"Ah, I'm not convinced!"

Between the chaos and the void, Gui Yuan Xin's grieving and unwilling roar resounded, overwhelming all the sounds produced by the collapse of the heavens and the earth.

But unfortunately,

This is not a hot-blooded manga, and Gui Yuanxin is not the protagonist of the manga. Reality will not be able to burst into promotion without roaring.

"Ten thousand years ago, your era was over, let me take you one last ride!"

Zhang Qingyuan is floating in the sky, his face is indifferent and authentic.

At this time, the strength of his ancestor of heaven and humanity quickly faded, and the power of the law of yin and yang dissipated into nothing, but also because of the destruction of the three-life stone, reality fell, and the suppressed Five Elements Avenue began to resurface!

Although the power of this real five-element avenue is much weaker than the law of yin and yang of the ancestors of heaven and humanity,

But in the dream world of Sanshengshi, the cultivation base of the human ancestor that day had a false sense of floating in the air after all!

The return of true power, for Zhang Qingyuan, this kind of down-to-earth power made him feel more at ease.

In fact, the same is true,

With the shattering of the dream world in the Sanshengshi,

Not only was the power of the Celestial Dao ancestor series that he cultivated fading, but also the power of Guiyuan Xin Cannian on the opposite side was fading.

Lost the dream world in the Three Life Stone as a cornerstone,

A ray of remnant thought is just a ray of remnant thought after all,

Not even the soul,

Where is the power?

"It's over, goodbye!"

Zhang Qingyuan shot out with a palm, and the five elements power operated, blocking the heavens, turning into a divine wheel that collapsed the vacuum, and shattered the remnant thoughts of Yuan Xin in front of him with a palm!

Losing the support of the power of the three-life stone, being exposed to this reality, dealing with a ray of mindless thoughts is nothing but annihilation!

When he was dying, Gui Yuanxin’s remaining thoughts seemed to want to say something.

But obviously,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't mean to keep his hands.

The power of Taoism slammed into the sky, and instantly penetrated the ray of remnant thoughts, and the five elements of the **** wheel escaped from the power that made the sky and the earth scared, and even that piece of space was shattered!

Between breathing,

That obsession is under this terrifying wheel of Taoism,

That's it!

A generation of ancestors of heaven and human beings reincarnated from the upper realm, completely perished in this secret world that no one knew.

Completely shattered that obsession,

Zhang Qingyuan was also relieved.

The figure was blurred, and then directly turned into a stream of light, flying out of the broken three-life stone, flying into the body not far away, the soul and the body rejoined,

As if the whole person woke up from a deep sleep, opened his eyes, a light flashed between his pupils that made the void tremble.

Moved my wrists and ankles,

I didn't feel any strange feelings.

It seems that the distance from the soul is separated, but the time of breathing has passed.

"One thousand years, really amazing!"

In Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, the light converged, revealing a trance and dazedness.

Within the dream space of Sanshengshi's evolution, thousands of years of time have been truly spent, and now returning to the original, the feeling of time difference undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan feel alienated from the world in a trance.

But soon,

He has already adjusted his mind.

Looking in front of me, leaning on the stone tablet, there is already a tarnished skeleton skeleton,

Zhang Qingyuan was silent for a long time.

One foot lightly stepped on the ground, and the heavy stone bricks under his feet immediately cracked and turned into fine dust. Then, like a living thing, it rushed up quickly, wrapping and covering the dead bones, turning it into a tomb.

at the same time,

Looking at the stone stele with scarlet writing in front of me,

The substantive unwillingness in it was also completely dissipated as Guiyuan Xincannian dissipated. There was no more magic, but after losing the support of the magic, it began to dry up.

Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment,

With a wave of the palm,

The blood on it was wiped out for a while,

At the same time there was a flash of light in my eyes,

The invisible and intangible spirit turned into a pen, which gently controlled the power of the spirit and engraved a few words on the stone tablet stroke by stroke.

Monk of Yin and Yang Immortal Sect——

Gui Yuanxin was buried here!

Even though the other party didn’t have any good intentions at first,

But at least,

The other party's calculations have brought him huge benefits!

The growth experience of an ancestor of heaven and humanity appeared in front of him without the slightest concealment, making him no longer confused on the road to the top level of the cultivation world of ancestor of heaven and humanity!

Everything about Gui Yuanxin has been inherited by him.

To bury each other,

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth,

It also went smoothly.

in this way,

It can be regarded as the cause and effect of the other party.

"The next thing I have to do is to find a place to close up for a period of time, to digest everything in the world of the three life stone."

After doing all this,

Zhang Qingyuan stood with his hands behind, looking at the deep sky ahead,

I already have a general plan for what I need to do next.

For Zhang Qingyuan, all of Guiyuanxin’s thoughts on Taoism cultivation, as well as the memories of the immortal methods of the upper realm, are enough for Zhang Qingyuan to cultivate to the realm of the ancestor of heaven and humanity.

What's more, in the three-life stone dream world, his thousands of years were not in vain.

These gains want to be completely transformed into their own strength,

It will take a lot of time.


He needs a longer period of retreat.

at this time,

Regardless of the external disturbances, whether it is the outbreak of the evil disaster, or the grievances with the Holy Sect of the Five Elements~www.readwn.com~, everything can be temporarily put down.

As long as he digests all Gui Yuanxin's work safely and steadily, he will be promoted to the realm of the ancestor of the heavens and human beings at that time, looking at the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, who can be the enemy?

Then the cultivation base,

Even the Middle Continent Comprehension Realm placed in the legend is definitely the pinnacle!

Because in the age when the immortal was not decided,

The ancestors of heaven and humanity,

It's the end of the road of cultivation in the blue world!

Perhaps this level of cultivator's combat power is superior or inferior, but in the last realm of the three true realms of this cave, unless it is sublimated into an immortal, there is no next realm!

"Is it an ancestor? No matter, when I retreat and upgrade to the strength to suppress everything, whether it is the grievances in the world or the hidden secrets, it doesn't matter!"

The Five Elements Holy Sect who had many grudges with him flashed in his mind,

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly had an idea,

When I was promoted to the realm of the ancestor of heaven and humanity and set foot on the Five Elements Mountain, then the Holy Sect of the Five Elements would go up and down, and even the ancestor who had once fought against himself in the air,

What kind of expression will it look like?

It will be very interesting!

The corners of Zhang Qingyuan's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile, and then turned and left.

This trip has been completed,

He has no reason to stay here anymore,

Compared with the things left by Wu Xuanzong, Zhang Qingyuan is undoubtedly more interested in everything he has gained from the world of the three-life stone.


At this moment,

boom! ! !

The door of the secret world was blasted open!

One after another, the aura that carried through the world, suddenly came to the world!

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