Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 235: Ascension and worship

"So that's it, is this the true face of Wuliang Moko's golden body?"

Within a thousand miles of the void from the Qingtian Sect Mountain Gate, Zhang Qingyuan's figure rushed, if a stream of light passed through the chaotic void, it would span dozens of hundreds of miles in an instant.

At this moment, a flash of golden light flashed across his pupils, and he whispered inwardly.

At this moment, the whole body was flashed with a gilded color light.

Although the glowing golden light flashed away, it gave him a feeling that made him feel eternally solid and brilliant!

Since this journey, Zhang Qingyuan has been on the road while comprehending the fundamental law of the Wuliang Moko Golden Body, the Wunian Temple, and devoted most of his time and energy to it.

Great gain!

After all, with the promotion of his cultivation base, the spirit has also been greatly improved, and the proficiency panel has also undergone a significant change.

This has allowed Zhang Qingyuan to develop Dayan Art based on the proficiency panel, and his computing power has also been amazingly improved.

Under the deduction of this Dayan Art,

Within a short period of time, he was really comprehending and deducing something, and then he learned some of the secrets and mastered the power of this method.


[After days of insight, you have successfully mastered one of the fundamental methods of Wunian Temple, the Immeasurable Moko Golden Body, and you have successfully mastered this heavenly body of Dharma. 】

【Blessed Moko Golden Body (Day): Getting Started (0/10)】


In the depths of the spiritual consciousness, such lines of writing flashed on the screen of the proficiency panel.

The words "Getting Started" at the back,

It means that he has mastered the success.

However, after Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the handwriting on the proficiency panel, he did not continue to put too much energy on it.

"Blessed Moko golden body, originally I thought it was a method of refining the body and golden body, but now it seems that I want something wrong!"

Knowing the immeasurable Moko Jin body he has mastered in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

The name of this secret method,

It looks like the golden body of colored glaze, and it belongs to the category of golden body.

But it wasn't until the real cultivation practice understood the content that Zhang Qingyuan discovered that the core between them was simply very different!

The dharma body cultivated by the Wuliang Moko golden body!

With the supreme Buddha power, the indestructible golden body dharmakaya is gathered, like a god, with the supreme power of the gods and demons who master the sun and the moon and pick the stars!

Achieve the supreme effect similar to the myths and legends of the law, the heavens and the earth!

Such a golden body,

In fact, it belongs to the category of power changes in Taoism!

Although the immeasurable Moko golden body dharma body cultivated by him also has the characteristics of indestructibility and non-invasiveness, but in terms of the essence of the inner core, it has the pure glazed gold body holy realm after all. Essentially different!

This immeasurable Moko golden body, after all, is still a means of Taoism!


It also made Zhang Qingyuan a little helpless.

The two different aspects of strength made Zhang Qingyuan's original plan to learn from the practice method of the Wuliang Moko golden body to solve the injury of his own colored glaze golden body directly shattered.

Fortunately, it is not without gain.

In the chaos and darkness, within Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils, a flash of golden light flashed, and there was a looming golden phantom like a giant god.

It seems that there is boundless power, hidden in another piece of space deep in the pupil that is far away from the end,

Just wait for the day of the outbreak,


That is the hidden power of the Blessed Moko Jin body!

Along the way, Zhang Qingyuan mastered this secret technique that touched the heavenly ranks through Dayan Art, and cultivated the Immeasurable Moko golden body. When the two complement each other, I am afraid that if you look at the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, even if he is standing there and being beaten, not many people can cause him harm!

"Although I haven't been able to find a solution, I have cultivated this Blessed Moko golden body, which has greatly improved my own strength!"

"Under the full explosion, the power of the two golden bodies, even if the glazed golden body is flawed and difficult to complete, the one who can break my defenses, I am afraid that there will only be the powerhouses of Tianji Wanhua or even higher!"

Zhang Qingyuan squeezed his palm,

Feeling the vastness and majesty of it, bare hands are enough to distort the terrible power like a vacuum, and because of his nature, at this moment, he can't help but rise with a hint of joy!

If before this,

He was full of jealous words about the ancient ancestor who appeared at the Five Elements Saint Sect Mountain Gate not long ago.

So now,

Mastering the power of the Immeasurable Moko golden body and integrating the power of the colored glaze golden body, Zhang Qingyuan already has a certain amount of confidence to face it!

No matter why the other party didn’t take the thunder before, and resolved oneself with the power of the Five Elements Holy Sect, anyway, the ancient ancestor of the Five Elements Holy Sect had reacted and wanted to hit the door to kill Zhang Qingyuan and keep their reputation in the holy place. Zhang Qingyuan They are not afraid at all!

The double golden body in hand gave him the greatest confidence!

The harvest of this trip,

Really good!

Not only had he acquired a hundred top-grade spirit stones, but it also gave himself a defensive hole card.

Speaking of it, I'm afraid that the Buddha of Tzudu would never think that Zhang Qingyuan could successfully practice this heavenly magic body secret technique in such a short period of time!

After all, looking at the entire Wunian Temple, there are very few who can successfully practice it.

Perhaps at the beginning, the Buddha of Tzudu surrendered the practice of this immeasurable Moko statue so cleanly. In addition to the pressure he put on the other side, there is also the reason that the cultivation is extremely difficult, and he does not think that he can practice successfully.

That's why it easily surrendered one of the fundamental laws of Wu Nian Temple.

This is also a coincidence,

if not,

I am afraid that no matter how much effort is spent, it will be difficult for the other party to hand over the inheritance so easily.


The Buddha of Tzudu would never have thought that he handed this inheritance secret technique to Zhang Qingyuan, but it was handed over to an open hand of an odd number. It didn’t take long for the Immeasurable Moko golden body to have been lost. He has it!

Between the void,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure swept across like a streamer, in the chaotic wind, like an arc flash drifting in the void, hurriedly shuttled there, not afraid of the influence of the chaotic storm.

Within a few breaths, many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But soon,

He has already suppressed many thoughts in his heart.

Because of the front,

The mountain gate of the Qingtian faction is already in sight!

"Is this the Qingtian School of the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm One Saint, Two Sect, Three Schools, Three Schools, and Four Fang Dynasty? Why does it look so desolate...Huh?"

The mountain gate where the Qingtian faction is located is tall and steep enough. Even looking at it from a distance, it gives people a very strong oppression, as if there is a sense of predatory beast lurking, and it is awesome.


Zhang Qingyuan found that

The spiritual energy of this mountain gate seems to be a little thin.

Although it is much better than the outside world,

But at least it's not at the level of one of the top ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou!


Although the forested mountains are strangely steep and steep, the grass and trees on the mountains are a bit withered, and some uninhabited places are overgrown with weeds, and the fallen leaves accumulate and fall, a scene of barren and ruin!

And what attracted Zhang Qingyuan’s attention more,

On the road leading from the mountain to the gate, a group of dozens of people were coming down from the mountain. Many people looked back three times, their eyes were red, and they seemed to have been driven off the gate.

Even though they were far away, the conversations of those young monks were still heard by Zhang Qingyuan.

These young disciples were indeed expelled from the sect.

It just sounds like there seems to be another reason.

"External rumors say that among the ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou, it belongs to the Optimus faction at the bottom. The faction has become more and more severe in recent years. Except for the suppression of the air luck, the genius is already very old, and I don’t know when it will die. Outside of the ancestors, the strongest head is only the pinnacle of the realm of Dongzhen, and can be regarded as a model for no one to succeed."

"As long as that ancestor of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm sits down, the Supreme Sect will immediately fall to the position of the top ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou, and its status will plummet!"

Zhang Qingyuan was floating in the void, watching this scene in front of him, secretly pondering in his heart, his eyes a little subtle.

Somewhat weird!

This Qingtian faction five thousand years ago, but there once appeared a peerless and ruthless man who had cultivated a golden glaze body and let the five big ones who besieged him with one enemy and five escape!

The sect of such a peerless figure, no matter how bad it is, it will not fall so quickly, and it will end up in a field with no successors like this!

The cultivation base of the peak of the sect leader's legal realm,

It looks good, and it is also at the top in the Yunzhou cultivation world.

But where to look at it.

Among the ten transcendent forces in Yunzhou,

Even with the thinnest background, the Dajing Dynasty, which was founded by the emperor of San Xiu Wu after being promoted to Wanhua, contained one or two half-step Wanhua realm powerhouses.

If you add that the Dajing dynasty recruited and cultivated alive from the outside world, the number is estimated to be more than three or four!

This is already the thinnest of the ten transcendent forces!

However, the inheritance is longer than that of the Dajing Dynasty, and the Qingtian faction, one of the three factions, does not even have a half-step Wanhua!

If there is nothing weird in this,

Who believes it? !

"Could it be that other major forces in the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm are unwilling to produce a peerless powerhouse who has cultivated a golden glaze body. They don't want such a strong figure to appear, so they have tacitly suppressed the Qingtian faction?"

Such a thought suddenly flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

I think that's probably the case.

If not,

It's hard to explain why the Qingtian faction, who owns the Dao Venerable in the realm of Wanhua, has withered and fallen to Si!

Zhang Qingyuan knew clearly,

Eyes flickered.

If this is the case, perhaps the difficulty of gaining the Heavenly Sect's body refining inheritance will be much lower!

If you can find a way to repair your own colored glaze golden body here, that’s the best, but it’s the best way to repair your body. Who can deal with the double golden body that envelops the immeasurable Moko golden body and the colored glaze golden body in Yunzhou? Got yourself? !

Even if you can't find it,

With the background of Qingtian Sect, a pure body refining sect, it is not bad to be able to find out how to use the power of the colored glaze golden body, such as the one who was able to achieve the strength of one enemy and five only with the might of the colored glaze golden body.

While breathing, many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

He hovered in the void in front of the Supreme Sect, took a deep breath, and moved his hands in the direction of the front gate, his tongue bursting with spring thunder:

"After the end of school, Zhang Qingyuan came to worship the mountain. I don't know if Senior Kong Sheng is available, can you see me?"

The sound of thunder resounded through the world,

But this sound,

It happened at the level of the law of the void!

The thunder that happened on the law of heaven and earth shook!

I saw dozens of disciples coming down from the mountain and even the monks of the Qingtian School, including the head of the Qingtian School who was frowning in the main hall at the moment. There was no change in their complexion, and they didn't seem to hear this at all. There was a thunderous roar in the sky, as if all people hadn't heard a sound!

This is not surprising,

It's normal.

Did not reach the level that should be, and even did not even have the qualifications to hear the powerful voice of the Wanhua realm!

If at the moment there is a powerful person in the Qingtian Sect Mountain Gate, perhaps he can hear the thunder sound that resounds between the laws of heaven and earth!

But unfortunately,

There are no half-step monks in the declining Optimum faction!

The head may have sensed something wrong, and the air seemed a little depressed, but he only thought it was too much pressure recently and in a bad mood, simply because he was thinking too much.

"It turned out to be Friends of Dao Zhang, really a dragon and a phoenix among people, really extraordinary, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

After Zhang Qingyuan's voice fell, Qingtian sent a huge momentum on the back mountain, rising like a morning sun, and then an old figure that flew across ten miles of void instantly like a streamer, and appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

That was an old man with white beard and hair. He was thin and old, but short and sharp. Under the wrinkled and dry skin, he could vaguely feel the terrifying power contained in it!


No matter how strong the power contained, it is ultimately no match for the passage of time.

Although Kong Sheng Dao Zun tried his best to cover up,

Zhang Qingyuan can still feel the aging energy in him.

"Fight against the three Wanhua Dao Venerables with the body that has not yet been promoted to Wanhua, and break through in the battle, and finally kill the existence of the three Wanhua realm levels with a single sword."


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