ps: Thanks to the leader of the coffee demon king for the reward, I came back late tonight if something happened, I will post a chapter and repeat the chapter first, I am really sorry.


   "Fortunately, it is impossible for such a big person to monitor everything that happens in the blue world all the time."

   "The ancestors are mostly chess pieces that he arbitrarily laid. After all, the ancestors of the human beings who have not yet become the heavens, at the level of immortals, even ants are not counted..."

   "Just who knows if Cheng Zu has the means to contact the Upper Realm person, or will that person accidentally think of this person, cast a glimpse from above, and discover my existence?"

   "This possibility must be killed in the cradle!"

   In the void, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes couldn't help but flash through a cloud of haze.

   This possibility is not without it.

   learned from Gui Yuanxin’s memory,

The Blue Realm itself was originally a small thousand world led by the Five Elements Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm. The reason why the disciples of the other great immortal sects of the Upper Realm can appear here is just similar to the Southern Immortal Realm in the upper realm. It's nothing more than a slice of the soup,

  The leading sect is still the Five Elements Xianzong.

   is an array that connects the upper and lower realms. It is similar to the reincarnation formation. It is also in the hands of the Five Elements Xianzong. The means to stimulate and re-establish the connection with the Five Elements Xianzong of the Upper Realm are probably related to the Five Elements Avenue.

   It is precisely because of this that the monk who has mastered the Five Elements Avenue has naturally become a big change as it is today, and has seized the opportunity to master the Blue Realm, and is already a thorn in the eye of the person who has ascended to the upper realm!

   According to the memory in Gui Yuanxin’s mind,

   That person in the upper world,

   just took the opportunity to steal the dominance of the blue world,

   is like a thief,

   The fact that stealing is naturally not allowed is revealed!

   in this way,

   It is hidden behind the scenes, secretly promoting the development of the world, and gradually cutting off and replacing the ancient orthodox Five Elements Avenue. It is not impossible!

"Fortunately, the two worlds are not connected. After ascending to the upper realm, it will cost a great price for that person to come back again. Even the communication between the two realms will take a lot of effort. Otherwise, I'm afraid There will be no chance for the road of contending for immortality!"

   When he thinks of the great enemy that will exist in the future, Zhang Qingyuan can't help showing a bitter smile, so he can only comfort himself in his heart.

   How terrible is the Immortal Venerable,

   Zhang Qingyuan has never seen him and cannot give a clear answer.

   There is nothing to say about that ray of fairy qi.

   But from one thing,

   can spy on the tip of the iceberg of that level of horror!

   That is,

   Until now, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know who the enemy was, and he didn't even know the slightest characteristic of the opponent. What appeared in front of him was an extremely vague conceptual figure!

that person,

   is just a conceptual figure!

   This is obviously very abnormal!

  Because in the world of Sanshengshi Dreamland, Zhang Qingyuan has watched Guiyuanxin’s life experience from birth to rise in first-person vision!

   According to reason,

   On the road of contending for immortals,

   The one who killed Gui Yuanxin was extremely hated by him. The person who failed to obliterate his obsession even after tens of thousands of years, and eventually became a fairy, must have left the deepest memory in his mind!


  In the memory of thousands of years in the world of Sanshengshi,

   Zhang Qingyuan has never seen that figure!

that person,

   Both before and after becoming immortal, they are all missing in Gui Yuanxin's memory!

   This is not Gui Yuan Xin lying,

   is that any memory with that person has a fuzzy fault!

   When he first discovered the development of the out-of-match vague "story" in the dream world, Zhang Qingyuan thought that the strength of the Sanshengshi had passed for an unknown number of years, so there was a lack of discontinuity.

   But with the passage of time, Zhang Qingyuan also discovered the great clues,

   until the end,

   Death came suddenly,

   seems to have skipped some plot,

  The plot of the dream world directly reaches the moment of Gui Yuanxin’s death.

  Who made the hand,

  What happened on Zhengxian Road,

   Skip everything!

   This made Zhang Qingyuan realize one thing, those missing "story" must be related to that one!

   "What kind of level is immortal? After attaining the Attainment Status, even the retention of other people's memories is detached!"

   Every time I think of those memory gaps in the Sanshengshi dream world,

   Zhang Qingyuan's heart is full of coldness!

   After detachment,

   Those memories of the past have been affected even by the ancestors of heaven and humanity!


   Zhang Qingyuan let out a long sigh, stepped into the void, and disappeared.


   Just as Zhang Qingyuan rushed back to the lair of Qianyun Mountain, preparing to retreat,

   There are detailed information about the battle at the Wu Xuanzong site on the Barren Sea, and it is like a thunder that rang out on the ground. No, it was an atomic bomb that completely exploded on the land of Yunzhou!

The tsunami that    set off would have swept across every corner of the Yunzhou land almost within a few days if a violent wind passed across the border!

  Countless forces, the monks cast their eyes on the land of the barren sea, and confirmed the authenticity of the news as quickly as possible.

   there was a moment,

   The entire hustle and bustle of Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, they all quietly quieted down strangely.



   opened his mouth in a daze,

   without a word,

   lost his voice in horror,

   That is the reaction of all the monks who heard the news and heard the detailed battle!

   "Twelve Wanhua besieged one person, this is not in the history of the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, it is also unprecedented!"

   Someone was shocked for a long and then slowly uttered in horror.

"Yes, let alone twelve Wanhua Taoist priests besieging one person. In the history of Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, even the gathering of 12 Wanhua Taoist priests is one of the few scenes. !"

   "This battle, I'm afraid it is not the most brilliant battle for the existence of those who stand at the highest level in all ages!"

   The ancestors who have been in retreat for a long time are also shocked and aphasia for a while.

  Think about the other person, but within a hundred years of cultivation time, I have reached a situation that I and others cannot achieve in a lifetime of cultivation. For a time, a thousand words are in my heart, and I don't know what to say.

   The ancestors who have been in retreat for a long time are also shocked and aphasia for a while.

  Think about the other person, but within a hundred years of cultivation time, I have reached a situation that I and others cannot achieve in a lifetime of cultivation. For a time, a thousand words are in my heart, and I don't know what to say.

   The ancestors who have been in retreat for a long time are also shocked and aphasia for a while.

  Think about the other person, but within a hundred years of cultivation time, I have reached a situation that I and others cannot achieve in a lifetime of cultivation. For a time, a thousand words are in my heart, and I don't know what to say.

   The ancestors who have been in retreat for a long time are also shocked and aphasia for a while.

  Think about the other person, but within a hundred years of cultivation time, I have reached a situation that I and others cannot achieve in a lifetime of cultivation. For a time, a thousand words are in my heart, and I don't know what to say.

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