Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 260: 5 lines of immortality, secrets of immortality (2 in 1)

Obviously it was just a dead bone. After thousands of years of death, the flesh and blood were consumed by the power of time, and it was about to decay completely and turn into dust.

The bare bones and skeletons had no chance to see any vitality.

But at this moment,

The eye sockets of the black hole looked like two black hole vortexes, as if they had swallowed everything in!

Brought endless pressure to Zhang Qingyuan!

[If you receive my Tao fruit today, you will have my cause in the future. 】

[I might as well just say that before this seat died, I had a big feud with a villain, and I lost to that guy on Dengxian Road. I am not convinced! That guy is just a villain, so how can he become a fairy? ! 】

Speaking of someone's grievances, even in the past ten thousand years, there is still unconcealed anger in this withered voice!

That extreme unwillingness,

It seems to resonate with the three big red characters on the stone tablet,

All of a sudden, it seemed as if a sea of ​​blood was set off, and it swept across the world, infecting the world into a scarlet killing field. Thousands of souls were resurrected from death, bringing this world into an abyss. despair!

Under the impact of this terrifying torrent of killing,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help taking a step back, his eyes changed slightly.

It is precisely because of this unwillingness,

After letting the withered master's soul disperse, he can still leave a ray of obsession, possessing himself in the skeleton, and immortal for thousands of years!

It can be seen how far this obsession has reached!

Zhang Qingyuan’s body glowed with a faint golden light, and the golden glaze body and the immeasurable Moko gold body revolved and opened. At the same time, the five-element road turned and turned into the Zhoutian **** wheel, and the power slowly rotated to resist the tsunami-like impact. Gas!

Only when the two peak powers of the law body are used together can they barely resist this terrifying oppression!

[Before you get my inheritance, you must make a vow of Daoxin, and in the future...Hey...]

The thunderous roar, with anger that has not been erased after thousands of years, resounded deep in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.


Zhang Qingyuan used the power of the Five Elements Taoism to resist the billowing and killing air between the sky and the earth, and saw the Five Elements Zhoutian Divine Wheel rotating behind him.

The words stopped suddenly,

The sound of shock,

Then it sounded!

[You kid, what do you practice on the Five Elements Avenue? 】

Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt that

An invisible gaze seemed to scan him.

"Yes, I don't know Senior, but what problems did you find?"

Feeling that kind of gaze scanning up and down for a long time, the other party kept silent, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, after all, could not help asking.

【problem? Of course it is a big problem! 】

[Hehe, kid, you're done! 】

[Unexpectedly, after so many years, after the sky changes, there are people who have successfully built the Five Elements Avenue in this world! 】

The voice of the withered nameless strong man sneered.

In the faint voice, there was exclamation and a slight schadenfreude.

[You kid, you are indeed the most suitable younger generation to inherit the path of this seat, and it seems that this seat doesn’t need you to make a vow of Dao Heart. Endless relationship! 】

The voice of withered bones is long,

Don't have a meaning!

"Also please seniors for advice!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan's face changed at this moment.

As long as it's not stupid,

Can be learned from the words of the other party,

In the future, because of the five-element avenue on his body, he may confront the enemy who was withered bones more than ten thousand years ago!

And the opponent of the original master of withered bones in front of him,

I'm afraid it's a figure who has reached the end of immortal way and became immortal!

Originally, when he heard what the other party said that if he wanted to accept his inheritance, he had to endure his cause and effect, Zhang Qingyuan was still considering whether to retreat.

Zhang Qingyuan was not allowed to retreat,

After all, because of the inheritance of a celestial ancestor, he has to match the rumored immortal.

It's not worth it!

However at this moment,

In the opponent's words, it seems that because the Five Elements Avenue hides a relationship that he does not know, he will inevitably face the opponent's former opponent?

What is this situation?

[Hehe, boy, no one knows about this matter in this world, but this one happens to be an exception. 】

[This realm was discovered by the great supernatural powers of the Five Elements Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm more than 130,000 years ago, and named it Blue Realm, and sent secret disciples that reincarnated here, the name of being born and sacred, and passed down in this realm. Immortal Dao, and with the name of Yuanshi, Chengxian soared, connected with the upper realm, and set a road sign under the Five Elements Immortal Zong, connecting the two realms. 】

[Since then, the blue world has become the ranch of the Five Elements Xianzong, providing the world's source of energy for the Five Elements Xianzong, and as a reserve talent base for the Five Elements Xianzong, as well as a place for the disciples of Xianzong to experience! 】

In the low and low voice of the dry bones, the ancient secrets about this world are slowly unfolding in front of Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

The vast secrets of immortality,

Let Zhang Qingyuan's face change color at this moment.

The ancestor of the Immortal Dao, turned out to be the reincarnation of the secret disciple of the Five Elements Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm?

Since then, the blue world has become the pasture where the Five Elements Immortal Sect harvests the world's source of energy? !

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know what the world origin qi was and what its effect was, but I thought about it, the thing that was named after the world would definitely not be a simple thing!

And according to what it said, the blue world became the experience place for the younger disciples of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. Is it true that the immortals that have only been born in the past 130,000 years, are all the people of the Five Elements Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm? !


According to the legend, nine thousand years ago, Jiujue Xianzun was absolutely connected to the world, so why?

In addition to the shock of his mind, countless questions also flooded his mind at this time.

[Then you are thinking wrong. 】

That dry bone seemed to see through Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts, and said aloud:

[A lower realm is also a very important resource for Nanxianyu, and it is not so easy to plan at the same time. The capture of the Blue Realm in the past did not rely entirely on the power of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. Among them, several great immortal sects in the Southern Immortal Realm also exerted a lot of strength. In the end, several large sects also reincarnated in the Blue Realm and sent their disciples to reincarnate. Come down, when opening the road to become immortal, fight for nine days to seize the gods and goddess fruit that the world has gathered together! 】

[But you are not completely wrong in your thinking. Most of the 130,000 immortal venerations in your Blue Realm in history are from the upper realm. Among them, because the Five Elements Immortal Sect first arranged it, it was established in your Blue Realm. The Taoism of the Five Elements Sect, while providing talents to the Five Elements Xianzong, it connects the upper realm and takes the lead. Therefore, among those who have successfully ascended to the upper realm, most of them are from the Five Elements Xianzong. 】

"Senior, what does this have to do with my practice of the Five Elements Avenue?"

Although the secrets of immortality that shocked this world in my heart are also full of expectations for the so-called upper realm,

But Zhang Qingyuan did not forget,

The worst enemy you may face in the future!

[Of course it is because your Five Elements Xianzong in the upper realm had a big problem when the road to become immortal in this realm opened ten thousand years ago! 】

[You don’t have to ask me what the problem is. I don’t know. Maybe it was an invasion by an unstoppable enemy, or the offended Immortal King, being crushed to death...In short, Cang The connection between the Blue Realm and the Five Elements Immortal Sect was immediately cut off, even with the other great immortal sects in the Southern Xianyu! 】

【Humph! That **** guy! If it weren't for the sudden change that year, how could that villain win to the end? ! 】

Speaking of a certain person,

The withered and old voice once again revealed gritting anger like teeth!

[After an accident happened in the South Xianyu and unable to contact the upper realm, the insidious villain used conspiracy and tricks to guide the reincarnated celestial ancestors of the upper realm to kill each other, and what he did was to do a good job, and he won in the end! And after becoming an immortal, he destroyed the Five Elements Mountain Gate and cut off the coordinates. Since then, the connection between the world and the earth has been completely cut off, completely severing the connection between the blue world and the upper world! 】

[What he did has completely offended the Five Elements Xianzong! 】

[Once someone who masters the Five Elements Avenue appears, rebuilds the beacon that was destroyed by him in the past, and uses the power of the Five Elements Avenue to reconnect with the Five Elements Immortal Sect in the upper realm, then he will undoubtedly die! 】

[If I'm not wrong, there are probably not many people practicing the Five Elements Avenue in the Blue Realm now! 】

[Haha, the Five Elements Sect, from ten thousand years ago to 130,000 years ago, it has always been the orthodoxy among the orthodox practices of the blue realm. More than 90% of the sect forces in the entire realm of cultivation are all related to The power of the Five Elements Avenue is related to the practice! 】

[Now, looking at the entire Blue Realm, how many sects and monks are walking along the Five Elements Avenue? 】

[If he sees that you have built the Five Elements, there is no need to say more about the end! 】

Withered voice, with a sneer and disdain.

Even if he has been stuck in this place for ten thousand years, with his understanding of that person, he can roughly guess one or two developments in the outside world of cultivation.

Heard that,

Zhang Qingyuan was silent, and his expression was a bit ugly at the same time.

He didn't think of it at all,

The Five Elements Avenue I practiced has such a huge relationship!

"According to what the predecessors said, who... but still in the blue realm, hidden in an unknown corner of the world?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face is not ugly,

To know,

During this period of time, his reputation has grown stronger and stronger, and he has become the most prestigious figure in the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!

After all, it is a figure who has reached the pinnacle of Yunzhou cultivation world, and at the same time provoked all kinds of enemies. If you want to get information about yourself, it will soon spread to the land of Jiuzhou.

If this caused the Xianzun's attention, Zhang Qingyuan would cry if he couldn't!

[Oh, be scared! 】

[Don’t worry too much, an immortal, whose breath runs through the world, is nothing to the upper realm, but to the blue realm, it is like an unbearable pressure! 】

[After becoming an immortal, for as long as thousands of years, as little as hundreds of years, you will automatically be rejected by the world and have to soar. 】

[Even if that guy has the courage to cut himself and stay in this world forcibly, there are bound to be many restrictions, and he can't shoot at will. 】


There are a thousand words left here, which will be continued after half an hour.

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