Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 236: Harvest, change (2 in 1)

"Senior is absurdly praised. It is really presumptuous to say that Qingyuan's visit here is really presumptuous. Please don't blame Senior."

Zhang Qingyuan held his hands indifferently and honestly, with no hint of pride on his face.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan treat people and things, it was a feeling that made people feel like a spring breeze, Kong Sheng Dao Zun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and his heart was even more emotional.

This person in front of him is a peerless figure who has been able to kill and besieged him in the three tens of thousands of Yunzhou in World War I. The most recent period of time can be described as a storm-eyed figure in the entire Yunzhou cultivation world. Every move has been influenced by countless people. focus on.

As the great ancestor of the Qingtian School, Kong Sheng Dao Zun, naturally, would not have heard of the relevant news.

Among the rumors, the most shocking thing is that

The person in front of you has been promoted from the real world to the world of Wanhua, and the time spent in it is less than a hundred years!

In a hundred years,

Ordinary geniuses may have just broken through from the True Essence Realm to the Hole Realm. They are already proud enough and complacent. Kong Sheng Dao Venerable has seen many such young geniuses.

However, the person in front of him, even if his achievements were enough to make the entire Yunzhou cultivation world eclipse him.

The talent is so strong, it is simply the evil spirit among the evil spirits!

But on him,

Kong Sheng Dao Zun can't see the slightest arrogance!

Compared with some so-called geniuses who have made little achievements and have nostrils up to the sky, there is no even the slightest pride!

It's no wonder that there is such an achievement, such a temperament that is not arrogant or impetuous, I am afraid that even the older generation of monks, there are few that can compare with it!

"You don't have to be polite, the old man is withered guarding the cave, and there is nothing to do. It is an honour for Fellow Daoist Zhang to come here. This is not a place to talk, please inside!"

Under the guidance of Kong Sheng Dao Zun, Zhang Qingyuan crossed the Qingtian School gate and came to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, in the dojo of Kong Sheng Dao Zun.

A very simple dojo,

There is not even a secret realm in the cave,

It's just that on the high mountain cliffs, there is a platform square between the clouds, and a small thatched hut next to it stands on the cliff of the mountain, as if a gust of wind can blow it off the cliff.

Living above the clouds, left behind and independent, fluttering as if living in seclusion as an immortal.

A sense of purity and tranquility with people.

However, after Kong Sheng Dao Zun invited Zhang Qingyuan into the thatched hut, he discovered that there was a different world inside. In the small thatched hut, a space was opened up, not too big or small, and it happened to be installed in a manor and built a large hall.

But even so,

Compared with other monks in the realm of Wanhua, and even monks in the realm of law, this kind of cultivation environment can be regarded as bitter cold.

After all, even if it was a small Qianyun Mountain,

They all have a secret realm in the cave to cultivate and cultivate.

But speaking of the strength of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm, it is not impossible to get a Secret Realm of Cave Heaven for cultivation. Most of it is the nature of Kong Sheng Dao Zun, or personal preference.

"The cold room is simple and poorly received. Please forgive me, Daoist Zhang!"

"Senior is polite, Qingyuan took the liberty to interrupt this time, so it's good for Senior not to dislike it."

In the hall, the host and the guest sat down, Kong Sheng Dao Zun served tea, and the two politely talked about each other for a while.

After that, Zhang Qingyuan didn't twitch, and walked directly into the subject, and said sincerely:

"Qingyuan's visit here is because he heard that the Qingtian Sect is the largest body refining sect in the Yunzhou cultivation world, so he specifically came to ask for some advice. To be honest, the younger generation has cultivated a golden glaze body, but it's just one thing. In the series of coincidences, I was lucky enough to cultivate, and I almost knew nothing about the methods of body training and practice against the enemy, so I specifically came to visit for guidance."

"So, it's no wonder that I always feel a little uncoordinated in the power and Qi machine of the Taoist Fellows."

Kong Sheng Dao Zun's expression was a little dazed.

"Oh, I wonder if seniors can give me some pointers?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up, followed the conversation, and began to inquire.

The two sat on the ground and began to talk about the practice of body training.

Mainly Kong Sheng Dao Zun is speaking, Zhang Qingyuan is listening.

After all, Zhang Qingyuan doesn’t know much about the practice of body refining. In front of the Taoist monks of the Wanhua realm, he is even more like Xiaobai. Hearing the words of the Taoist priest, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly enlightened many things and gained a lot. .

In this regard, Kong Sheng Dao Zun did not hide his own personalities.

Because of Zhang Qingyuan's strength and the potential that he can hardly see the upper limit in the future, it is worth his time and energy to invest!

The age of Kong Sheng Dao Zun,

It's very old.

In the past years, more than three thousand years of spring and autumn have passed, and life expectancy is about to come to an end.

Although he has also obtained some spiritual pills or celestial treasures for prolonging life and delaying vitality because of his concurrent practice of body methods, he has not yet stepped into the tomb.

But I'm afraid it's coming soon!

Over the years, he has rarely shot.

Because every time he makes a shot, his own vitality will fade away a bit faster, and he will have to spend a lot of treasures in order to recover.

This is also the reason why the Optimist faction has declined more and more over the years.


When he sat and left,

Lost the support of the realm of Wanhua, how far will the Sky Faction end up in the end!

Kong Sheng Dao Zun can already feel it, and many old friends have never given up the idea of ​​opening the Qingtian School because of the relationship between the ancestor of the Qingtian faction who once had a ancestor who was against the sky.

Now that the Qingtian faction has ended up without even a half-step Wanhua, it has nothing to do with the targets of those people overtly and secretly.

The reason why there is no action,

It was just fear of his own existence, fear of the time running out of himself, so I took them down to the Yellow Spring with them before I left.

It can be expected that

When you sit down and fall, those who are hiding in the dark are bound to pounce like wolves, and bite the entire Qingtian faction to death!

In the future, I am afraid that even the inheritance of the sect will not be cut off!

at this time,

If you can get along with the evildoer in front of you, forge a good bond.

When the big changes in the future come, there may be someone who can pull the sect and leave some inheritance seeds, at least not that the sect inheritance will be extinct.

In the future, it may be possible to retain the hope of re-emergence, although this hope is extremely slim.

Therefore, Kong Sheng Dao Zun did not hide his selfishness at all, and even some secrets of the Qingtian sect were shared.

For the ancestors of the Wanhua realm, the secrets of the ancestors are not secret, but in fact, the restrictions are not that big.

For the people at the bottom, the legal rules are the bottom line that must not be surpassed, but for the people at the top who control everything, they are nothing more than the same.

An exchange lasted more than a month.

Starting from the foundation of body training and gradually stepping into a more advanced state, Kongsheng Dao Zun deserves to have survived for more than three thousand years, and his accumulation is extremely profound. It can be said that the entire body training practice of the Qingtian school is remembered in his mind. Among them, and the integration, let Zhang Qingyuan gain a great deal.

It can be said,

In this short period of one month, Zhang Qingyuan has been greatly improved. If his understanding of the practice of body training is one at the beginning, then after this period of communication and improvement, it has already been improved. One hundred degrees!

It can be said that Zhang Qingyuan almost learned all the knowledge of body refining that Kong Sheng Dao Zun knew!

The top of the mountain,

On the two white jade futons, two figures sit on the floor and talk to each other. There is a blanket in the middle. The enlightenment tea and tea water lingers on the Tao Yunqi machine. The vacuum seems to be distorted and ripples. It is very extraordinary to set off both of them.

At this moment,


Zhang Qingyuan, who had originally closed his eyes and comprehend, suddenly opened his eyes, a touch of incomparable brilliance, as if it was the thunderous light born of the heavens and the earth, suddenly exploded, illuminating every corner of the heavens and the earth!

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan's vitality, like a wild beast, suddenly bloomed!

Under the terrifying breath, the surrounding space seemed to be shattered, and a series of tiny spider-like cracks spread towards the surroundings.

next moment,

Click! ! !

With a crackling sound, the space is ultimately unsupportable.

It was seen that within a radius of several meters, the space suddenly shattered and opened, leaking a dark abyss where the five fingers could not be seen, and the airflow all around was pouring in into this dark void!

There are gusts of wind blowing around!

The terrifying power contained in the body actually caused the space to tremble!


Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, a golden light flashed in his pupils, and an invisible force opened with the shaking of his eyes, which suppressed the chaotic space.

The chaos of heaven and earth calmed down, and the space was healed again.

The airflow dissipated, and everything returned to its original calm appearance.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist, great strength!"

Kong Sheng Dao Zun sitting facing each other with a smile on his face, congratulating him with a smile.

It's just that in his heart, there is a stormy sea again!

In the past month, although he was mostly talking about it, Zhang Qingyuan didn't shut up and listened all the time. He occasionally pointed out some places. Even if he had lived for thousands of years, he felt extremely amazed.

Certain questions and thoughts are aspects that I have never thought of before, and every time I speak, it shows that he has an extremely deep understanding of practice together!

Therefore, in the past month's exchanges, Kong Sheng Dao Zun also sighed several times one after another.

Lamenting that the other party is not very old, but the accumulation of cultivation is no less than that of any old monster who has lived for a thousand or two thousand years!


This is already the opponent's limit, and no matter what he shows, he will never feel amazed again.

But at this moment,

Kong Sheng Dao Zun discovered that the previous opponent's performance was far from its limit!

One month seems to be a lot of time, but in fact, the two of them have basically exchanged theoretically during the past month, and have not practiced much.

For some monks in the realm of Wanhua, it is normal for several years to comprehend a difficult problem.

Not to mention turning the accumulation of spiritual knowledge into one's own combat power!

Then it will take more time to polish, to be able to use this to enhance one or two points of combat power.

but now,

What did he see? !

Can't help but get empty and win Dao Zun is not astonished!

The person in front of him not only used most of the things he knew to do mathematics in just one month, but in the blink of an eye, he digested things cleanly and turned them into his own strength foundation. !

At this time Zhang Qingyuan's body,

Escape emits a terrifying aura, shaking the earth, running through the void!

The feeling of danger brought to him is actually more dangerous and terrifying than when everyone just met before!

Obviously within this month's time, the strength of this person in front of him has improved again!

"The predecessors have a good reputation, and they have made a little progress. It is not a concern, and if it is not for the amazing knowledge of the predecessors and guidance, how can the juniors make progress?"

Feeling the great progress of this trip, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but leak a smile, modest and authentic.

Comprehending the practice method of refining the body, allowing him to further improve his strength, he is already able to initially exert the power of the colored glaze body, whether it is combat effectiveness or the foundation of cultivation, it is to a higher level.

The gain from this trip and the improvement in strength undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan happy.

However, Zhang Qingyuan also understood that this was mainly because the air combat Dao Zun did not evade the rules that the sect cannot be passed on, and he wholeheartedly pointed out, that's why he has such a big gain.

He also remembered this favor.

"Excessive modesty is pride."

Air Combat Dao Zun shook his head slightly, and said with a smile.

The enchanting evildoer of the opponent's talent has been clear this month, the air combat Dao Zun will not take his humble words seriously.

"My Qingtian Sect is the first body refining sect in the Yunzhou cultivation world. The sect has been passed down for 8,000 years. The body refining inheritance in the sect is the same as the body refining holy land Qingtianzong in the ancient years. Multiply pulse!"

"In the past, Master Patriarch rose up in the midst of the last days, stepped on the nine continents, broke through the secrets, and gained great opportunities. He was able to pass on the inheritance of the Great Heaven Sect in the ancient years, and finally created the Great Heaven faction of the powerful Yunzhou."

"Until five thousand years ago, my Qingtian sect developed to its peak. Back then, the ancestors of the fighting war were talented and intelligent since childhood, and had great opportunities. Finally, he cultivated the legendary glazed gold body in the sect inheritance and remained in the ancient jade slips. A big battle is one enemy and five, so majestic, how prominent!"

Air Combat Dao Zun talked about his own sect with high spirits, and his eyes were full of as if returning to the glorious years!

Just quickly,

Seems to have thought of something,

The light in the pupil dimmed.

"It's a pity that a big change happened later, and the important inheritance of the sect was cut off. If not, why not!"

Speaking of this matter, Kong Sheng Dao Zun is a bit gritted teeth.

"Oh, but I don't know what happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan said curiously.

Speaking of this suddenly, it was obviously not aimless.

"What does Daoyou Zhang think of the old man?"

Dao Sovereign Kong Sheng did not answer, but instead asked a little headlessly.

"The seniors have profound cultivation and knowledge, but the juniors are far inferior, but..."

Zhang Qingyuan pondered his words and hesitated.

"It's just that the old man, as the pillar of the Sky Sect, is the Supreme Dao Fa, isn't it?"

Kong Sheng Dao Zun has a smile on his face, smiling authentically, he has already expected the person in front of him to recognize his own problems.

If you don’t even have this vision,

How can you have such strength? !

"Yes, the old man uses the power of Taoism to condense the ten thousand transformations of the Tianxin Dao seal promotion...Because of the body refining, the true core inheritance of the Qingtian faction, the secret of the golden glaze body is already in the fourth. It was cut off thousands of years ago!"

Kong Sheng Dao Zun's old face was full of sadness.

If it weren't for the big change that year,

That amazing and brilliant fighting ancestor died, the Supreme Sect is afraid that it has already risen, replacing the Five Elements Saint Sect and becoming the new Yunzhou Holy Land, and it will never end up in such a situation!

"Severed, what happened that year?"

Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils shrink slightly,

There is something wrong in my heart,

Although I have gained a lot from the Qingtian faction,

But his main purpose is still in this Liulijin body!

What happened?

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