Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 349: Grass word swordsmanship

The years are merciless.

On the top of the mountain, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes closed slightly.

In my mind, scenes of the past flashed quickly in front of my eyes.

From the first journey into this world, struggling to survive, every spiritual stone is carefully calculated, and to practice hard day and night, watching the skill and martial arts on the proficiency panel improve a little and feel joy and joy, and then go to the same hospital. The challenge of the disciple Yao Ping, the first time to go out for a mission, the other courtyard, the outer gate, the inner gate, the Nanhai, the inner gate, and the famous...

The once bold scenes, those passionate past experiences, continue to emerge in front of my eyes.


all of these,

As the power of years goes by,

All the memories are like photos, gradually turning yellow and rotten, losing their agility, and finally immersed in the depths of my mind!

"The power of time..."

Zhang Qingyuan thought to himself in his heart,

A kind of sentiment suddenly emerged from the depths of the soul, as if a flash of light suddenly appeared, and Zhang Qingyuan's soul was immersed in an instant.


Zhang Qingyuan’s sight seemed to come to a vast land,

Between the boundless world,

A grass seed emerged from the void of heaven and earth, haunting inexplicable and terrifying power. Suddenly, the grass seed husk cracked, and a sprout full of vitality broke out of the husk, absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and the grass blades quickly stretched out. It is like a long sword pointing straight to the sky of Nine Heavens!


Between the heaven and the earth, a sword chant that shook the heaven and the earth sounded, and it carried through the clouds!

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes seemed to be stabbed at this moment!

But it's not over yet!

With the passing of Zhang Qingyuan at this moment, the years of feeling like a knife fell, and if a Wang Qingquan fell to water.

In an instant,

The verdant grass leaf that exudes soaring to the sky, slicing through the void, suddenly seems to have gone through thousands of years of time, gradually becoming yellow, withering and aging, and gradually turning into dust and ashes!

Everything came to an end,


An insignificant grass seed is buried on the dead grass leaf turned into dust!

In death,

It contains a new life!

Wow! ! !

The vast world in front of him suddenly shattered like a mirror at this moment, turning into fragments of the sky and disappearing between the sky and the earth, Zhang Qingyuan's consciousness returned to the real world!

And at the same time,

The shattered world, gathered into endless insights, flooded into the depths of Zhang Qingyuan's mind!

The vegetation is dry,


The previous scenes finally merged into the most splendid flower of the soul at this moment!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan created a sword type of swordsmanship at that time, and at this time there was a change that was difficult to describe in words. It reflected everything Zhang Qingyuan had seen before, repeated the image changes, and completed a cycle of life and death!

Beginning with S,


The swordsmanship pioneered back then has been completely transformed and perfected at this moment!

Grass word swordsmanship!

boom! ! !

The moment the sword style took shape, an invisible and innocent aura penetrated the void of heaven and earth and cut through the clouds!

this moment,

The earth in a radius of a million miles,

Anyone who holds a sword in his hand has a long sword in his hand buzzing,

Motivated by some kind of heaven and earth qi,

Go down in a certain direction!

Countless monks,

At this moment, there is a feeling of enlightenment in my heart,

The sounds of sword chanting are intertwined, cheering, jumping for joy, and celebrating the birth of the **** of the sword!

Countless eyes,

Then he looked in that direction.

at this time,

On the cliff,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

Obtained a powerful sword move that was not inferior to the Supreme Destroying Heavenly Sword, and even the might of it might be overwhelming, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much joy in his face.

"Hey, this trick is too hurtful to oneself, so you need to use it with caution."

Feeling the terrifying sword move contained in his body, Zhang Qingyuan sighed authentically.

Even in his current state of mind,

It's unavoidable to be hurt by the state of mind it contains,

This is no longer a level,

It's more about the level of time, blade, and law infestation!

Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt it,

If you use this trick,

I am afraid that even one's own life will not be cut off!

Not only the cycle of life and death,

Even with a trace of power to cut the years!

Did not hurt anyone,

Hurt yourself first!


Zhang Qingyuan stroked the sword incarnation of Jian Wan, a touch of sadness lingered in his heart.

Yao Ping, who was in conflict with him when he was weak, has gone, his friend Shen Hongzhou has gone, and his teacher Liu Zhangyuan, who was a guide to him, has also gone. The remaining Zhao Yuanyang may not last long.

That era full of nostalgic memories is about to come to an end!

Not only them,

Looking at the entire outer door that year, very few of the outer door ten shows still survived.

The dead era will eventually pass,

Past memories will turn into dust,

from now on,

He will walk alone!

And all these insights finally achieved this sword!

I seem to feel Zhang Qingyuan’s sadness,

The long sword in the hand,

Moaned lightly all night.


After all, there are still many things that need to be done in this world. After all, feelings and sorrow are not the subject of life.

A few days later,

After clearing up his mind, Zhang Qingyuan began to use his power as the ancestor of the Yunshui Sect to enter the Cangjing Pavilion to read many classics.

This trip returns,

In addition to taking a look at Yuzhou, the place where he rose during his youth, he also planned to look for the traces of the ancient Five Elements Sect to see if he could find the Five Elements Celestial Sutra that might exist in the ancient Five Elements Sect.

after all,

The ancient Five Elements Sect was originally located in Yuzhou.

After the great changes more than one to two thousand years ago, due to the great changes in the world and the loss of access to the upper realm, the Five Elements Sect split, part of which remained in the local Jade Island, and split again into five sects in the following years. The veins are passed down separately.

The other part is to take the legacy of the ancient Five Elements Sect, travel far to Yunzhou to avoid disasters, and re-establish the Five Elements Holy Sect on the land of Yunzhou. As a result, a series of changes have occurred afterwards, the inheritance is missing, and even the secret records of ancient times. They were all wiped out by an invisible big hand, and eventually wiped out by Zhang Qingyuan!

If you can find the ancient Five Elements Sect in Yuzhou,

Perhaps the core inheritance of the ancient Five Elements Sect can be obtained from it, and it is also the Five Elements Celestial Sutra handed down from the upper realm!

Collecting the Five Elements Immortal Sutra, Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra, and combining the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, Zhang Qingyuan may be able to walk out of his own chaotic fairy road!

In his plan,

The celestial scriptures have a great reference function!


Zhang Qingyuan has not forgotten,

not long ago,

When I was at the altar of alien demon in the South China Sea, among the five-element tokens I gathered, the **** wood seal, the thick earth seal, and the **** watermark once resonated...

What is the relationship between the Holy Demon Realm and the Five Elements Token handed down from the ancient Five Elements Sect?

With doubts in my heart,

Zhang Qingyuan plunged into the Yunshuizong's treasury classics,

I really found some clues from it.

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