Despite Xiao Jingyun's promise, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he would try not to use this level of relationship as much as possible.

Favor debt is the most difficult to pay,

Although the big tree is good for the shade,

But other people don't open charity, it is impossible to pass the inheritance to you for no reason, and it must pay the corresponding price.

For so many years, Zhang Qingyuan, who is accustomed to being at ease, is not accustomed to any constraints on him.

It’s better to be the last retreat,

If one day there is no other way, it would be the last way to take refuge in the past.


Even if they took refuge in the past and obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly and Human Taoist ancestor of Xiao Jingyun's sect at the same time, wouldn't it be better if they were able to obtain the inheritance of another Taoist ancestor at the same time?

Ordinary monks may only be able to walk one way because of time and energy, but Zhang Qingyuan, who has a golden finger proficiency panel, has more possibilities!

In the gloomy inheritance secret world, Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed past like a stream of light.

The surrounding mountains and giant mountains quickly retreated towards the back.

After a while,

Zhang Qingyuan's pace slowed down,


It's the end of the continuous mountain range!

The mountain at the end is dark, not tall, and shows no signs.

But Zhang Qingyuan just felt the terrifying pressure that permeated the sky from it!

The footsteps underneath became stagnant at this moment,

Like stepping into the mud,

It's hard to move!

"It looks correct, this is it!"

Zhang Qingyuan did not forcibly resist this force either, slowing down, step by step, slowly walking towards the direction of the mountains in front of him.

Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt that with each step, the pressure on his shoulders increased!

Not only on the shoulders, but also on the soul!

At the end of that passage,

The unknown darkness shrouds,

As if going straight to the abyss of hell!

Fear, doubt, cowardice...Those human beings are born with negative emotions, which seem to be drawn up by an invisible force, silently rushing to their hearts.

Even with Zhang Qingyuan's self-confidence that he was extremely determined, at this moment, facing the negative emotions that were like waves, one after another, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken!


A faint golden light glowed from Zhang Qingyuan's body, covering him, resisting the physical and mental shocks from the outside world.

With the slow pace,

The greater the physical and spiritual oppression,

on the contrary,

The golden light around Zhang Qingyuan's body is also getting brighter!

Until his whole body was poured out like gold, emitting a golden light!

"Wu Xuanzong is more than tens of thousands of years away from today's history, and the ancestor of heaven and humanity has also been lost for tens of thousands of years..."

"But the breath remaining after so many years is still so terrifying!"

Zhang Qingyuan took a difficult step, staring at the front and the black sacred mountain within reach, shocked in his heart.

At this moment,

He had already turned the colored glaze golden body and the immeasurable Moko golden body to the limit, and the bright golden light broke out. Between this valley, the whole person was like a golden sun falling in this valley!

However, even with all his efforts, Zhang Qingyuan felt extremely difficult every step he took!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel lucky,

Fortunately, I ran to the Qingtian faction, from which we obtained the painstaking exploration information of the great fighting ancestor who achieved the golden body of the golden glaze.

Before that, he traced the traces and finally found the Nine Death Resurrection Grass hidden in the ruins outside Wu Xuanzong, and was able to restore his glazed golden body.

if not,

Only with this immeasurable Moko golden body,

Zhang Qingyuan felt,

When you get to the foot of this, the immeasurable Moko golden body will definitely be crushed!

You can also see from this,

How terrifying is the strength of the ancestor of heaven and humanity!

That is standing at the top of the cultivation world, it can even be said to be a terrifying existence above the entire cultivation world!

【You came......】

When Zhang Qingyuan struggled to climb the dark mountain,


Is a dead bone,

The withered bone plate leaned against a stone stele. On the stele, the red blood was shocking, and it was written with a few large characters——


Do not,


! ! !

After thousands of years, the blood is still red, as if flowing down from the stele!

Just take a look,

Zhang Qingyuan produced a **** tsunami that seemed to have a monstrous spurt, that originated from the unwilling roar thousands of years ago, engulfing the boundless killing air, as if turning the world into a monstrous killing field!


Zhang Qingyuan snorted, his face turned pale, and the whole person stepped back directly, leaving a trace of blood directly at the corner of his mouth!

Withered bones become immortal and give rise to the color of glazed glaze,

Even after thousands of years of scouring, there is no trace of erosion by wind and sand!

And the moment Zhang Qingyuan saw that dry bone,

In the depths of my mind, a reckless voice rang out, as if it had passed through thousands of years since the ancient times, and passed into Zhang Qingyuan's ears!

"Meet seniors!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly, and he bowed respectfully to salute him.


There are still six hundred words here, which will be added in twenty minutes.

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