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ps: When you see this line of words, don't subscribe first, because there are still a thousand words in this chapter that I haven't finished, and I haven't revised it yet.

It doesn’t matter if I subscribed, I’ll just update it when I finish writing.


boom! ! !

A gloomy world,

Suddenly, the void collapsed, several auras carried through the aura of the Nine Heavens Dome, a few figures suddenly emerged from the void, and several people were full of terrifying auras flowing in their bodies.

It made the surrounding space unbearable, and it shattered like glass!

The chaotic air appeared, the dark abyss of invisible five fingers spread, and the laws intertwined between the heavens and the earth were all shattered!

Those few figures, at this moment, seem to have become the center of all sights in the sky and the earth!

"That's it!"

With the sound of a sound, an indescribable depression in the air rolled up, and the sky seemed to be drooping for a few minutes, as if it was about to collapse.

This group of people,

There are five figures standing in the most peak of the world of Yuzhou cultivation, the Golden Sage Taoist of the Jinjizong, the Beiming Taoist of the Beihan Palace, the Danyang Taoist of the Yunshui Sect, and the Xuansu Taoist. And the Qingxuan Dao Zun Zhang Qingyuan who returned not long ago!

More than ten days ago,

The head of Jinjizong and the Sect Master of Beimingzong personally traveled to Yunshuizong and brought the news that Jinsheng Dao Zun discovered the strange demons raging on Yuzhou at this time.

Then Zhang Qingyuan and three people in the Yunshui Sect were invited to solve the source of the alien demon and rescue the Yuzhou from the water and fire.

After some discussions,

I feel that now Yuzhou alien demons are raging more and more fiercely, and the situation has become more and more critical in the past century. I don’t know how many sect forces have died in the disaster. The two ancestors of Yunshui Sect, Danyang Dao Zun and Xuan Su Dao Zun and Zhang Qingyuan After discussing it, I decided to check it out.

Although Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt something wrong with this,

But there was no objection.

After all, Yuzhou,

It's another hometown of my own.

It would be the best if the source of this strange turmoil could be resolved.

In the days since his return, wherever you pass by, you can see the crowd of monks converge into an invisible escape team. There is chaos everywhere, and the whole world is shrouded in chaotic killing. Among,

In his perception, Yuzhou's heaven and earth qi machine had become chaotic.

Don’t look at him during the time he came back,

It seemed that there was no attack from the tide of monsters and monsters, and the sect seemed to be stable.

But that’s because the Yunshui Sect stands at the pinnacle of the Yuzhou cultivation world.

As the largest sect in Yuzhou, if Yunshui Sect cannot maintain the stability of the core area within the sect, then the entire Yuzhou is reduced to a **** raging by aliens.

That was the great Yuzhou cultivation world, where human beings have completely failed, and there is no place where there is no stability.

Yunshuizong is an exception.

In fact,

The entire Yuzhou cultivation world,

In addition to the sphere of influence that Dao Zun of the realm of Wanhua sits in,

The rest of the place is almost messed up into a pot of porridge!

Even the Beixuan Gate with four cultivators from the realm of Dongzhen was driven to the land of the South China Sea.

The pressure faced by the other small and large family powers scattered throughout the vast Yuzhou area, those small and medium-sized family sects that generally do not have the monks of the real world, and occupy the mainstream of the Yuzhou cultivation world, can be imagined. !

Since the appearance of the alien demon a hundred years ago, the situation in the Yuzhou cultivation world has reached an extremely dangerous level.

Today's Zhang Qingyuan, with the growth of his cultivation, he feels the movement of heaven and earth, and his disposition has become more and more indifferent.


In the case of ability,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't mind helping out either.

He didn't want to, after all,


My hometown in this world has been reduced to a scorched earth where humans have disappeared and different demons and beasts are rampant.


All be careful!

The ancestors of Danyang, Xuan Su Dao Zun and Zhang Qingyuan secretly glanced at each other and nodded slightly.

"Heiyuan Forbidden Land, Golden Sage, are you sure that this is the source of the alien demon?"

It was the ancestor of Danyang who said the sound.

His eyes were looking at the dark sky ahead, his brows frowned slightly.

Black Abyss Forbidden Land,

It is the oldest and most mysterious terrible forbidden place on the land of Yuzhou!

The mystery is so ancient that even the founder of the Yunshui sect, there are not many records about it, only know that this forbidden area has been traversed there 10,000 or 20,000 years ago!

According to some monks’ speculation,

That vast black abyss is the trace left over from a fight against a great supernatural power that was unimaginable ten to twenty thousand years ago!

This black abyss,

It is a horrible place where spiritual energy is forbidden, and life is extinct!

All day long shrouded by the dark sky,

Even if it’s divine consciousness,

It can't spread and detect!


Contains great horror!

When any creature enters, there is no going out!

Even if you are on the periphery, you will be contaminated with an inexplicable curse, and if you come back by chance, you will die of madness!

According to historical records, there were once cultivators from the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm teamed up to investigate, but after entering, they were like a mud cow into the sea, and no more news came out, shaking the entire Yuzhou cultivation world!

And after that,

Black Abyss Forbidden Land,

It has also become a forbidden place for death that everyone talks about!

"Yes, this is the source of that strange demon."

Jin Sheng Dao Zun nodded, his face solemn and authentic.

"Outsiders only know that the Black Abyss Forbidden Land is in or out. Even if the existence of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm enters, it will fall into it, but they don't know that the Black Abyss Forbidden Land was the place where my ancient Five Elements Sect's sect resided. !"

"According to the records of the ancestors of the sect, the ancestors invaded the world and harmed the world. The ancestors fought against foreign enemies and finally defeated them. They had to seal the remaining invaders and the great demon among the aliens into the five elements of the sect. In the world."

"And this piece of land has also encountered the curse of spurn by the heavens and the earth. Since then, if someone enters by mistake, it will be contaminated with the curse and ignorance!"

With the narration of Jin Sheng Dao Zun,

The gloomy sky ahead, lightning and thunder, it seems that a certain will is generating an unimaginable anger!

"In that case, how did you discover it? The horror of the Black Abyss Forbidden Land, even the existence of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm has fallen into it. I don’t believe that you have that kind of heart to save the world, so I risked my life to go here in person. Take a look!"

The ancestor Danyang's face was calm and he couldn't see any expressions.

Although they are willing to contribute to the survival of Yuzhou,

But this does not mean that

It can be easily calculated by others!

"Because of Huangtianjiao!"


"That's right! Even though the Great War finally destroyed the sacred religion, some remnants survived. These remnants are also the craziest group of people who want to take refuge in the underlings of different demons and dream of immortality!"

Jin Sheng Dao Zun's face was solemn, and there was an unquestionable affirmation in his words.

"A hundred years ago, when the evil disaster reappeared, I guessed that it was most likely that the remnants of the holy gods were manipulating behind them, so I tracked down all the way, and finally found their nest until recently!"

"It's the Forbidden Area of ​​the Black Abyss!"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. Once you enter the black abyss, there is death and no life. This forbidden place has become their nest and their biggest shelter!"

"I don't know what the remnants of Huangtianjiao have researched over the years, but I know that the outbreak of the evil disaster is their activity that unlocked part of the seal that sealed the Five Elements Realm in the black abyss. , So that the devilish energy leaked, and finally caused this catastrophe!"


In the dark,

Jin Sheng Dao Zun moved forward cautiously, his eyes scanned around.

at this time,

The roaring and roaring sounded one after another, and the black fishy wind rushed towards the face, but it was a hideous monster, exuding a terrifying aura, and lingering around!

It can be seen that flowing down from the sharp teeth of the beast, corrosive saliva drips on the ground, dripping the ground into bowls of potholes, and the crazy eyes are full of crazy colors!

Walking in this terrifying group of alien beasts, even as the Golden Sage Dao Zun standing on the top of Jade Island, he felt a sense of danger and anxiety at this moment!


Go forward carefully.

The strange beasts stepped aside one after another, eager to try, but under an irresistible order, their dissatisfaction withdrew.

"You came!"

At the end of the passage, a figure wearing a black robe, the whole person shrouded in a cloak, was standing quietly with his back facing him, like a black hole in the perception.

And in front of the black robe figure,

There stands a huge pyramid building!

On several faces of the pyramid building, a kind of dense, compact, neat, mysterious and mysterious rune was inscribed!

The runes are intertwined, and some incomprehensible power is gathered, forming a huge deep black ball of light at the top of the pyramid, as if the pattern is outside the sky and the earth, reflecting the sky, separated by millions and tens of millions of miles away. And the things that look like road signs are echoing each other!

Jin Sheng Dao Zun just glanced at the dark pyramid,

The line of sight is again on the figure in front of you,

Deep in the eyes,

It is a deep fear!

"Yes, I'm here."

"According to the agreement, I have brought those people here, what should I do?"

Jin Sheng Dao Zun said calmly,

Keep your eyes alert,

The jealousy in his eyes, without the slightest concealment.

Have to be afraid,

This person,

It’s not an ordinary person,

The other party's existence is probably the oldest existence in the Yuzhou cultivation world!

Whether it was him, Beihan Palace, or Yunshuizong, when they were young, the other party had already suppressed the existence of the entire Yuzhou land!

The leader of the sacred religion!

Thousands of years ago, it triggered internal turmoil in the sacred religion, which eventually led to the birth of the terrifying monster in the sacred world, and the one who detonated the war!

At the time of cooperation a thousand years ago Jin Sheng Dao Zun vaguely perceives the terribleness of this person, because it has been directly cut off contact in the past and stayed away.

Although working with them this time, we are ready to kill people with the knife and completely solve the Yunshui Sect.

But Jin Sheng Dao Zun does not guarantee,

Will the other party also make a shot at himself?

after all,

The thoughts of these lunatics,

It is always unimaginable.

"Very well, with the blood stains of four cultivators of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm, this time, it will definitely succeed!"

Under the black robe figure, a scarlet light flashed.

"If they want to enter the Holy Demon Realm, they must divide their troops into three groups and destroy the three bases of the Heaven, Earth and Humans. Only then can they open the entrance to the Holy Demon Realm."


There are still a thousand words here,

There are still a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, here There are a thousand words, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, and there are A thousand words, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here Words, here are a thousand words, here are a thousand words, here are a thousand words, here are a thousand words, here are a thousand words, here are a thousand words, There are still a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, here There are a thousand words, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, and there are A thousand words, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here,

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