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ps: Don't subscribe when you see this line of words, there are still a thousand words left.


at the same time,

the other side,

A stronghold on the periphery of the Black Abyss forbidden area.

"For the holy religion, long live!"

On the ground, a man in a black-bottomed green-patterned costume screamed frantically, with a fanatical faith on his face, and he rushed into the sky regardless of his rampage.

At the same time, the whole person inflated like a balloon in mid-air,

In front of those figures who rushed into the air, there was a loud bang, and a terrifying explosion instantly swept away. The energy swept across the void like a tsunami, sweeping hundreds of square meters of space around it!



This explosive force is enough to explode and collapse a mountain. When it reaches the three figures above the sky, it is repelled by an invisible force. Without any resistance, it is crushed and crushed. !

Just like a wave hitting the reef with fierce aura, it couldn't shake the opposite side at all, instead, he hit a rock like an egg, hitting his body to pieces.


This did not even hit the morale of the monks in the stronghold below. Seeing that the missionary leader appeared for the great cause of the sacred education, several people shouted the slogan of Long live the sacred religion, turning into a escape light and bursting over. , I want to drag those figures in the sky to **** together!

"These guys!"

High above the sky,

Even Xuan Su Dao Zun, who has a lot of knowledge and few things that can change his mind, can't help but feel a little moved at this moment!


Flicked out,

I don’t see any changes,

But under that palm, the space with a radius of thousands of meters seemed to be covered by an invisible air machine. The invisible and intangible force made the space tumbling, surging, and collapsing inward!


The figure that rushed forward was directly lifted out, and the power of the law was intertwined into a net, directly sealing the power of a few people!

at the same time,

In a single thought, I couldn't see the intangible consciousness sweeping away, and those cultivators who were fleeing like headless flies not far from the stronghold were also caught back by an invisible big hand.

It seems that not all the monks of the Desolate Heaven Sect in this stronghold are mad believers.

Some of them are joined for profit or for other reasons, and not everyone can cause suicide attacks without any problems.


Whether it's a fight to the death, or find the right time to run away from the monk,

In front of the three giants in the realm of Wanhua, there is no way to make any waves.

In just a few breaths,

The stronghold that was discovered by the Yunshuizong trio, which was suspected of being the remnants of Huangtian Sect, was suppressed.

The ancestor of Danyang did not stay in the slightest,

He directly grabbed a black-bottomed red-patterned dress, which seemed to be the remnant of the boss's horrible religion, and began to search for his soul.

"It seems that the old ghost of Jin Sheng may have concealed and calculated something, but it is still as he said in general. This Yuzhou Devil's Disaster, it is really the remnants of these ridiculous gods who are doing a ghost!"

After counting interest,

When Danyang's ancestor searched the divine consciousness sea of ​​the remnants of the ridiculous religion one after another, and got the information in the opponent's mind, his expression was a bit ugly.

"How could the Huangtian Sect, which was almost extinct in the past, cause such a big trouble?"

Xuan Su Dao Zun frowned slightly.

In the last battle thousands of years ago, he also participated in the war, and after that he gained great benefits, and finally broke through and promoted to the realm of ten thousand transformations.

During that battle, after almost exhausting all the strengths of the Jade Island cultivation world, even with the efforts of the monks who were unwilling to take refuge in the alien demon and turned into running dogs, the lunatics were almost wiped out. How could such a big mistake be made?


These are but the remnants of the Desolate Religion of the True Origin Realm,

How to resist this curse between heaven and earth?

Xuan Su Dao Zun frowned slightly, and his palm squirmed in the void, and a trace of gray energy around his body was captured and photographed, lingering between his fingertips like a substance, like a small living creature. The snake, twisting and struggling, exudes a weird breath!

This is the curse between this world!

Or in other words,

Condensed into a real calamity!

In the past, the reason why low-level monks entered the periphery of the Black Abyss Forbidden Land, and died soon after going out because of this kind of accident, it is precisely because of the heaven and earth robbery that the monks below the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm could not observe. The existence of qi!

In front of the evil spirits that these low-level cultivators could not observe,

The fatal danger caused by the catastrophe comes, such as getting into trouble while practicing, encountering robbers when going out, being affected by powerful battles, and even ordinary discussions with Dao friends, and they will kill themselves because of the opponent's failure!

This kind of situation is like bad luck and death is coming,

For ordinary people, it is naturally a terrifying curse!

"Someone has set up a large formation that covers almost the entire Black Abyss forbidden area around here, so that they can avoid the power of the heaven and the earth!"

Zhang Qingyuan feels different,

Separated from the air, he grabbed the identity token on the corpse of a Huangtianjiao and placed it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

Looking at the mysterious runes on the token, while perceiving the soul, this token Mingming is connected with the unimaginable huge aura on the ground, allowing the owner of the token to avoid the day. Surrounded by evil spirits.

And such an identity token, in the Huangtianjiao's remnant in this stronghold, everyone has one.

"This formation is simply incredible!" Gu

Zhang Qingyuan raised his head.

Looking at the sky far away,

There was a faint white light in the pupils of the eyes,

With the guidance of the token, the spirit of the spirit seemed to penetrate the entire universe, and saw the huge array that was almost embedded in the entire Black Abyss forbidden area, covering a radius of more than 100,000 miles!

Even with Zhang Qingyuan’s general formation, he felt shocking and terrible!

It is simply unimaginable!

"Such a large formation covering the world, I am afraid it is the formation of the Daoist in the realm of ten thousand transformations, and it needs to be arranged for hundreds of thousands of years!"

The Danyang Taoist ancestor on the side heard the words,

Seems to have thought of something,

His complexion suddenly changed!

And Xuan Su Dao Ancestor on the side was originally a little puzzled.

But suddenly he came back to his senses, and his complexion changed drastically!

The two looked at each other,

The face was full of horror.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan asked aloud in doubt.

"If this is the case, then I am afraid that person is not dead yet!"

Danyang ancestor's face was unprecedentedly solemn and authentic.

And Xuan Su Dao Zun on the side,

The complexion is even more ugly,

Without waiting for Zhang Qingyuan to ask carefully, he took the initiative to explain the truth:

"Thousands of years ago, the leader of Huangtian Sect would rather not want to go one step further, immortal, be deceived by the strange demons sealed in the wild world, and fall into the magic way, triggering the great change that changed the situation of the entire Yuzhou cultivation world a thousand years ago!"

"At that time, the devastation was raging, even worse than it is today!"

"In order to extinguish that disaster, the monks of almost the entire Jade Island cultivation world have united, especially the ancient five elements and one line. They used the means left by their ancestors to suppress and seal the great demon that ravaged Yuzhou again, and put it down. The demon chaos on the land of Yuzhou has ended."

"Then, it was the culprit in that great change, the leader of Huangtian Sect would rather never return!"

"Originally thought that under the strong strength of the alliance, dealing with someone should be like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves..."

Speaking of which,

Taoist Xuan Su paused.

Even after a thousand years have passed, looking back on that day, there is still a shock!

Danyang ancestor on the side,

The complexion has changed slightly,


The battle that year gave them too many bad memories!

"However, the leader of the Huangtian Sect would rather never know what chance he got during that great change, and his strength has become extremely terrifying!"

"In the final battle in which the leader of Huangtianjiao would rather never be besieged, the entire Yuzhou eleven Wanhua teamed up to besiege, but in the fierce battle, he killed three people on the spot! Several people were severely injured and lost their combat effectiveness. The rest are all injured!"

"In the end, the two Supreme ancestors of Huangtianjiao couldn't bear the destruction of Yuzhou, and they rushed up with the determination of death and blew themselves up, dragging the badly injured Ningfu to go to Huangquan Hell together!"

"After that battle, several old seniors also suffered from serious injuries, and they went into slack."

Between talking,

Xuan Su Dao Zun looked at Zhang Qingyuan intentionally.

"You are the only ancestor of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm of the Xuanshui Sect, which is your ancestor Hongyuan, who was also hit hard to heal during that Not long after leaving your master, he sat down and left..."

"Back then, the Xuanshui Sect itself had already begun to feel lonely. There were not even a few monks in the cave realm inside the door. After that great change, they were almost killed and wounded. For this reason, Senior Hongyuan found me and waited for it. Since then, Xuanshui Sect has been merged into Yunshui Sect."

"At this time, after thousands of years, there are not many people who know the inside story, and Master and I have been in retreat for many years, and there are few directors. It has made you work hard all these years!"

Speaking of this, Xuan Su Dao Zun nodded towards Zhang Qingyuan with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Brother don't need to be sorry, this matter has nothing to do with senior brother."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head.

The fact that I was suppressed back then could not have anything to do with these two ancestors who were already ignoring and were basically practicing in retreat.

not to mention,

After beheading Lu Tianxu that year,

There used to be the existence of Wanhua progression,

It was the two ancestors who helped themselves block it.

The grievances are clear,

This is the principle of Zhang Qingyuan's life.

Taoist Xuan Su nodded,

After these days of exchanges, he also knows that Zhang Qingyuan is a person, so he will not emphasize this matter anymore.

"So, what the brother meant is to suspect that the leader of the ridiculous heavenly religion would rather not die?"


Speaking of this person, not only the Taoist Xuansu but also the ancestor of Danyang, the expression on his face is extremely solemn.


There are still a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, here There are a thousand words, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, there are a thousand words here, and there are A thousand words,

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