The rise of the Yunshui Sect may have some luck,

But after all, it is also a mass that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many historical records.

Thousands of years ago to ten thousand years ago,

The entire Yunzhou cultivation world is actually respected by Huangtianjiao.

Huang Tianjiao imitated the power of alien monsters, localized and created the practice of body refining, in order to reach the level of immortality like high-level alien monsters, and took the path of physical sanctification.

It's just that thousands of years ago, people with the Desolate Sect were unwilling to die of old age and opened up the suppressed alien demon generals in the Desolate Heaven Realm, triggering a disaster that swept across the entire Yunzhou Comprehension Realm!

This disaster,

Changed the situation of Yuzhou cultivation world, Huangtian Sect has since become history, Hou Tu Sect was destroyed, Xuan Shui Xing line was severely injured and merged into Yun Shui Sect, Yun Shui Sect also took the opportunity to rise, after Xuan Su Dao Zun became the Tao in one fell swoop Become the new Yuzhou overlord.

This matter will not be mentioned for the time being.

With the complete extinction of Huangtianjiao,

Some secrets about Huangtian Sect also spread naturally.

For example, this desolate world!

According to the Yunshui Sect, the Wild Heaven Realm is the origin of the Huangtian Sect. Ten thousand years ago, the ancestor of the Huangtian Sect found this secret world from a small broken world, and has since become the foundation of the Huangtian Sect.

And as one of the inherited lines of the ancient Five Elements Sect, the Xuanshui line, in the battle of that year, it was clearly recognized that the Desolate Heaven Realm was actually a part of the ancient Five Elements Realm!

Ancient Five Elements Realm,

It is a complete little world in the legends passed down by word of mouth, recorded for the five elements and one vein!

According to the legend,

When the world has not changed greatly, the ancient Five Elements Sect is based on the Five Elements Realm, and has been inherited for more than 100,000 years!

It was an unimaginable time!

In the world where great changes have taken place today,

It is simply unimaginable!

Even if it had been anticipated in Gui Yuanxin's memory, Zhang Qingyuan was shocked.

"The Five Elements Realm, is it part of a complete small world, then, does today's Desolate Heaven Realm still exist, and what is the Five Elements token related to? I have already obtained three of the five, so where will the rest be? Will there be any changes when they are all gathered?"

For a while,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

The token of the Jinxing must be in the Jinjizong,

As for the fire line,

The Fenyan Valley, which was in the same line of fire, was also destroyed.

That token is also missing.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little headache.


Due to successive great changes, the inheritance of Tuxing and Shuixing is not complete, and the records of the past history have disappeared, which made Zhang Qingyuan extremely headache.

And just as Zhang Qingyuan thought, should he go to Yunshuizong, and while avenging his past year by the way, seize their golden tokens to see if there will be other tokens when the four tokens are collected. When the change occurred.

Jinjizong, here comes!

Not only from Jinjizong,

There was also Beihan Palace, where a giant with the same status as the Jinjizong, with a realm of ten thousand transformations, was also sent envoys.

Congratulations on the return of Qingxuan Dao Zun.



It is Zhang Qingyuan's road number.

During the preaching exchange not long ago, the ancestors of Danyang asked Zhang Qingyuan's Taoist name to engrave the sect list, and at the same time invited Yuzhou Cultivation Circle Channel to hold the Enlightenment Ceremony.

According to the inheritance of the sect, Zhang Qingyuan used the word "Xuan" as the generation, and then took the homonym of Qingzi in the name, and took the word "Qingxuan" as the name of the path based on the ambition of blue sky.

However, Zhang Qingyuan directly rejected the Enlightenment Ceremony.

All the time,

He doesn't like publicity.

Once you have a Taoist name, spread it all over the place.

The monks in the realm of Wanhua are already standing on top, what they want to do is already unrestrained, free of mind, and will not be despised if they do not hold the Enlightenment Ceremony.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's determination, the two ancestors of Danyang could only give up regretfully.

However, spreading Zhang Qingyuan's Dao name everywhere, the entire Yunshui Sect is very lively, it is inevitable.

The messenger of Jinjizong and Beihan Palace,

It is this excuse to go up the mountain.

But obviously,

Their true purpose is not this.

"The old man Jin Sheng proposed to raise my Yunzhou peak combat power and go together to destroy the source of the alien demon?"

In the reception hall,

Danyang Daozu, who had no choice but to leave, sat on the first seat of the hall, frowning slightly.

"Has he already found the source of the different demons and disasters?"

"Senior, this is the case. The Taishang ancestor and Bei Ming Dao Zun have joined forces during this time. According to the estimated records, they have found the source of the alien demon and evil disaster. I heard that the Qing Xuan Dao Zun of the noble sect has returned. I am overjoyed. Next, let the juniors come and invite a few senior Taoist priests to a business to completely solve the source of the alien demon."

Facing the three thunderous figures on the first seat, the head of Jinjizong was extremely humble.

at the same time,

He bowed his head deeply, and walked towards Zhang Qingyuan on the left.

"Two hundred years ago, our rebel Lu Tianxu acted recklessly and acted arbitrarily to bully the small. As an apology, the younger generation has cut off all the nine families of Lu Tianxu, and used this to make amends for the seniors."

Zhang Qingyuan took a deep look at each other.

Deep eyes,

But there was no expression on the face and said:

"Let's talk about this later, the source of the alien demon, what is that? Speak out and refer to the first or two. Otherwise, I waited for nothing, didn't I just ran for nothing?"

The ancestor Danyang and Taoist Xuansu also nodded and agreed.

"This... actually has a certain relationship with me and other Jinjizong..."

The head of Jinjizong hesitated for a while, UU Reading www.uukā still decided to come here, obviously before coming, he had been ventilated by Jinsheng Dao Zun.

Jinjizong is a sect established for the division of the Jinxing line of the ancient Five Elements Sect.

Among the divided five veins of the ancient Five Elements Sect, only the Jinxing line has an orderly inheritance and has never encountered the crisis of inheritance faults. Therefore, there are many ancient records in the sect.

According to the records in the ancient Chinese books, the whole world suffered an unprecedented catastrophe ten thousand years ago.

The content of the Great Tribulation is the invasion of the demon from outside the territory.

That is the alien monster that is raging now!

The army of alien demons in that great catastrophe was far more terrifying than the small fights today!

But in the end,

The ancestors are still victorious!

These peerless and terrifying monsters exist one by one.

The Five Elements Realm, once the ancient Five Elements Sect was based on it, was one of the places where it was reduced to a sealed alien!

The changes in the wild world thousands of years ago,

Also proved this.

And Jin Sheng Dao Zun also had doubts about the source of the alien demon this time, so he and Bei Ming Dao Zun investigated together.

With a lot of effort,

Finally found the source,

About a hundred years ago,

Someone did not know who opened the seal of the Five Elements Realm, which resulted in the leakage of demon energy, and the sealed aliens in the Five Elements Realm escaped from the seal, causing the turbulence of the Yuzhou cultivation world this time!

And now the Five Elements Realm,

It is also the Holy Demon Realm in the mouth of a different demon!

It is the source of everything for this devastating disaster!

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