Just when Zhang Qingyuan built a tomb for Gui Yuanxin,

outside world,

The twelve Wanhua Dao Venerables gathered by the two realms of right and devil are suspended in the virtual sky, and the qi machine runs through the sky, and the rippling qi machine all over the nine days set off a terror of tsunami impact!

Numerous monks around began to gather,

But no one dared to move on,

Broke into the vast space of the huge bronze gate,

Whispered one after another,


Guess what happened,

Caused such a big battle.

"Such a grand stage as a funeral is a cheap kid!"

"Since the prey has stepped into the trap, let's start over there!"

Above the sky, there was a deafening sound that covered nine days, and a substantive tsunami swept through every corner of the world, giving the world an endless oppressive sound!

Some weak monks,

Under the sound that seemed to resonate with the world, he was directly scared to death and died on the spot!

The rest of the monks also involuntarily stepped back a few steps, revealing a look of horror.

Reluctantly contend with the majesty of substance, staring at the sky in amazement!

What kind of existence is that?

this moment,

Such a question flashed through the minds of countless people,

But obviously,

No one will answer such a question for them.

boom! ! !

With the sound resounding through the sky and the earth, the light of the entire sky dimmed at this moment,

In the hearts of countless people, there is a great horror, a great unknown feeling!

And at the same time,

The twelve Wanhua Dao Venerables gathered around the bronze door also started to do it!

Rumble! ! !

Along with the unfolding of the power of Taoism, a frightening light bloomed in the sky, tearing the void in an instant, and breaking the entire sky like a big pie!

Twelve Wanhua Taoist priests shot at the same time,

The space was torn apart, and Dao Fa was destroyed!

That huge bronze gate was defeated in an instant with a bang!


The twelve Wanhua Taoist priests from the outside world stepped forward,

Stepped into the broken bronze door!


Without the slightest concealment, Wanhua Dao Zun's level of aura swept like a tsunami, impacting every corner of the world, and the space set off a torrent of tsunami.

That hot air,

Exudes the light like a meteorite in the sun,

Light up the world!

Such a vast scene,

Zhang Qingyuan in the Secret Realm of Inheritance is naturally not blind.

Separated by dozens of miles,

It was already a scene where twelve monks from the realm of ten thousand transformations broke into the door!

"It's really a big battle, I don't know any friend, please come to such a big scene to welcome Zhang to leave the customs, Zhang is really ashamed!"

Feeling that the aura of the twelve realm of ten thousand transformations instantly crosses the space and locks on yourself,

It seems that as long as I have a little movement,

All will usher in the siege of twelve Wanhua Taoist monks!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't make any movement, and made a leisurely voice towards the void ahead.

His memory is not bad,

Naturally recognize,

Isn't it true that these giant powers of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm level are fighting against the outside world before they come in, and it seems that there is a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity between the two realms of Wanhua Dao Sovereign? !

Seeing that these people are in good condition, no injuries are visible,

A scene that comes together with each other,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't guess where,

Was he acted?


ps: There are a thousand words left here, wait for more than half an hour to complete the follow-up.

There have been a lot of things recently, so annoying, there is no way to code words properly.

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