ps: The second chapter has not been finished yet. I will post a chapter first. It may take two hours. Let's read it tomorrow.


   Zhang Qingyuan was not a monk who grew up in Yunzhou, and he didn’t know much about Yunzhou’s cultivation world.

   The time he stayed in Yunzhou was only about a hundred years.

   In fact,

   In this Yunzhou cultivation world, the battle between the two realms of righteousness and devil has never been lacking!

   Just like the devastating disaster that has swept across the entire Yunzhou land during this period of time, in the past thousands of years, it has basically erupted once in hundreds of years!

   The battle between the outer demon sect and the local righteous way has resulted in heavy casualties every time.

   Even if it is a cultivator at the realm of Wanhua Dao Zun, which one has never had relatives or friends dead in the hands of the other?

   The hands of the two parties can be said to be covered with blood feuds between each other!

   The hatred over the years may be due to Zhang Qingyuan’s emergence, and the one at the top of the Demon Sect has been put down temporarily for some unknown reason.

   But how can the blood feud hidden deep in my heart be so easy to dissolve?

   In order to successfully ambush in a small space for half a month, or stay with the enemy who has blood and blood, the most important thing is to wait for nothing. It has already made everyone present upset!

   The practice of the magic way can easily make the cultivator's disposition become violent and extreme.

  After practicing to the realm of Wanhua, it has almost reached the point of unrestrainedness. The major demon venerations can already act without looking at the faces of others, do things as they wish, and act unscrupulously, which has contributed to the unrestrained nature of the mind.

   Now in order to successfully ambush the famous Zhang Qingyuan,

   can suppress the xinxing, endure for more than half a month, the Demon Venerable present has already endured the limit!


   There is no accident,

   The conflict between each other broke out!

   From the incomprehensibility of the two eyes, to the conflict of words, to the outbreak of fighting, everything happened in a short period of time!

   "Old stuff, I see you are looking for death!"

   Boom! ! !

   The burly and strong monk Mozun said nothing, and directly acted.

The move is a killer move, the condensed fist blasted out, the fist slammed into the void, the monstrous devil energy swept across, the space was distorted and shattered, and the dark abyss of invisible fingers spread out, and the law of heaven and earth was shattered in that area. !

  The power of horror is shaking the sky!

   flagrantly smashed the old man's head!

   If this punch is smashed, I am afraid that the head will not be exploded on the spot, and the soul will be destroyed if it can't even escape!

   "Arrogant, stop!"

   "Boy, what are you doing!"

   "Dare to make a sneak attack? Are you demons going to start the war first?!"

   The monks on the right side of Yunzhou yelled.

   The previous conflict between the two had already attracted the attention of everyone around them, and they cast their eyes on it, so after the burly Demon Venerable took the shot, he saw it immediately.


   Several streams of mana, slammed across the void, and besieged the burly monk.

   some of them have killed a killer,

   The terrifying mana shook the world.

   is really planning to fish in troubled waters, mixed in the interception and attack of everyone, wanting to put the burly demon to death!

boom! ! !

Facing the siege of several Wanhua Dao Venerables, the burly monk with two fists was hard to beat by four hands, and the punch that gathered the magic power of the sky was defeated frontally, and the space of hundreds of meters in radius instantly collapsed and shattered under the power of terror. At the same time, the whole person was backlashed by this power, and the figure flew straight out, spitting out a big mouthful of blood in midair!

   But it's not over yet!

   There is a gloomy magical mysterious light hidden in the end, and under the cover of several attacks, it slammed on his stomach nonchalantly!

   The sharp magic power of the mysterious light instantly cut through the burly Demon Xiu's clothes, cut a huge hole in his stomach, and with a tear, the whole body was almost cut in two!


   The burly Moxiu screamed, his figure plunged into the void like a cannonball, and his whole person was already severely injured!

   "So courageous!"

   "A joint attack, despicable!"

   "A bunch of despicable villains, kill them all!"

   Everything happened between the electric light and flint, until the burly Demon Venerable was severely injured and flew out, and the few remaining Demon Venerables reacted.

   In other words, there are actually some people who can react to it, and can help them.

   But the cultivator of the Demon Dao, his heart is thin and fortunate, what is his friend's life and death to do with himself?

   is the view on the wall,

   is normal again.

   It would be even better if it could obtain greater benefits!

   Until the burly monk of the Demon Dao was hit hard by the blast, the remaining Demon Venerables were all swearing. They used this as an excuse to directly burst out tyrannical powers and blasted and killed the righteous people!

   Righteous way, all kinds of transformations will naturally not wait for death, and immediately use means to counterattack!

   A big dogfight broke out!

   The tyrannical Dao Fa force impacted and collided, producing a splendid explosion, tearing and shattering the surrounding void, revealing a large expanse of chaotic abyss!

   The hidden formations set up around to besieged Zhang Qingyuan,

   collapsed and destroyed in the first place!

   More than ten terrifying powers and auras rose to the sky at this moment, shocking nine days!

   The light in the sky dimmed quickly at that moment,

   In the entire island,

  Countless people looked up,

   looked at the sky in amazement,

   felt the explosion of horror from that place!

   "There are giants in the realm of Wanhua fighting in and there are more than one or two!"

   "Go, that must be the relics of the legendary Wu Xuanzong!"

   "It's no wonder that during this period, only one or two Wanhua giant dragons saw their heads. Most of them were gathered there, and they must be planning to compete for the same huge opportunity!"

   "It's there! There should be the inheritance of the ancestors of heaven, humanity and Taoism, otherwise it will not attract so many magnates to fight!"

   "The final battle is about to begin! I'm going to take a look at such a grand event. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I'm afraid I would spend the rest of my life in regret!"

   "Go, let's go together!"

   rose into the sky, shaking the horrible aura of the sky, which shocked the monks who were exploring in the entire land at this moment, attracting countless eyes.

   Someone ran away in fear,

   But more people are ecstatic in their hearts, and they control the escape light one after another, rushing in the direction of battle!

   If you have the courage to cross the barren sea and explore the Wu Xuanzong site, you will naturally not lack the courage to face dangers and difficulties!

   Although the battlefield where the giants of the Wanhua realm fight is dangerous,


   Wanhua Taoist priests have their classes,

   Facing the chance against the sky,

   The powerhouse of that level should first focus on the existence of the same level, not their ants!

   The error-free chapter of "I Have a Proficiency Panel" will continue to be updated,

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