After crossing the bronze gate, he entered another world in front of him.

   A thick mountain of sacred mountains stands tall, one after another, like a **** and devil standing between the heavens and the earth, giving people a deep and depressed!

   But Zhang Qingyuan has not had time to look at the surrounding environment,

   his gaze was placed on a figure on a square in front of which stood with huge bronze pillars.

   Someone entered here before him? !

   Zhang Qingyuan was slightly shocked,

   But the breath seems familiar.

   took a closer look, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help blurting out:

   "Xiao Jingyun, why are you here?"

   the person in front of you,

   is impressively Xiao Jingyun from the legendary Central Continent cultivation world that Zhang Qingyuan encountered in the forbidden area when he was in the blood demon sect and his party!

   At this time, Xiao Jingyun was full of energy, and he had reached the level of Wanhua Dao Venerable!

   "It turned out to be Brother Zhang, don't be unharmed!"

   Xiao Jingyun wore a Taoist robe, and was ethereal, like a fairy, with a pair of pupils shining like stars, clasped his fists toward Zhang Qing Yuen Long and smiled authentically.

   "On the day of a goodbye, Brother Zhang made a big splash, condensed the golden glaze body, and shook the three Wanhua siege, and then broke through in the battle, cutting the three with one sword."

   "As soon as you break through, you are standing at the top of the realm of Wanhua, which is really awesome!"

   "Speaking of it, when Xiao heard these news, it has been a long time since he could not believe it. He doubted whether there were errors or omissions in the rumors, but now it seems that the rumors do have errors and omissions, but they far underestimate the strength of Brother Zhang!"

   "With the strength of Brother Zhang, let alone Yunzhou, even Zhongzhou, and even the entire Jiuzhou land, is definitely a genius who can stand on the top and move around the world!"

   Looking at Zhang Qingyuan in front of him, a complex color flashed in Xiao Jingyun's eyes.


   He faintly felt a fatal danger on the person in front of him!

this means,

   The person in front of him can already threaten the life of the tunnel himself!

   This makes Xiao Jingyun a little bit incredulous!

   When I met each other at the gate of the Blood Demon Sect, how long has it passed since then? !

   At that time,

   The realm of this person's cultivation is just half-stepping.

   At the beginning,

Xiao Jingyun felt that in a place like Yunzhou, the other party would be able to buck the trend and achieve such impressive achievements. If they could enter the realm of Central Continent cultivation, they would most likely rise up like a trapped dragon into the sea, and it might be possible in the future. A glimpse into the realm of the eternal giants of the ancestors of heaven, humanity and Taoism at the pinnacle of spiritual practice!

   At that time, Xiao Jingyun felt that he already overestimated the other party.

   But now it seems,

   This is an overestimation, obviously an underestimation!

   In a short span of more than ten years, the opponent has not only been promoted to the realm of Wanhua, but after the promotion is completed, the three Wanhua Dao Venerables of the same rank will be killed with a single sword!

   is such a supernatural power, it is impressive that one step into Wanhua is a summit-like existence!

   In the past these days, Xiao Jingyun had been in this corner of Yunzhou and obtained a lot of opportunities, and eventually he was promoted to Wanhua. This is already very good.

   But compared with this person, it is obviously worse than that!

At least,

  He can't kill the three million transformations in a single blow!

"It's a pity, the Central Continent cultivation world has always been arrogant and looks down on the rest of the world. The guys in the Tianji Building who think that those who are above the top think that Brother Zhang is not in the Central Continent. , I pretend to think that there are many boasting falsehoods in it, otherwise, with the strength of Brother Zhang, he must have been able to be on the Jiuzhou Dragon and Phoenix Ranking and be famous for the entire Jiuzhou Continent!"

"Friends of Daoist joked. The world is so big that heroes and heroes can come out in large numbers. The reason why we were able to kill the three people who attacked was because the previous series exhausted the opponent's strength and the friends outside showed love. The record that came out is really not on the stage."

"Compared with Zhang, Xiao Daoyou has a solid foundation. Not long after he entered Wanhua, he already had a strength foundation that many veteran Wanhua Taoist priests did not have. In contrast, Qingyuan was very ashamed. "

   Zhang Qingyuan also bowed his hand in return, with an authentic smile on his face.

   As the so-called huahua sedan chair people carry people,

  Although the relationship between them is only two sides, Zhang Qingyuan's impression of him is quite good, and it is worth making friends with one or two.

   After all, one more friend, one more way.

   If it's not troublesome, Zhang Qingyuan still doesn't mind spending some effort on this.

   The two talked,

   But it didn't last long. After all, this is not the time to gather and talk about feelings. In this Wu Xuanzong site, everyone has their own goals.

   "Daoyou Zhang is going to find the inheritance of the human ancestor that day?"

   Xiao Jingyun asked aloud.

   "Yes, Xiao Daoyou should go forward together. If it is inherited, make a copy, and everyone will share it equally."

   "I'm not going, there are still important things to do on this trip."

   Xiao Jingyun shook his head slightly and refused.

   points to the sacred mountain that exudes majesty and oppression,

"Every mountain here is the inheritance tomb of every great figure of Wu Xuanzong in the past, and inside are set up their own challenge levels. If Zhang Daoyou wants to find the inheritance of the ancestors of heaven and humanity, he walked along the front to the end. Don't enter any deep mountains until you reach the end. At the end of this inheritance mystery, it is the tomb of Wu Xuanzong's ancestor of heaven and humanity!"

   Xiao Jingyun hesitated for a moment, glanced at Zhang Qingyuan, and said authentically:

   "Heaven and Human Dao ancestors exist like this, and there are all kinds of incredible abilities. The test must be extremely difficult, and even if you are not careful, you may fall here. Zhang Daoyou must be careful."

"If things go wrong, just retreat. You can't find the way to be promoted to the ancestor of heaven and humanity. Zhang Daoyou can go to Zhongzhou to find me. I will recommend it to the sect. That’s right, the door shouldn’t be stingy.”

   Xiao Jingyun used words that should be two words,

   But in the tone,

   didn't have any hesitation, it seemed certain.

   Zhang Qingyuan's expression became serious and solemn, and he bowed his hands to Xiao Jingyun and gave a solemn salute to Xiao Thanks to Brother Xiao for his kindness, and when Zhang goes to Zhongzhou, he will definitely come to visit! "

   Zhang Qingyuan can naturally feel the other's kindness.

   Regardless of whether the other party has the purpose of drawing in and expanding his own sect, this is also the other party's good intentions.

   Since this period of time, Zhang Qingyuan has also understood that the inheritance of the ancestors of heaven and humanity, even if you look at the entire Jiuzhou cultivation world, they are strictly guarded.

   Just like the blockade of information related to the promotion of Wanhua realm by Yunzhou Dadi.

   The other party is willing to give him the inheritance of the ancestors of heaven and humanity,

   That is an adult favor.

This person,

   is worthy of deep friendship to a certain extent!

   "You are welcome, with Daoyou Zhang's talent, maybe you have to look up to Daoyou Zhang's power in the future, haha..."

   Xiao Jingyun clasped his hands and smiled.

   The two talked again,

   then bid farewell to each other.

   Watching Xiao Jingyun's figure flew away in the other direction, Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment, then turned and left.

   "I am so familiar with this secret land of inheritance, and even the inheritance of the ancestor of heaven and human beings is not much coveted, this Xiao Daoyou, what is it!"

   a thought flashed in his heart,

   Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed,


   The error-free chapter of "I Have a Proficiency Panel" will continue to be updated,

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