
   Amidst the turbulent flow of space, a figure shone with silver electric lights all over its body, passing quickly in the darkness like thunder, and the surging space power around it did not have the slightest impact on it!

  Outside the turbulence of space,

   I can vaguely see a terrifying storm throwing a monstrous tsunami on the sea, and occasionally monks leap from high in the sky, all cautiously.

   This road is undoubtedly the road to the Wu Xuanzong ruins!

   Not long ago, the Wu Xuanzong site was born, which shocked the entire Yunzhou cultivation world.

   Faced with the rumored remains of the ancestors of Heaven and Humanity, which has the pinnacle of the path of cultivation, countless monks flocked to the sky, rushing into this deserted land with the hope of getting a great opportunity and reaching the sky in one step!

  The environment of the barren sea is extremely dangerous and dangerous along the way.

   Facing the storm caused by the turbulence of the space and the various beasts hidden under the boiling barren sea, the monks of the realm realm are not much different from the monks of the true original realm.

  Once you encounter danger, it is basically a fatal crisis!

   If there is no special means, or high enough luck, it can be said to be dead!

   I am afraid that only three of ten people will be able to cross that sea area and reach the island where Wu Xuanzong’s ruins are located!

   But even with such a tragic chance of casualties,

  Countless monks from Yunzhou rushed in, rushing in.

   Even the number of people who participated this time is even far behind the time when the Holy Sect of the Five Elements convened the people and horses to deal with the Blood Demon Sect!

   After all, the last time was an expedition. In those mighty battles, a person who is not careful may die, and the fate of life and death cannot be in his own hands.

   Moreover, the main force in the battle of the Blood Demon Sect was also the Holy Sect of the Five Elements. The ten transcendent forces may send some people to support one or two to show their position, but they will not invest too much.

   At that time, the Holy Sect of the Five Elements actually contributed more.

   But this time it’s completely different.

   this time,

   Except for those monks who were closed to death, or they really couldn't walk away, it could be said that almost all the monks in the Yunzhou cultivation world were attracted.

   With the spread of the news about the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, the power of the entire Yunzhou Comprehension Realm has moved!

  For the two sects, three factions, and the Quartet dynasty,

Not only are the disciples sent to the deserted sea to gather information in large numbers, but the elders of the sect, the ancestors of the dynasty, etc. have all come out. As the foundation of the transcendence forces, the Wanhua Dao Venerable who has not performed in the world for hundreds of years is a direct manifestation. Admission!

   The dynamics in this one can be imagined!

   But it is not surprising that it caused such a big movement.

   Heaven and Human Dao Zun,

   That is the legend in the legend!

   When Chengxian Road was not opened, it was the end of the road of spiritual practice!

   Looking at the entire Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, there has been only one since the last 18,000 years after the enlightenment of the Jiujue Immortal Venerable!

   And that celestial ancestor, died in a catastrophe ten thousand years ago, and within ten thousand years, no one will ascend the supreme position of this ancestor!

   is the birth of a site where the ancestors of heaven and human beings were born,

   Anyone who is ambitious about the way ahead will not regard it as nothing!

   Especially for the local Wanhua Taoist monks who have been trapped in the realm for many years, it has a fatal general attraction!

   If it didn’t happen too suddenly,

   The news did not spread quickly, and it did not reach the nearby continents. Otherwise, let alone Yunzhou, even the monks from the nearby continents would pupate and turn the deserted sea into a battlefield!

no doubt,

   Today's deserted sea has become the most dazzling and grandest stage in the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!

   But all this,

   has nothing to do with Zhang Qingyuan, who is quickly walking through the void at this time.

   At this time, he is holding a frivolity and ethereal, extremely soft, like a woven air, but under the sun, it is faintly reflected in a mysterious cloak like colorful light.

   It is this thing that escaped the sense of consciousness that Zhang Qingyuan was so proud of.

   If it were not for the true meaning of the mysterious rune on Kongming Yinting Kun, Zhang Qingyuan would really not be able to perceive the existence of Wang Boguang!

   After capturing Wang Boguang,

   This mysterious cloak naturally fell into Zhang Qingyuan's hands.

   "This is simply a **** made in heaven!"

   "It looks like it should be the creation of the spider silk of the Heavenly Mystery Seven-Colored Spider. No wonder it has such an incredible ability, even my sense of consciousness can be concealed..."

   Putting the cloak in his hand for a long time, Zhang Qingyuan let out a long sigh.

   The power of his divine consciousness is so strong that he is a monk in the ordinary world of ten thousand transformations. Even the Tian-level Wanhua Taoist priest may not be able to compare with him!

   But still fold his halberd in front of this mysterious cloak!

   But after recognizing its manufacturing materials, Zhang Qingyuan was not surprised.

   If you don’t guess wrong,

   The woven material of the cloak in front of me is the silk of the Tianji Colorful Spider!

   Tianji colorful spider,

   A legendary beast that lives in the depths of the endless desert in the extreme west!

  This kind of beast,


   According to the rumors,

   It has the ability to manipulate the destiny of heaven,

   Weave spider silk with the power of heaven's secret destiny,

   The moment the spider web is woven, the identity of the future prey, the time of death, everything is doomed!


   Even a cultivator of the Wanhua Dao Zun level cannot escape the magical destiny power in the spider web. Once it becomes its prey, it will definitely fall into the web and die forever!

  The cloak woven from such spider silk naturally possesses incredible abilities!

  Although he doesn’t have the ability to control destiny and magic in the hands of the Heavenly Mystery Colorful Spider,

   But at least,

   With Zhang Qingyuan’s spiritual power, it is impossible to perceive the other's existence!


   Any Wanhua Dao Venerable in the world, whether it is a heavenly level or an existence that is extremely close to the ancestor of heaven and humanity, can't perceive it!

   If it weren't for observing the mysterious rune on Kongming Yinting Kun and mastering the power of space thunder, Zhang Qingyuan would not be able to find Wang Boguang hidden in the turbulence of space.

   finally saw through its prying eyes!

   "In the depths of the endless desert, it is said that the danger is no less than the deserted sea. If you are not careful, even the Dao Venerable of the Wanhua Realm may not be in it!"

   "It is extremely difficult for monks in the realm of Wanhua to obtain such a treasure."

"However, according to the rumors, three thousand years ago, Wunian Temple once obtained a heavenly secret colorful spider from the endless desert of the extreme west... Wunian Temple also participated in this ambush trap. NS?"

   In the void, Zhang Qingyuan's pupils flickered.

   With years of harvest and the many jade slips collected during his sweep of the eight northern regions, Zhang Qingyuan has already established a simple book library in his mind.

   Things that have generally happened in the world of Yunzhou cultivation can be found through the information search in the mind.

   Through the information recorded in some jade slips he had watched, Zhang Qingyuan quickly sorted out the whole story.

   The cloak made of colorful spider silk is mostly from Wunian Temple.

This line,

   Maybe Wunian Temple also participated in the trap set for himself!

   In Zhang Qingyuan's mind, the scenes of the two Buddhas, Cidu and Kudu, who had blackmailed Wunian Temple, flashed by.

"The Five Elements Saint Zong itself has two Wanhuas who have gone out of other continents. They have received an emergency call from the Zongmen to return, and the two of the four dynasties who are close to them, the Dayuan Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty, make a total of four people. , If Wunian Temple joins again, there will be more than five powers at the level of the Wanhua realm on the side of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements!"

   "This does not include the case of the ancestor of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements!"

   "According to Wang Boguang's words, the Demon Sect seems to have shown an intriguing mind toward my head, and reached an unknown secret agreement with the Five Elements Saint Sect, secretly mobilizing the people and horses to attack me!"

   Zhang Qingyuan’s eyelids jumped,

   The two ways of Zheng Mo add up,

   Put together a master's power at the tens of thousands of levels, then it is not surprising!


  According to Wang Boguang, the demon ancestor of the Demon Sect who has been in retreat for many years and ignored world affairs has also taken care of himself!


   The line of magic, the legend among the legends!

   is a character who has lived for more than five years and lived in the same era as the ancestor of the Holy Family of the Five Elements!

At that time, the major blood demon sect of the Demon Dao attacked the five-element holy sect mountain gate, and besieged the Qingtian faction fighting and fighting Dao Zun Kuan suffered heavy losses one after another. The entire outer demon path was crumbling, and each other's internal strife was consumed and attacked, which put the demon path in great danger, and the rest of Yunzhou When the great transcendent forces are ready to join forces and prepare to completely eliminate the magic gate,

  The Demon Ancestor was born,

   was born with invincible strength, swept the outer demon gates, suppressed several major demon sects and did not dare to move, and finally forcibly twisted the outer demon roads together to deal with the union of Yunzhou right way.

   During the years when Cheng Zu was hidden, it was rumored in the cultivation world that if it were not for the Demon Ancestor to retreat and practice Dafa and ignore world affairs, I am afraid that he would have led the Demon Sect to counterattack the Yunzhou mainland and set off a sea of ​​blood!

   Such an old monster who has lived for thousands of years has undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan also feel great pressure!

   Although he is confident,

   but not arrogant,

   When I fought against Cheng Zu in the air that day, I knew I was still under the opponent.

   Now that the two leaders of Zheng Mo Dao have joined forces to gather more than ten Wanhua Dao Venerables. Such terrible power, coupled with the power accumulated by Cheng Zu and Demon Zu, is even more terrifying!

   The Wu Xuanzong ruins at this time,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly hit and break this trap?"


   The Wu Xuanzong ruins at this time,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   has already deployed a world network, UU reading

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I must blindly bump into this trap?" At this time, the Wu Xuanzong ruins,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said I must blindly bump into this trap?" The Wu Xuanzong ruins at this time,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said I must blindly bump into this trap?" The Wu Xuanzong ruins at this time,

   is already laying a net of heaven and earth,

   just waiting for Zhang Qingyuan's input!

   Even if Zhang Qingyuan is arrogant and powerful, and leapfrogging challenges are like eating and drinking, but facing such a terrible trap, his vitality is still slim!

   "It's just that, who said that I have to go blind and break into this trap?"

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