Don't read it yet, it hasn't been modified yet.

   "It's really fast."

   In the same place,

   Looking at the four people who were almost scattered for a moment, Zhang Qingyuan was also a little speechless.

   ran so fast,

   and didn’t even notify myself,

   is obviously abandoning himself, making himself the person behind the palace!

   "This so-called alliance is really unreliable at all. Now seeing that the extension of the space channel is about to reach the destination, I just ran away..."

   Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly,

   Although I feel a little unhappy in my heart,

   But it's nothing.

   After all, even if the husband and wife are in disaster, they will fly separately.

   What's more, how many people have just met and barely formed a team?

   And at this moment,

   Kong Ming Yin Yin Ting Kun’s attack has also arrived!

   After the Wuxiang Dao Zun and the other four left, only Zhang Qingyuan was left in the same place, and Na Kongming Yin Ting Kun naturally poured all his power on Zhang Qingyuan!

   Boom! ! !

   The dazzling silver light, enveloping the vast sea-like space force, swept through the impact, the waves undulated, rolled up to the sky, and crushed the entire sky in front of Zhang Qingyuan!

   If there is a monk in the realm of the cave realm here,

   Under the power of that terrifying space, I am afraid that just a wisp of spatial turbulence that escapes is enough to crush it!

   "A strong power!"

   Facing this earth-shaking blow, even Zhang Qingyuan felt the danger, and his pupils shrank sharply.

   This is not inferior to his one-stroke power!

   even to some extent,

   is more destructive than him!

   And in this space turbulent area war, once a space storm is detonated, no one knows what kind of danger it will cause!

   can only be solved with speed!

   Boom! ! !

   The thought in his heart rose, and Zhang Qingyuan's whole body instantly burst out with bright golden light, and the whole figure swelled up, like a golden **** and man of hundreds of thousands of meters, standing between the sky and the earth!

   The body, which is like gold casting, exudes a terrifying aura, surrounded by chaotic energy, extremely terrifying!

   Infinite Moko golden body!

   The fundamental method of inheritance of the Wu Nian Temple,

   was almost practiced to the extreme by Zhang Qingyuan!

at the same time,

   That huge, golden figure like a god, with five fingers spread out, and the terrifying power seems to fluctuate the sun, moon and stars, tightly squeezed into a fist,

   Five Elements Dragon Fist!

   blasted forward with a punch,

  In an instant,

   The boundless golden light exploded, and the five elements revolved and merged. Under the impetus of the immeasurable Moko golden body, it finally turned into a horrible golden dragon thousands of feet long and traversing the sky!

  The golden dragon roared,

   The virtual sky shattered,

  The dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and finally engulfed the boundless power of horror, and blasted toward the silver sea storm that covered half of the sky!

  This blow,

   is almost the power of Zhang Qingyuan's peak blow!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   The two terrifying forces diametrically collided and violently collided together. In an instant, all the spatial turbulence was directly shattered in this moment within the area of ​​a radius of a long radius.

   The heavens are shattered,

   The chaos swept across the invisible fingers,

   The light seems to be shattered!

"hold head high!"

  Under the eruption of boundless terrifying power, Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun let out a high scream, the huge ferocious mouth opened, spraying out a lot of blood, and the whole body was flying upside down!

the other side,

   Zhang Qingyuan's figure was also repelled under this terrible force, his face was pale, but after a few steps back, he finally stabilized his figure.

   "Really terrifying power, coupled with your own natural ability, I am afraid that you are facing a Dao Venerable of the heavenly tens of thousands of levels, so you won't be afraid!"

   "Unfortunately, you met me!"

   Zhang Qingyuan said in a low voice.

   Blessed Moko Golden Body plus Five Elements Dragon Fist,

   The power of the two sets of attacks that are not under the sky-level magic and martial arts coordinated with each other, and the resulting power shocked the earth and directly defeated the opponent's power!


at this time,

  Zhang Qingyuan stepped out, a golden light rose from the dantian, turned into a line of lightning that penetrated thousands of feet of chaos, and slashed towards the heavily damaged Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun!

   is not forgiving, ready to kill the demon on the spot in one fell swoop!


   The sound of swords rang through the world of chaos,

   Under the bright sword edge, the already severely damaged Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun had no resistance at all, and was directly penetrated through his head in one fell swoop!


   Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun's huge body was unable to fall into the void, and he had completely lost his voice.

   Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed,

   appeared above the huge corpse.

   "Are these runes the law of talent..."

   Looking at the mysterious rune looming on the corpse of the empty silver Tingkun, Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment.

   The sword pill in his hand turned into a streamer, and he slid across the void, and with a sneer, he saw that Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun's body was easily cut open, and a huge silver skin appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

   After Kongming Yinting Kun lost his life, the mysterious silver rune on the scales had lost its luster at this moment and became extremely dim.

   But from the mysterious runes, I can still feel a certain implication of the laws of heaven and earth!

   This is an extremely precious material,

If it is through the hands of the master refining tool, it may even be refined into a leather armor type spiritual tool. While having a strong protective function, it may retain the talent of the Kongming Silver Tingkun and shuttle in the turbulent flow of space. Like a fish in the water, the ability of body abilities surpasses that of the cultivators of the same level of Wanhua realm!

   At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's heart moved.

   is the same as a spiritual weapon, it also has the effect of improving a lot of combat power for the monks in the realm of Wanhua!

   What's more, this kind of special ability,

   A special ability that can play a supporting role when fighting in the realm of Wanhua!

   "A very precious material, if it is in the outside world, it is impossible to sell hundreds of top-quality spiritual stones, but unfortunately, to me, this is more useful!"

  The majestic mana and Taoism poured into the skin of the empty silver kun. In a short time, the dense silver scales on the epidermis began to bloom with bright silver light, and the arc sparks burst open.

   The powerful momentum rises at this moment!

at the same time,

   On the scales, the mysterious and unfathomable runes began to connect with each other, exuding an intangible and intangible power that people could not understand!

   "Arouse the power of this rune, use Dayan Art to deduct and analyze, and thoroughly master this power!"

   Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils flashed,

  'S deep gaze seemed to penetrate the void and see the nature of heaven and earth!

The runes that bloomed with dazzling light were intertwined with each other and resonated with the laws of heaven and earth, as if all the laws of rune power were dissected at this moment and displayed in front of Zhang Qingyuan, which made him produce something from the heart that cannot be described in words. Feeling!


   This state only lasted for three breaths,

The scaly kun skin of the aroused rune power seems to be missing something and cannot continue to carry the power of the mysterious rune. After the power is stimulated, the entire skin quickly dims, like Encountered thousands of years of weathering, and finally turned into fly ash in just a few breaths and dissipated between the sky and the earth!

   In order to stimulate the mysterious rune inside, Zhang Qingyuan directly consumed that piece of Kun skin!

   For any monk in the Ten Thousand Transformation realm, it is undoubtedly a great waste to consume a whole piece of precious and incomparable silver knap skin in order to take a look at the power of the runes of the heavens and the earth.

   Because of the three short breaths,

   It’s impossible to learn anything from it,

   is simply fishing!

   But unfortunately,

   Zhang Qingyuan is not an ordinary person!

  He is a traverser with a plug-in!

Zhang Qingyuan already used the proficiency panel in his mind at the moment when the mysterious heaven and earth runes exploded on Nakong Ming Yin Ting Kun skin, from the start of excitation to the time when the Kun skin dissipated, it was all recorded. Come down!

   For ordinary monks, there are only three breaths of observation time,

   But for Zhang Qingyuan,

   There is no limit to the time for this observation and comprehension!

"One time for enlightenment is not enough, then twice, twice, then three times... After all, there will be one day when you can master this power. If you can master this power of heaven and earth, the improvement you will get is far greater. It is a greater improvement than refining this kun skin into a spirit treasure!"

   Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils are burning with blazing ambitions!

   saw him close his eyes,

   his mind sank into the depths of his mind, drew the proficiency panel in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and showed all the previous clips.

   There are no mistakes or omissions in that segment,

   is like a recorded video,

   At the same time, the feeling of resonating with the world has not diminished at all!

   That kind of feeling,

   is exactly the same as the three breaths that inspired the mysterious rune in the kunpi!

   The corners of Zhang Qingyuan's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

   After being promoted to the realm of Wanhua, this function inspired by the proficiency panel undoubtedly brought great benefits to Zhang Qingyuan. Sometimes, certain opportunities disappeared in a flash, and they were gone if they were missed.

   But he can rely on the magic of the proficiency panel to fix that flashing opportunity repeatedly experienced that even if it is difficult, under the circumstances of quantitative change and qualitative change, he can finally master it!

   "Thunder, the power of space..."

   Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his hand, his index finger and thumb were separated by a few inches, and his fingers were facing each other.


   Amid the sharp piercing sound, a subtle arc of fire burst, as if torn the space, the dazzling electric light seemed to possess the power that made the space tremble, it was incredible!

   This electric light is naturally the result of Zhang Qingyuan's understanding of this moment.

  Although the power in it may only be less than one percent of the complete mysterious rune!

   But being able to comprehend a trace of the true meaning in a short time, it means that the mysterious thunder space rune power can be completely analyzed next, and it will be used for oneself. I am afraid it will not take long!

"If I can master this power, it will undoubtedly be able to greatly enhance my own body abilities. When I gather the power of the double golden body, I can fight, carry and walk. Even the one on the Five Elements Saint Sect, I am confident. Run into him!"

   Zhang Qingyuan clenched his fists, his fighting spirit rose.

   There is endless pride in my heart!

   is also at this moment,


   His eyes flashed,



   There are a thousand words left here, wait 20 minutes to fill it up.

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