Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 282: Reactions from all sides

Qingtian Mountain,

   When the news that made a sensation in the Yunzhou cultivation world reached the ears of Kong Sheng Dao Zun,

at this time,

  He is accompanying an old friend who came to visit from Central Continent,

   After learning the result of the battle on the deserted sea, both of them were silent for a long time.

   For a long time, Kong Sheng Dao Zun only leisurely and authentic.

"That little friend, I just saw him not long ago. It is my Heavenly Sect and my savior. For this reason, I gave it all in my pocket. Even the secret place of the sect's inheritance is to inform him, let him enter and obtain the ancient Qingtian sect. Inheritance."

   "At that time, I knew that the kid's talent was extremely terrifying. In the near future, there will be a place in the entire world of Jiuzhou!"

   "But I didn't expect that there is no future at all. In such a short period of time, I have completely absorbed the mystery of my Sky School, and even the blue is better than the blue, reaching this level!"

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun long sighs authentic,

   There was a stormy sea in my heart,

   The look on his face is also extremely complicated,

From the detailed battle scenes that came out, how could Kong Sheng Dao Zun fail to see that Zhang Qingyuan not only rebuilt the colored glaze golden body, but also took it to the next level, merged with the Wuliang Moko golden body of Wunian Temple, and walked out. Another way!

   shook the siege of eleven Wanhua Taoist priests,

   The pure colored glass body has not reached such a terrible point!

   After all, Zhang Qingyuan himself is still at the level of Wanhua, perhaps his methods are far beyond the ordinary Wanhua realm Dao Zun,


   Even if it is Tian-level Wanhua, it is impossible to ignore the normal Wanhua's full attack!

   Not to mention facing the siege of eleven Wanhua Taoist priests!

   If Zhang Qingyuan only used his own means to resolve the siege of those Wanhua Dao Zun, Kong Sheng Dao Zun might be amazed, but it would not be such a tsunami-like situation in his heart!

   Ordinary people marveled that the battle was simply facing the impactful record,

   can be used as the Wanhua Dao Zun of the refining sect,

   He is undoubtedly able to discover more, knowing the greatness of that battle!

   the only thing that can be explained,

   is that the kid borrowed from the fusion, and took another path in the inheritance of the ancient Qingtianzong's body refining!

   "Awesome, with such a record, even some of the best talents in the Central Continent cultivation world may not be able to achieve such a level!"

   Old people from Central Continent, lament the authenticity.

   That kid’s golden body,

   is almost reaching the legendary body of inviolability!

   That is a higher level of body refining and golden body!

   is also only circulated in ancient books, becoming a distant myth and legend, and even more mysterious than the ancestors of heaven and humanity!

   "I don't know what the friendship between the old friend and that Daoist friend is, am I fortunate to be able to see this Yunzhou land, the most stunning Tianjiao in ten thousand years?"

   The guest's heart was also shocked for a long time, and then his eyes flickered and he spoke authentically.

   "Haha, Lao Cheng, are you still playing a dumb riddle in front of me? Isn't it just trying to win over your own sect?"

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun Lang laughed, pointed his finger at the visitor, igniting his sinister intentions.

   "There is no way, now it is rumored in Central Continent that the catastrophe is about to occur. My descendants are all hopeless guys. I can only see if I can win some talented young people as a facade..."

   "I can't do anything about this. Looking at your old face, I can recommend one or two for you, but I don't know if I want to."

   "It's best to be able to introduce it. Even if you don't join, this Qianlong Tianjiao will definitely have to enter the Central Continent in the future. It is enough to get to know one or two in advance and get close."

   The guest also knows well, but all Tianjiao has an arrogance.

   Actually, I don't have much confidence in getting that guy named Zhang Qingyuan to get started.

   But before the opponent enters Central Continent,

   make a good deal,

  Invest in advance,

   There will be a line in the future.

   "Then you old boy, you have to owe me a good drink!"

   Kong Sheng Dao Zun nodded,

   the character of an old friend,

  He also knows,

Speaking of speaking, although he has a certain friendship with Zhang Qingyuan, the friendship is not high. It is rashly introduced and somewhat abrupt, but Kongsheng Dao Zun also knows that Zhang Qingyuan must go to Zhongzhou, and he will not refuse to have a place in Zhongzhou. A guide is...

  ...... Somewhere the rocky mountains are rugged and the cliffs of the high forests,

   Xiao Jingyun stood with his hands in his hands, his clothes fluttering, his eyes fixed on an old and a small figure in Taoist robe in front of him.

   "Uncle Master, it is really not easy to find you!"

   Xiao Jingyun sighed authentically,

   Then a faint white light appeared in his pupils, scanning up and down on the small figure beside the old man.

   "It's no wonder that Uncle Master has no contact for so many years. It turns out that the Great Saint Body was born. Uncle Master still can't let go of the incident. Want to cultivate a younger generation personally and slap those people in the face?"

   That gaze penetrated through the space, as if to see through every inch of bone and blood of the little Dao Tong,

   is in his gaze at this time,

   That small figure, with skin like jade and bones like glass, there are runes that are difficult to see clearly!

   faint breath,

   into the world all the time,

   is in harmony with the world,

   produces a mysterious meaning that is difficult to describe in words!

   Avenue of Eucharist!

  In the legend, the physique closest to Tiandi Avenue!

   After entering the path of spiritual practice, you can always maintain the state of celestial and human sensing,


   There are five hundred words left here, and I will add them in ten minutes.

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