyuan has a strong talent and a negative fortune, his achievements are even harder in ancient times. However, the more popular, the easier it is to be targeted by others, and he will eventually end up as a pioneer of the king."

"If the ancestor of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements really relied on his painstaking efforts to prolong his life of three thousand years, then he would definitely not let the kid go in the future. What's more, the more and more the demon way of the outside world has declined over the years, maybe the rest of the people will be desperate. , Began to siege and seize the glazed golden body, in order to complete the "work" that was designed by their ancestors of the magic way but never completed that was enough to sweep the realm of comprehension!"

"One Sage, Two Sects, Three Schools, Four Fang Oh no, now there are only Three Kingdoms. Yunzhou practice world is complicated. It is not a small casual practitioner who can play well with a little luck and talent. of!"

"Even if that kid is really lucky, it doesn't matter if he has survived many hardships in the future."

"With the talent of your Innate Eucharist, you only need enough time to practice well, enough to raise the cultivation base strong enough, and sharpen the sword in your hand."

"At that time, no matter how strong the aura he gathered, he would end up doing hard work for you as a wedding dress."

"Sit and watch him stir up the situation in Yunzhou. When the time comes, he will come out and beat him to death."

The old Dao touched Dao Tong's head.

To the talents of the disciples who have income from the door wall,

Very confident.

"Okay, I get it now."

Dao Tong seemed to understand, but he nodded obediently.

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