Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 228: The realm is stable, the top 10 transcendent forces in Yunzhou (4,400 characters.

Qianyun Mountain,

The secret realm of the cave sky.

Millions of huge spiritual stones are arranged on the huge gathering array, and the majestic spiritual energy gathers into spiritual mist, which is finally compressed again by the formation, turning into spiritual liquid, and gathers in a pool!

On the liquid that the pool of spiritual energy turned into, the energetic light shone and flickered, and the dense spiritual mist evaporated.

In the Eurasian Pool,

A figure gleaming with glazed light was naked and sitting in the center. On the jade-like skin, some red scars were vaguely seen, and they were looming under the skin of glazed color.

The figure in the spiritual liquid pool is naturally Zhang Qingyuan.

I saw his eyes closed tightly, maintaining a meditation posture in the spiritual fluid pool, the whole figure body in the spiritual fluid pool, as if turned into a black hole vortex, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy in the spiritual fluid pool, in the air Storms are all set off!

With the influx of majestic aura infusion,

The glazed golden light on the body became more dazzling, and on the jade-colored skin, a series of mysterious runes of Taoism law appeared, and the powerful aura made the space faintly shattered, as if it could not bear Zhang Qingyuan. That powerful and unmatched power!

As time passed, Zhang Qingyuan’s aura became stronger and stronger, making the void tremble.

at the same time,

Under the jade-like complexion, those blood-colored scars and cracks were gradually worn away by the majestic power and dimmed.

I do not know how long it has been,

When the spiritual fluid in the pool has completely bottomed out,

boom! ! !

A terrifying aura suddenly exploded, and the impact swept every corner of the surrounding void. The space of several meters in radius was completely shattered at this moment, revealing the dark and chaotic vacuum that could not be seen!

The flesh smashes the vacuum, causing the space to collapse!

The horror of this power is simply terrifying!

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan's closed eyes opened at this moment, and a substantive divine light shot out from the pupils, and the light burst, like a thunder and lightning tearing through the dark void, with a dazzling light. Suddenly burst!


Zhang Qingyuan runs the week with both hands,

The power of Taoism turns back,

In the end, the vast sea-like aura of riots gradually gathered in the breath, and the majestic sea-like momentum was also suppressed.


Zhang Qingyuan let out a long sigh, and his breath was finally suppressed.

He stretched out his hand and felt the terrifying power that can tear the vacuum between his hands while waving his hands. Zhang Qingyuan also showed a trace of satisfaction on his face.

The cultivation base of the Wanhua realm, the refinement level of the glazed golden body,

Dharma and body double cultivation,

All reached the pinnacle!

With his strength, in the realm of Wanhua, I am afraid it is definitely the pinch that belongs to the pinnacle!

At the beginning, I broke through in the battle and improved to the greatest extent. After completing the promotion, I killed the three Wanhua Venerables of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements with a single sword. Although there are many factors affecting this,

But his strength is also evident!

At that time, his strength was already far beyond the ordinary Venerable Ten Thousand Transformation Realm.

What's more, now in the secret realm of the cave, three top-grade spirit stones are used to lay down this huge gathering of spirits, and the aura from the millions of spirit stones is extracted and condensed into a spiritual liquid with amazing aura of mist and transpiration. Cultivation has completely stabilized the cultivation base of the Wanhua realm.

Now his Zhang Qingyuan's strength will only be stronger than before!

"It's almost an improvement visible to the naked eye, but the consumption is too great!"

The improvement in strength is indeed worthy of pleasure, but looking at the dry spiritual liquid pool in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes can't help but a touch of pain.

Even the Dao Zun who beheaded the multi-dimensional realm and made a fortune,

But once such a practice, the consumption is enough to make Zhang Qingyuan's flesh pain.

To know,

Not counting the hundreds of spiritual stones used as the material for extracting spiritual energy,

This pool of spiritual liquid gathers spirits, and it cost him three top-grade spiritual stones!

The ordinary spirit gathering formation naturally did not need to use the best spirit stones, but the problem is that what Zhang Qingyuan needs is not simply to gather the spirit energy in the air, but to extract the spirit energy from the spirit stone and then compress it into the spirit fluid. The consumption required can not be driven by simple middle-grade and lower-grade spirit stones, only the power of top-grade spirit stones can be used!

The reason why he was able to stabilize the realm of Wanhua in such a short period of time,

It can be said that the large amount of resources swayed is indispensable!

"It's just that this physical injury..."

Feeling the slight sluggishness from the body when the mana was running, Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his hand and saw the faint red trace under the jade-colored skin, and his brows couldn't help but frowned.

This injury was left over from the previous war.

that time,

My cultivation base has not yet been promoted to Wanhua,

With the colored glaze gold body, resist the bombardment of the three great ancestors of the original ancestor,

Although Zhang Qingyuan took advantage of the opposing party’s five-element Tianxin Dao Yin power to bombard the opportunity, and used Dayan Art to analyze and quickly deepen his understanding of the power of the Five Elements Dao. People's anti-killing.

But in the process, Zhang Qingyuan's golden glaze body was directly blown up.

Under the final siege,

There is only a skeleton frame left!

Very tragic!

Although later, after condensing the Heavenly Heart and Dao Yin, and after being promoted to the Wanhua realm, he was infused with the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, and he was eventually able to recover his flesh and blood, and his injuries were almost completely restored.

But in the body, there is still a part of Dao wounds left behind.

These Dao injuries are the remnants of the power of the Heavenly Heart Dao Seal,

Even the infusion of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is difficult to solve!

This is not surprising,

Because the power of Tianxin Dao Yin is at the same level as Heaven and Earth Genesis Qi, especially when Zhang Qingyuan’s body was exploded and only the skeleton frame was left.

Want to talk about recovering intact, that's idiotic dream talk!


"If this is the case, the colored glaze body is flawed and cannot be consummated. You must find a way to wash away all these leftover wounds before you can restore the only colored glaze body that is perfect without flaws!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, thinking inwardly.

If you want to restore the golden glaze body to perfection, you must find a heaven and earth treasure or a pill that is at least the same level as the source energy of the heaven and earth, and it is also a heaven and earth treasure that is useful for body refining and cultivation!

And this,

Zhang Qingyuan, who had harvested the spoils of several venerables of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm, also had some headaches.

Among the trophies, although there are many precious things, the ones killed by Zhang Qingyuan are all the cultivation of the law, and there is no natural treasure in the storage space.

The jade slips recorded in the storage ring are basically related to the practice of the law, and there is no record of the information related to the body refinement.

"Fine, I can only use the power below to find it as much as possible!"

After thinking hard for a long time, and still not finding a solution, Zhang Qingyuan sighed helplessly, and could only put the matter down temporarily.

at this time,

Outside the light curtain of the Spirit Gathering Array, a stream of light surrounded the Spirit Gathering Array, and the light flickered violently, which attracted Zhang Qingyuan's attention.

"Oh, something has arrived?"

As if thinking of something, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were bright.

One move,

The void opened a crack,

The streamer outside then flew into the Spirit Gathering Array, and fell in front of Zhang Qingyuan, suspended in mid-air under the support of the power of divine consciousness.

That is a high-level messenger!

Zhang Qingyuan’s spiritual consciousness was activated,


In the air, it seemed as if a book lifted up the pages of the book, and there was light rising, and finally a few large characters appeared in the void in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

The ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou, one holy, two sects, three factions and a four-party dynasty!

This is it!

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered.

Prior to this, although Zhang Qingyuan was in Yunzhou, he basically spent time in retreat and practice. He rarely caused trouble outside, so the specific situation of Yunzhou cultivation world, especially the major forces, is not very clear. I only know the name of the only holy place known as the Five Elements Saint Sect.

At that time, he was just a cultivator in the realm of Dharma Realm.

Perhaps in this remote place of the Northern Mountains, there is a strong one,

But looking at the vast land of Yunzhou,

It's nothing more than that,

Not at the level, and there is no need to deliberately understand the Yunzhou cultivation world.

But as he was promoted to the realm of Wanhua, everything was different!

I used to be nothing when I was young,

But now he was already standing at a level that could stir the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, and he was already standing on the stage of the Wanhua realm Dao Venerable at the pinnacle of Yunzhou.

Even if Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to, he would probably have to deal with the forces of the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm from the outside world in the future.

So not long ago,

Zhang Qingyuan sent a talisman to ask Murong ancestor to help get a list of all the transcendent forces in the Yunzhou cultivation world.

"One saint, two schools, three schools, four dynasties..."

Zhang Qingyuan muttered in a low voice, thoughtfully, the book phantom in front of him, then slowly opened, and a series of character messages appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

In the Yunzhou cultivation world,

There has always been the name of a sage, two sects, three factions, and a four-party dynasty.

This said,

It is the ten transcendent forces that stand on the peak of the major forces in Yunzhou and possess the Dao Venerable in the realm of Wanhua!

One sage is naturally the Holy Sect of the Five Elements.

For thousands of years,

It has always been the absolute peak of the Yunzhou cultivation world. Even at the most dangerous moment, Dao Zun of the Wanhua Realm within the gate has not fallen below two. At the time of its peak, there was a prosperous age where the Master and Wanhua existed at the same time, and the history was rumored. Shang is even more than the existence of Wanhua realm Dao Venerable!

There is more than one force that overwhelms other comprehension forces!

At least the other two sects, three factions, and the Sifang imperial dynasty have not been rumored to exist above the realm of Wanhua.

It’s a pity that the levels above the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm are too mysterious, and the monks of that level will not be in the small fish pond of Yunzhou, but will go to the greater legendary Middle Continent for activities, so the outside world Not much is known.

Whether the Holy Sect of the Five Elements has ever really broken the boundaries of existence,

Few people know.

But for this reason, the name of the only holy place deserves its name!

And not long ago,

Yuanci Dao Zun and Yin-Yang Shuang Zun hit the door while the Five Elements Saint Sect did not have Wanhua Dao Zun. As a result, the sky on the floating island split, and a giant hand covering the sky instantly suppressed the three.

This matter has already caused a sensation in the world.

Many people speculate that the master of the giant hand should be a great figure of the Five Elements Saint Sect who is older than the Yuanzhen ancestor, and it may be close to or break through to the next level of existence!

"Does the next level's no wonder that when I was thinking about whether to enter the Five Elements Saint Sect Mountain Gate, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in my heart. It seems that the sense of crisis originated from that one!"

Because he had been in retreat during this period, Zhang Qingyuan was not clear about the deeds that had been passed on to the outside world.

Now it was also from this transmission talisman that the changes that occurred in the five-element holy sect mountain gate were learned.

Looking at the information in front of him, his face became extremely solemn at this time, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Qingyuan didn’t think that if he killed the three Wanhua Venerables of the Five Elements Saint Sect one after another, the born Five Elements Saint Zong Guzu would have a good impression on him, and would let a monk who trampled their sacred face on the ground to live in this world. !

But Zhang Qingyuan will not be afraid of future revenge.

Only in this way, the urgency in his heart has deepened a bit.

"It seems that we must find a way to repair the golden glaze body as soon as possible. Dharma and body double cultivation. Only the perfect golden glaze body and my ten thousand levels of realm can make me truly invincible!"

Zhang Qingyuan clenched his fist slightly and made up his mind.

Keep looking down,

The Second Sect under the Holy Sect of the Five Elements,

One is Wunian Temple of Buddhism, and the other is Puritanism of Taoism.

Both sects are the chief powers of Buddhism and Taoism in the Yunzhou cultivation world. It is said that there are more than two Wanhua realm Taoists in the gate, sitting in the east and west of Yunzhou respectively.

Although the status of the Second Sect has always been suppressed by the Holy Sect of the Five Elements,

However, Buddhism and Taoism are all over the land of Jiuzhou. In the realm of Zhongzhou cultivation, there is a great school of cultivating holy land. Wunian Temple and Shang Puritan belong to a group of Buddhism and Taoism. There is no connection with the great school of Zhongzhou holy land. There may be means inside the door that outsiders don’t know,

Therefore, the two sects have a transcendent status only under the five-element holy sect in the Yunzhou cultivation world.

As for the remaining three sects and quadrangular dynasties,

The three schools are the Lingxu Sword School, the Xianyin School, the Qingtian School, the Dashang Dynasty, the Dajing Dynasty, the Dayuan Dynasty, and the Dajin Dynasty.

Lingxu Kendo is a sect of kendo, practicing kendo, living in the dangerous peaks of Qijun, comprehending the mystery of the heaven and the earth, and comprehending the powerful killing power of the sword.

The Xianyin School is a female school. It focuses on rhythm, and uses rhythm to inspire the seven emotions and six desires of the monks, combining the abilities of healing, causing hallucinations, killing enemies, and so on.

Because it is a female sect, there are beautiful fairies in the door, and they practice to avoid the world, and rarely have grievances with the outside world. It can be said that it is definitely the most popular sect among the top ten transcendent School It is an extremely rare body-refining school, thousands of years of money, and there has been a strong man who has cultivated a glazed golden body, but it is a pity that he was besieged by the blood demon sect and disappeared since then.

It's just maybe because the one who consumed too much of the sect's luck in the past, the Qingtian faction has been devastated and desolate since then. It is only supported by an old and old Wanhua realm, and there is nothing in the door. The outstanding genius, after the old Wanhua passed away, I am afraid that he will fall under the top ten transcendent forces.

As for the Sifang Dynasty behind, it is the weakest.

Each owns and has only one Dao Venerable in the realm of Wanhua.

Either the dynasty royal family with a long inheritance exerted all the efforts of the whole country to cultivate a **** of Wanhua, or it was the accidental break-through of casual cultivation that finally supported the family and established a new dynasty force.

Just like the Dajing Dynasty under Emperor Wu.

Of course, with the fall of Wu Huang Dao Zun, the Dajing Dynasty had no qualifications to be detached.

Seeing all the ten transcendent forces in the Yunzhou Comprehension World, Zhang Qingyuan lowered his head to think, his fingers involuntarily tapped the white jade bricks on the side.

"The Qingtian Sect is the transcendent power of the main cultivation body, and there has been a strong man with a golden glaze body in history. Maybe I can get a way to repair the golden glaze body from his body?"

Zhang Qingyuan thought to himself in his heart,

Heart business move.

Now the Yunzhou cultivation world seemed peaceful, but Zhang Qingyuan keenly felt the undercurrent hidden underneath.

The balance of ten transcendent forces,

In fact, it has been broken by myself!

A storm, I am afraid that the entire Yunzhou cultivation world will soon be swept!

And myself,

It is bound to be involved!

Only by mastering enough strength can you be qualified to sit and watch the changes in the world!

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